Tuesday 31 March 2020

Away From Reason And Into Despair. A F R A I D .

There has been much fear and foreboding being generated by this corona-virus panic, and we
are not being told the full facts and figures as to what is truly going on, many deaths being
attributed to the corona virus is not entirely accurate,because many of those who died have
severe underlying health problems,and it was this that killed them, and not the virus! I would
sincerely urge all those reading this, to do some research yourself into this, and if you do you
will see the reports of many experts in disease some who are professors of medicine and disease
control who paint an entirely different picture than the one currently being presented,one
interesting note is that we would all most likely test positive for (A) corona virus and the corona
virus affects most people on this planet,and we never know its there,unless it grows bigger
within us, Covid 19 is just another strain of the same virus family we all have within us,the
common flu is one of these.
On average according to the national office of statistics in the UK around 10500 people die
every day, and the yearly death toll in the UK is 500.000, so thousands die every day here in the
UK, millions die every day worldwide, so we need to have a sense of perspective here, to try and
take a balanced look at what is happening, and let go of all our fears and forebodings.
We are being bombarded by government adverts every fifteen minutes repeating the same mantra
Stay indoors, save the NHS, we are being treated like brain dead morons, we don't need to be
reminded dozens of times a day, by a government minister who look like an advert for the grim
reaper, if this pandemic increases by the way they are predicting, what next can we expect? A
message from the PM ringing a bell and saying  bring out your dead!!
This crisis brings out the very best in us,I know this personally as our two close neighbours have
both offered to shop for us,as we have no car, i am most grateful for their kind offer, this crisis
brings out the worst in us as well, with selfishness running rampant at supermarkets and other stores
where panic buying has seen many tempers being displayed.
What do you think will happen when they produce a vaccine for this virus? Will there be an orderly
queue everyone waiting in line for theirs? Or will many be crushed underfoot by the fear and panic
and selfishness of those who mean to get their jab first.?
Warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 30 March 2020


We are all just a facet sized atom of the ONE Inscrutable Infinite Absolute SELF. Locked
within our inner matrix is a homing beacon which is our eternal connection to the Absolute
SELF. This connection is linked into all the five sheaths or expressions within their
dimensional levels.Because of this indestructible and eternal link we all have to the Absolute
SELF, we can never ever become lost or forgotten cast adrift upon an ocean of despair,although
many of us can actually feel this, as though it were true, I for one have felt the desperate despair
and utter desolation and isolation from life and any support,but although these feelings feel very
real at the time,they also teach us a valuable lesson.
By turning inwards I discovered that it was totally impossible ever to be disconnected from the
WHOLE. It is just our ignorance of who we really are  which then becomes our worst enemy
particularly when in a crisis or times of trial.
The fact is that we (humanity) are all eternal beings experiencing the experiences of being a
relative embodied soul, who then identifies itself as that of being a human being, and then the
ego tricks the being (you dear reader) into the idea that the physical body is really all you are.
This is a lie that needs dispelling and expunged from your consciousness.It is the lie of the ego
that fears loosing its vice like grip over you if you start looking within yourself and meditating
it fears that you might begin realising that you are far more than just a flesh and blood being.
When we can sit quietly relax and go within ourselves we can begin exploring this vast infinite
ocean of consciousness that exist therein.
Sitting there in the inner silence we gradually become sensitive to the inner energies that are
much more subtle than the external energies that we are all used to.Here relaxed in this inner
silence we can tune into and gradually become aware of an inner pulsation this inner pulsation
is that of the homing beacon that is vouchsafed within every being on this planet without
exception,this homing beacon is none other than the SELF, acting upon its atom particle
that is embedded within your soul and inner matrix, if we listen to that inner OM that
reverberates within us, it will lead us into a journey of SELF-discovery.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 29 March 2020


