In meditation deep over the last four decades it has been presented to me the following sequence of how the physical expression of tangible life has unfolded from within the momentary pause that occurred when the involutionary sequence had reached its zenith and all the principles that were to be unfolded after the momentary pause when the evolutionary cycle then began (the one we are on now).
If I now fast forward a few billion years and arrive at the point that us as humanity are presented the following images were shown over a period ,A living Jewel was seen in a light that cannot exist on this earth plane ,it was Absolutely Pure White Light (Pure meaning that it cannot exist at this gross level and that it has NO prismatic emanations as does sunlight here on earth ,there are none 7 colours within it ,It stands alone in Awesome purity).
It was revealed that we are all facets of the ONE Jewel ,so that all the billions of us here are all facets each showing a side (facet) of that one Being in our own unique way.
The word JEWEL was broken down to spell out this sequence;Joining-Energy-With-Expressed-Love =Jewel.
A facet is "cut" to reveal and increase its ability to reflect light,when we share with each other deeply that light from our facet reveals a darkened place within our friend and illuminates them and that how we grow and blossom,share with our brothers and sisters and reveal the hidden light within and reflect that awesome Jewel we all are facets of.
warmest regards Michael
u are the true 'reflection' of THAT jewel!