Wednesday 21 September 2016

Hidden In Plain Sight.

A favourite story I love that beautifully illustrates the title of this here blog is this, "two  little fish were swimming along together when all of a sudden a big fish swam up to them and said ,I  am looking for the water do you know where it can be found?" Are we not all like this big fish?
Teachings that go back thousands of years have all said much the same thing,that truth and reality are hidden from us in plain sight, if we but had eyes to see!
What then does plain sight actually mean  then ,it  means basically and fundamentally everything you see in your daily life ,at  work ,rest ,or play, the phone you clutch tightly all day long ,the  food you eat, the chair you sit on ,the  flowers you admire in the garden ,what  have they all got in common?
What they all have in common is that they are all made of exactly the same Thing, so to is your body what they are all made of is Energy ,living  intelligent energy, everything that you have ever seen,
touched ,heard  is all the same. What we "see" on the surface is only a outer showing of an inner reality,Quantum physics has now discovered that this inner reality of all appearances are exactly the same thing ,they  have just caught up with the ancient wisdom which is thousands of years old.
We rush around in endless circles looking for the answer that will release us from this treadmill many of us our on ,and  set us free. We all live in an infinite ocean of liquid energy ,that  will directly reflect back to us what we give out,so if we give out negativity we get it back on the next "tide" so  we need to beware what we send out, kindness and love  reap their own reward. It is said in the Good Book that God said to an anguished soul," I AM, closer to you than your hands and feet ,and  you knew me not!" How many of us are like that today? As Quantum physics is now showing in non duality "the everywhere and no where man ,I t suggest that time and space are illusions cast over our misty vision ,and  that reveals that the spirit of what we all our, fills us all completely like a vessel filled to the brim with liquid? The spirit or God is not lost, we are ,look  within and find the peace that is your birth right to claim, outside ,is an illusion ,there  is only within..
with warmest regards Michael.

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