We are all sapient beings hidden from inner knowing by a veil of ignorance that shields us
from accessing the inner wisdom we all possess. The SELF which is indeed inscrutable and
also completely unknowable by the lower mind and human reason, is in fact posited within
the living matrix of every sapient 'human being. This particle of the SELF can be likened to
that of an atom a self atom that is a spark  of the ONE-SELF placed within each and every
expression of ITS-SELF.
'WE' are all basically ;echos of the void', the void being that place-less place that
dimensionless nothingness that holds the all sequence within its space-less void.
The void is absolute infinite potentiality unrealised,and is beyond mortal comprehension.
Yet 'we' have all arisen from that absolute void and deep within us all we resonate with its
vibration-less trill,deep within our matrix we know and bow to that void with a respect of
inner knowingness.
Mankind reflects the inscrutable self and this reflection therefore echos a shadow image of
itself ,which we call the lower self , which is our ego and personality,this is further
compounded by what we call our individuality.
We spend many many lifetimes or incarnations dwelling solely within the lower self, it is only
when we reach a point in our evolution where we have experienced many major and minor
crisis, that we then begin to take the next step in our evolution and begin the process of looking
within ourselves,and therefore beginning to loosen the vice like grip of the ego,that has
controlled us from ages past.
In our evolutionary arc of ascension the ego has compounded our ignorance by informing
us of the many things we know, it is not until we can release the vice like grip of the ego
and let go of all this so-called knowing things stuff, and instead begin by embracing the
spirit of humility and recognise that we know NOTHING WHATSOEVER. Then when we
humbly embrace our knowing of nothing, we then open the inner door that will reveal the ALL.
In part two will go further into this.       warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 28 March 2020

Folded As Coherent Energy Transforming Self F A C E T S Part Two.

'We' are all enfolded as coherent living conscious energy,tapering downwards through several
dimensions of expression each expression wrapped around and over the next lower vibration
expression until we arrive at the lowest density level which is here upon the physical form
which is here on this Earth.
We all taper downwards (gradually lowering vibrations) from the infinite ocean of consciousness
ans exit this ocean via a singularity point of reference. Each human being is its own singularity
reference point, which amounts to over seven and a half billion reference points.
Each reference point (which is you dear reader of this blog) is in fact a facet of the ONE living
We could be also termed as that of 'Jewel-ets' particles of the ONE WHOLE. We are like the
atoms, all points referencing the whole picture.
We are all here to make the gradual ascension back up through the several dimensions of being
and finally realising that of the SELF being who you really are,
But before we can do that we need to first realise the reality of being a human being,and letting
go of our animal nature,then when we have ascended into full human-hood, we then go within
and begin the process of realising our very own divine immortal soul.
Then when we have achieved this major milestone in our individual ascension process,we can
then pay our full attention  to finding and revealing that Living JEWEL that resides within us
all, which is no other than that of the absolute SELF,or GOD for short.
Therefore here on one page is the ascension process that every human being will ultimately
take,whether it takes another billion years or not, we can all DELAY this process, that is our
privilege,however karma will be forever on your heels,suggesting rather strongly at times, that
we need to change ourselves and look within. We can delay the process, but we are powerless
to prevent it coming about within our consciousness and inner perspectives.
We are all coherent beings living upon this planet, however the way many of us live and behave
selfishly and very ego centred,this causes disruptions within our living energy coherence, we begin
to become incoherent and that reveals itself as illness and dis-ease.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 27 March 2020

