Wednesday 14 September 2016

Our Physical Bodies Are Just Vehicles for the Soul To Use.

A car is a vehicle and we get in it and drive around, when we have finished driving and maybe get fed up with the car ,we exit the vehicle and perhaps choose another one then drive that. This is the exact same thing that happens to us as well! The similarities are starring you in the face ,if  we have but eyes to see.
The soul or higher self needs a vehicle to express itself in this dense physical realm,(that's where we come in) we are the vehicles and our born on this physical plane and "driven" around for three score years or more, then we exit the vehicle (die) and return to our Higher self (the real you) and not the card board cut out that so many of us are, or were.
Meditation can reveal some intuitive ideas to us that are astounding, and expand our consciousness and inner perceptions to such a point that they can seem completely unbelievable at first, like  the idea that when you look "out" at the night sky and see the stars and planets there,they are actually within you,and not Out there! In fact it suggests very strongly that out "there" is an illusion and has actually never existed in reality ,and  never will either. When we look out there where do we actually see it ,in  our brain, and where is the brain?
When we look within we are actually tapping into a fundamental reality that escapes most of the human race, myself included for most of my life. I call it Internity  ( state of being within interiority)
The depths within are infinite and absolute,the inner journey to Wholeness and Beingness continue for as long as we tread the pathway upon this evolutionary arc of expansion and Real-lization.
warmest regards Michael.

1 comment:

  1. just 12seconds inward concentration: extending to 2 minutes& then to 28minutes intense concentration is all that is required!whereas for a sadhak/seeker takes about 4hrs 30 minutes for the same!
