Thursday 29 September 2016

Final Analysis.

I would like to present what I call the final analysis of expression and in-form-ation,I am suggesting that we we,and all that is manifest within the universe, are the result of the crystallization of thought.
Thoughts made manifest crystallized into form by "intention and will "an  idea becomes in-formed
(formed from within)and emerges into "physical reality" the intangible becomes tangible.
All "ideas" of the Absolute become immutable universal laws once crystallized,when we are able to gaze very deeply into "form "we  will eventually "see" the idea behind the presenting form!
What this suggests is that we are indelibly linked and part of the whole ,each  of us connected and interconnected with the "whole idea" of manifested form-ation!
I believe that we shall see the day and it is not far off ,when  mainstream science and physics, realize what has been known for centuries by some,that  matter and energy are all the out workings of thought,pure and simple!
All the militant materialists will have to be  re-educated into the reality of form and how ideation and intent crystallize into matter and energy.
On the periphery creeping slowly inwards is the idea that thought lies at the back of matter,many scientists already have this notion,so do a few physicists,there numbers are steadily growing,soon these militant materialists will find their services surrounded by their alleged colleagues ,who will be calling a very different tune indeed. They will find their tired and worn out claptrap will be resigned to the dustbin for recycling into something useful for once.
Patterns exist everywhere if we could  but see them, take water for instance water freezing on a glass resembles ferns! the crystallization of the liquid reveals some "hidden intent"vouchsafed within the water! Embedded within all matter is the idea of form-il-zation,is that not now crystal clear??
Crystalsgive form to elements ,they provide a body for expressing elemental form? We are made up from the elements,earth,air,fire, and water,all express crystalline form! Need we say more?
 warmest regards Michael.

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