Folded As coherent Energy Transforming Self F A C E T S

We are all facets of the ONE JEWEL (GOD)  intelligent energy spiralling downwards (lower
vibrations) and held within a vortex of rotating energy and eventually funnelled out into a
singularity point of reference, which is then firmly anchored into the physical dimension
of Earth within the crown and heart chakras.
Our physical bodies are the only body that is visible to our physical eyes,however our third
eye when opened can see much further into the inner expressions of the being presented as
a facet.
Our etheric and astral bodies are mostly unknown by mankind,let alone the other higher
expressions which eventually reveal the higher self the soul, and ultimately reveal the SELF.
We all come from SOURCE and all eventually all return to SOURCE, in between these two
points is aeons of unimaginable time where we have experienced ALL that can ever be
experienced by a living force.
Now we have all surfaced within an awakening of our I AM self consciousness, we are all
aware of our selves,however this awareness is only limited to that of our lower self, and NOT
our HIGHER SELF, which is the JEWEL, the lower self I AM consciousness is only a
FACET of this INFINITE JEWEL,in order to make that momentous discovery of our
higher SELF, we need many lifetimes and many incarnations upon this planet, gathering
as much experience as we can muster in order for this ultimate transfiguration of our lower
self consciousness, into our higher self consciousness.
Here I would like to inject a quote from H P Blavatsky,quote "Strengthen your soul against
the stalking of your "I" make her worthy to bear the name Diamond Soul"unquote, The "I"
that stalks the soul is the EGO , the lower self that feels threatened when you go within
and begin making inroads into finding out who you really are. The Diamond Soul is the one
that has polished its facet sufficiently enough that it begins to radiate an inner light that begins
to open up its consciousness into dimensions of awareness and perceptions that were previously
denied to it.
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Soul Realisation.

Thursday 26 March 2020

Transcendent Eternal's Expressing Mankind Sequentially. T E E M S Part Two,

There is so much about us that we do not know,where do we all  go to at night when in deep
sleep? What happens when we die? Who am I really? Is reincarnation true? Each night we all
visit what is known as the astral realms , and there meet up with many other souls, yet most of
us never remember this,because a curtain comes down very shortly after we wake up, and
wipes the memory slate clean.We can though train ourselves to remember where we have been
simply by having a notebook and pen beside the bed, and immediately upon waking,before you
rush to the loo,jot down all the thoughts in your head as fast as you can,there is only a window
of opportunity opened for no more than five minutes from waking, if you practice doing this
daily,you will begin to build up a picture of what you are doing and also who you are seeing,
like anything in life,practice make perfect.Sleep is called the first cousin of death because
each night we die in the physical plane, and are awakened in the astral plane, then are reborn
again back into physical plane consciousness. So by the time we really  do die (change venues)
for real,we will be well used to the process, and those souls who dwell there.
If we spent a fraction of the time we all spend looking outward and instead looked inward, we
would all be much wiser in the understanding of who we really are.
Now the world is full of souls that have no interest in immortality , or whether they are souls or
not,those souls will never read this blog, maybe in several more life times and many more arising
crisis in their lives, then they may well look within themselves for the answer. You now dear
reader are reading this today, therefore you have an inner question that you want answering,
All physical human on this planet is here for just one REASON and only ONE REASON only
and that is to fully WAKE UP  and recognise who and what you exactly are. Now in order to
achieve this we have to spend many life time incarnations here on Earth, being both male and
female, to experience being well and sick, rich and poor,happy and sad,feel pain and agony,
laughter and joy,When we have experienced these things many times over,then the waking
process begins in earnest,we then instinctively turn inwards and begin the process of making
connections to the higher energies that exist deep within us all.This inner activity will begin to see
and realise your very own immortality, we begin to realise and understand that yes, we are all the
Eternal's here on Earth.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Transcendent Eternal's Expressing Mankind Sequentially. T E E M S

Behind the thin veneer of our physical bodies,which are kindly loaned to us by the Earth
mother Gaia, beneath this facade of form, lies a transcendent eternal being which we often
refer to as the Divine immortal Soul.
We all have shape and form,which to us as immortal souls or spirit is a rather unique
experience, because in our natural state of being we are formless and intangible, and if we
ever wish to reveal our presence to another being it will be done telepathically or as shown
as a sphere of light of varying hues.
In truth or reality human beings exist only as a vehicle for the eternal's to gain purchase here
on this planet Earth, that is all a 'human being' actually is, a vehicle somewhat similar to the
car you drive to work your car vehicle is made of pressed tin and rubber,your physical vehicle
is a biological machine, with a brain that is a biological computer.
We are  ALL-CONNECTED to each other by a coherent correspondence which acts as a
mirror reflecting each other making the illusion of the many, from the Absolute ONE. this
acts like an echo of previosity, that when we begin looking within ourselves, we seem to
remember other lives and other states of being.
We mostly live in the shadow of our own ignorance, this ignorance displays itself in our
belief that the physical body is actually who we are, which of course is totally false and
untrue, but because we buy into this illusion hook line and sinker,we therefore become
lost within ourselves and then fail to make those most vital connections.
Within our essence of expressed life we are invisible intangible incorporeal intelligent
energy,formless and shapeless,we each have a task before us, this task is simply to be able
to fully re-cognise our soul/spirit as it really IS while being encased within a physical vehicle
and herein lies the problem we all encounter, which is full and total acceptance that our physical
bodies is who we all truly are.
It takes an innumerable amount of incarnations to finally make and fully realise this most vital
of all our connections.
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 24 March 2020

The Way Is Grey. T W I G Part Two.

In part two of this blog 'The way Is Grey' I want to venture into what this title spells out,which
is the word TWIG, a twig is part of a branch and a branch is part of a tree, so what sort of tree
am I meaning here? Well to me the word twig is part of a branch and that branch is part of a tree,
and that tree is the TREE OF LIFE  in which we are all firmly planted within,its ancient echo
resounds all the way back to that 'fabled' garden of EDEN.
The Tree of life has its roots firmly embedded within the Earth,and this is what we all
physically consist of which is Earth, we are the Planet Earth raised out of the ground and
mobilised into physical form , we are the consciousness of the planet localised in physical
form,this is why if we are not grounded  into the Earth, by being outside and feeling the
grass beneath our feet, we become unbalanced and eventually ill, this is one of the main
reasons for global illness, our modern life style often excludes our access to being close to
the Earth,which if we can understand this to mean that this Earth is our MOTHER.
To be balanced we need to be rooted into the earth by our root Chakra, and also be embracing
the sky through our crown Chakra, then to add further balance and equilibrium by centring
ourselves within the heart Chakra , which is as mentioned yesterday the grey area which is
neither dark or light but rather a balanced combination of both.
Our physical bodies belong to this Earth, ashes to ashes,dust to dust,when we die(change venues)
we will no be allowed to take even ONE ATOM away with us from the Earth.
Our physical bodies are this planet becoming animated  by our physical shape and form, this
'loaning of its planetary matter' physical ATOMS allows us to become physical beings which
are relative in nature, and 'we'as spirit being which is Absolute, we therefore need the
sacrifice and the cooperation of this planet Earth which many know and call as that of Gaia.
'WE' are all absolute BEING (not beings) there is but ONE LIFE universally, as we are expressed
here by the generous sacrifice of Gaia, and further expressed as many facets of the one LIFE (the one
became the many) all of US are here grounded deeply within the Earth Mother, so that we can all
experience physical life in all its endless variable perspectives, and by doing so,KNOW ourselves
to be who and what we truly ARE.
warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 23 March 2020

The Way Is Grey. T W I G .

The way is the pathless path we all tread as we journey through our expressed physical
evolution. It is called the pathless path because we actually create it as we move forward
within our gathering of experiences. We each therefore create our own unique path through
our experiencing our experiences. In Buddhism there is the teaching of the middle way
between two extremes, the middle path  which to me equates directly to that of being neutral
and therefore centred within the middle of both positive and negative, where you are not for
anything or against anything , but rather remain neutral and have no opinion or offering any
Also in Buddhism there is the teachings of the 'wheel of life' and Karma , and that to get
eventually of the wheel we need to achieve perfect balance and equilibrium, therefore to
exhaust all our accredited Karma , wherein we then have no more need or compulsion to
reincarnate again here on Earth, We can move onto other avenues of experiences in other
dimensions of being.
The title of this blog today, The way is Grey,means that in order to find balance in our lives
we need to become neutral in our perspective. We can become unbalanced by moving in either
direction whether it be negative or positive, whether it be black or white both are extremes
if pursed far enough.
The neutral position lies within the heart Chakra there is the place of perfect balance and
equilibrium , our left hand represents the positive pole and the right hand represents the negative
pole . To find perfect balance in our lives we need to remain within the 'grey area' which is
therefore neither light positive or dark negative,GREY is a balanced mixture of those two
opposites. We can never become totally balanced and at deep peace and relaxation within
ourselves unless we become neutral within, the farther we venture into any direction from the
centre whether it be positive or negative we will gradually become unbalanced, and therefore
this can ultimately lead to physical,mental, or emotional illness and dis-ease.Our focus for a
healthy life is to try and stay centred within yourself, to embrace the grey area within you and
stay within and away from either end of the two polarities.
In part two will examine this further.     Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation/

Sunday 22 March 2020

Luminous Infinite Force Expressed. L I F E . Part Two.

Universal life is expressed in a myriad number of ways,we as this thing called humanity
are just one way of being expressed within countless other ways. When life is being expressed
as the word expression means, that it is in motion, all expressed life is in motion, which can be likened to that of poetry in motion, whereas life unexpressed is motionless and also therefore
Absolute, which can be likened to that of the Absolute Intelligence, or simply that of GOD.
We as being expressed emotional life are then relative and contained within  a duality based
temporal relative reality field.Our motions within our life stream are motioning backwards
and forwards within the two polarities that of the positive and negative poles.
In order to find balance and equilibrium we need to move into the centre region of our
expression which equals with that of neutrality  which is our heart centre,the heart centre
is neutral, the left hand represents the negative polarity,the right hand represents the positive
polarity, and the heart centre the neutral middle way or path.
If we go too far in any direction either negative or positive, we will automatically become
unbalanced, and if left unchecked we will become ill, either physically,mentally, or
emotionally, to remain healthy and balanced we need to keep as close to the heart centre as we
possibly can.
We may well ask ourselves the question, particularly when in times of crisis or trial,what is the
purpose of my life? Or maybe even what is the point in my life? The answer to that question is
first, there is no point in your life or anybody else's life, all life is eternal and therefore has zero
need of points.The purpose of your life however has just one basic and fundamental purpose
and that ONE PURPOSE is SOLELY  for you to find your immortal SOUL, which will then
lead onto the inner revelation of that you are in fact the SELF, which is the ONE-LIFE, the 
ALL LIFE that EXISTS. WE are ALL basically mirrors holograms of each other,the ONE SELF
posing as a multitude of facets of its ONE SELF,and each facet (or lower higher self) each
engaging in collecting its own image spectrum those experiences within its Earthly life time.
The SOLE reason we are all here on Earth is to reveal consciously that which you truly are
and that is an immortal being, and NOT a physical body vehicle,that actions solely as a vehicle
for the Divine occupant the SOUL.Then when you realise the reality of your divine immortal
soul, you will then further realise that your soul was ALSO just a vehicle for the SELF, which
is in short that of GOD.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Luminous Infinite Force Expressed. L I F E .

Life expressed means basically that it is in motion that it moves and is therefore relative.
We are all contained within our various shapes and forms, within a relative duality based
universe. Life that is in perpetual stillness is therefore Absolute, and only exists outside
this relative overshadowing physical universe, always in a motionless transcendent state.
'WE' all existed within this transcendent state before we were all cast 'out of Eden', by an
arising INTENTION -WAVE of the Absolute. We then went from absolute silence and
motionlessness stateless state, and were then launched  into the maelstrom of violent eddies
and chaotic motioning energy.
Another way of expressing the word LIFE is that of Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy which
is of course what we all are,we are living-intelligent-energy, that has got itself wrapped up
within and encapsulated within what we call that of a human being.
Human beings are really the name assigned to the vehicle in which we dwell within.
Human vehicles that use this physical body in order to create the necessary weight of gravity
to hold down and anchor us here on the Earth plane, so that we can experience life within a
physical form.
Our true nature is pure energy or consciousness which is intangible incorporeal  and never
physical, and cannot have any purchase here in this dense low vibration physical plane,without
the attachment of a physical body to weigh it down and also to provide substance in the form
of flesh and blood .
The life force that propels us through our emotional experiences has within it infinite power
and that we can all tap into this infinite power,if we take the time and effort to look within
ourselves and discover the true nature of our being.
The sole reason we are all here upon this school planet Earth,is for us to make all the necessary
connections to all the other expressions of life,then when we have made these connections, and
also see and actually experience mentally emotionally and spiritually also the interconnections
that exist within all life,we will then begin to ascend a steeper incline on our evolutionary arc.
Will look further into this in part two.         Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 20 March 2020

Seek Inner Life Engulfing Nothing Consciousness Enfolds Devotee..S I L E N C E D Part Two.

In order for us to find our true immortal identity, we need to be at least fairly devoted and
earnest in our quest. It requires a sustained focus and a willingness to uncover and reveal to
us what lies behind this facade of form? (Which is the physical body vehicle) If we devote
ourselves on the quest for inner knowing, we will never become disappointed with what we
will uncover within ourselves.
Th engulf nothing means to let go of any or all fixed ideas and thoughts of what lies within us,
just try and fully embrace the silence within you and the boundless dimension that lies within ourselves,that stretches out in all directions to infinity.
If we can embrace this nothingness we will find that  indeed this nothingness can reveal
much about our inner perceptions and self knowing. Our consciousness will become enfolded
around us like a comforting embracing loving intelligent higher self.,we will begin to realise
that we are always SAFE and SECURE within the infinite embrace of universal unconditional
love,no real harm can ever befall us, because we begin to fully realise who and what we really
are, and that is an immortal being,we will then fully understand that we are all eternal beings
which means we all live forever, so what in any name could possibly harm us as we can never
die or ever become extinguished ? We will then fully realise that our physical bodies are just
vehicles for the higher self to use, and gather experience of relative life upon this Earth plane.
The physical body will most certainly grow old wither and die, that is its sole purpose and it
is doing what infinite intelligence programmed it to do,it is just a biological machine with a
biological computer called the brain,which is manifested by infinite intelligence to permit that
higher energy life force which is the higher self to gain entrance here upon Earth, But we need
ever be MINDFUL that the physical body is NOT WHO YOU REALLY ARE!!!!! RATHER
You are an immortal being and will never taste the sting of death,because such a thing can never
occur within reality, death is an illusion, and an illusion that scares humanity into endless fears
and foreboding, The correct name for DEATH is CHANGE, when we change (die) we EXIT
our VEHICLES and move into conscious contact with the next dimension which is the ASTRAL
plane, where we will all go for a rest, before if needed to return and incarnate again here on Earth.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Seek Inner Life Engulfing Nothing Consciousness Enfolds Devotee, S I L E N C E D .

In our modern everyday world it seems that silence or the absence of sound is very rare indeed.
We seem to be completely surrounded by constant noise and sound pollution. Our mobile smart
phones are constantly buzzing with messages, most of them trivial advertising crap. It would seem
that silence is indeed a rare commodity in our modern world and particular within our cities, with
the constant noise of traffic.
Where can we find peace and inner silence? That is a good question, the answer lies in whether
we see any need for peace and silence in our lives, the fact is that we have become so addicted
to sound pollution, that silence can and does actually feel very unsettling to many,in particular
the younger generation, who have been brought up with almost constant noise since birth, and
when there is a prolonged silence,they become uneasy.
We are all very familiar with seeking out our outer life experiences, and do this every day
without hardly any thought about it, but how many of us have ever actually sought out our
inner life? How many of us are fully aware that we can switch of the flow of inner thoughts
whenever we will it to be so? How many of us have ever experienced a period of inner silence
without the interruption of a single thought? No that many I guess, but inner silence is indeed
a very valuable tool for our emotional and mental health welfare,Without a measure of inner
peace and serenity, we open ourselves up to emotional and mental fatigue,which if prolonged
leads to other more serious issues arising within us.
The old saying which proclaims the adage that silence is golden, is never more needed than today
with all our mental and emotional illnesses plus this current coronavirus which is instilling fear
within the hearts of the many, and fear lowers our resistance to disease,so the more fearful we become, we are in effect sending out a signal that "I am available to become infected"!!
If we can sit quietly and begin looking into ourselves, this very process will begin to relax you
slow down this constant surge of endless thoughts,we will begin to experience an inner silence
and inner peace. We will gradually begin to realise that we actually do possess such a thing as an inner life, and upon discovering this inner enchantment we will then be moving in a direction that
we will engulf the nothingness of all and that then our consciousness will enfold us and open up
that inner door more fully.
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

We Are Source Personified Sequentially W A S P S Part Two.

We as humanity are all sourced from the ONE-SOURCE of ALL life. The surprising thing is
that no matter how much we have discovered about life in our modern day science, no one on
Earth has ever SEEN what life actually IS. No human being has ever seen life, what we have
only ever seen is the outer form or shape that life is animating, but we have NEVER SEEN
the ANIMATOR, the one force that motions life into physical existence.
The power that motions through all expressed life is forever invisible and arises from within the Source, it cannot possibly arise from any other place in this universe,or any other multi-verse.
We all are personified LIFE-ENERGY sequentially being expressed at this point in our
evolutionary arc of ascendance as that of being self aware human beings.
We as this thing called humanity, have all reached a fundamental mile-stone in our evolutionary
ascension, we have that most fundamentally momentous addition to our living life signature
which is that of our 'I AM self aware consciousness, we now all have the ability if we so choose
to use it, of knowing who exactly we really are. We each now have the ability to be able to SELF
recognise the true nature of our beingness.
We can so if we choose to go within ourselves and investigate our true and immortal nature, we
can search out through inner inquiry the true nature of what our self actually IS!
We can ultimately see and therefore realise that we are in effect and in fact the SOURCE
Personified in physical form and at last after untold aeons of past time, finally have awakened
and through this added feature of SELF AWARENESS our I AM consciousness, we can actually
know the truth of our lasting eternal immortal heritage.
We are all the SOURCE (GOD) walking upon this planets surface, each human being is a FACET
within the one JEWEL that is Absolute Life. perhaps we could be termed as "life-lets" particles
We are the source on two legs walking across this planet,engaging in various experiences, that will
ultimately bring us one fine day(hopefully today) dear reader, into the full realisation of this eternal truth,where we will awaken and therefore embrace this truth,and also more importantly embrace
one another,which will then bring peace and prosperity to all mankind.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail/com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

We Are Source Personified Sequentially. W A S P S

It has been wisely said that 'you are the U in universe', the universe is not something outside
of you, it is fact is you personified in the shape and form of what we term as a human being.
The dictionary description of the word personify is this' "attribute a personal nature or human
characteristics to (something non-human)"well the SOURCE of all universal life is most
definitely not human! Rather it is that of Spirit,Consciousness, or Absolute Infinite Intelligence.
In truth nothing whatsoever exists outside of us,because the very term of being "outside" is
in fact totally meaningless, outside of what, exactly? The word outside is really just a relative
duality based word, which means zero in absolute reality, as with all words, they are relative
and based on a temporal manifestation of motional force, that only seems to exists in this
third dimension of physicality.
There is no absolute reality in the term human being, this concept of humanity only seems to
exists in our limited understanding of what reality actually is, the term humanity is just a
limited concept of an expression of LIFE located upon an insignificant atom sized planet
in which we call Earth. In absolute terms, there is no such a thing as or called humanity in
The term human being would be more accurately described as intelligent biological vehicles
that hold the divine life fore, or consciousness, or spirit, than that of a human being, which in
fact is a mammoth misnomer because man is NEVER-BEING, rather man is forever endlessly
DOING! If we spent just a fraction of our time here on Earth actually BEING rather than 
DOING, this world would be a lot more peaceful and cleaner than it is now.
If we begin to refocus our gaze from forever looking endlessly OUT THERE and instead
begin to look within ourselves, then we would be beginning the process of realigning our
presence and consciousness towards a direction that will ultimately lead us into a realisation
of who and what we really are.
Realignment within ourselves will bring us into contact with higher energies that will begin
impinging upon our conscious awareness the realisation of the true and eternal nature of our
true inner being.
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 16 March 2020

Vexations Intrusions Remedy Unify Self. V I R U S Part Two.

Our very own worst enemy at this time of a worldwide pandemic of this coronavirus is the
one we manufacture within ourselves, and this is called fear.
If we generate fear within ourselves about this virus , we are in effect sending out an open
invitation for the virus to pay us a visit! We need to become very mindful at this time of a
worldwide virus epidemic, that fear is our enemy here, because fear lowers our resistance to
infections ,plus it also lowers our vibration frequency which again makes it easier for infections
to invade our bodies as we are in a negative state of vibration,instead of a healthy positive state.
As long as we follow the guidelines laid down by our governments and pay more attention to
washing our hands frequently, we can then relax and remain calm, this is the best defence
against infections.
Panic and fear generate our lower aniimalistic nature,which in our case of being human
means to act selfishly without any thought for others we here stories in the news of panic
buying in super markets pushing and shoving others out of our way, so we can grab that
last toilet roll, instead of us tearing of a strip of loo paper, we are when in panic mode
tearing of a strip of each other,pushing and shoving, with this every man for himself attitude.
There are also among this panic and mayhem many stories of communities rallying around
and making pledges to visit the elderly in their perspective neighbourhoods, offering to do
their shopping and any other issues that may be needed.It has been shown in history that when
we are in desperate times of trial like wars and other natural disasters,people come together and
help each other to survive and cope with the issues arising at that time, this global virus
pandemic is another opportunity for all us healthy souls to pitch in and lend a hand to help
those who need our support, and a kindly word for those lonely elderly souls living alone
and perhaps scared or uncertain or even unsteady on their feet, of venturing out for supplies.
We are all connected to each other by the ONE LIFE FORCE ENERGY, we are each related to
each other by the common bound of unified life, which is soul and spirit.May one good thing
emerge from this virus, and that we all become mindful of each other, and learn to cooperate
with each other, and each country in friendship and mutual respect for each other,
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 15 March 2020

Vexatious Intrusions Remedy Unify Self. V I R U S

Today I thought a blog about the Coronavirus would be fitting, as the world seems to be
bordering on panic as the effects of the virus spreads and infects more people. Panic buying
in supermarkets running out of toilet rolls, what are we all expecting by this ? A sudden
epidemic of explosive diarrhoea to burst from the bowels of the many? Diarrhoea is NOT
one of the symptoms of this virus, So please go easy the toilet rolls, so that other people can
purchase some to.
It seems that our inherit selfishness is beginning to rear its ugly head in times like this. We
seem to go into a siege like mentality, where it is every man or woman for themselves, no
thought for anyone else and their needs,just grab what you want , to hell with anyone else.
Fear is our biggest enemy in times like this,because fear lowers your vibrations , and the
lower your vibrations rate is the more liable you are to pick up any infections or diseases
that come your way.
If we can be happy and joyful, or at least unafraid , we will multiply our chances of staying
well and unaffected from this current coronavirus.
The remedy lies in us unifying ourselves , so that we are not at war within our being,to find
an inner peace and calmness within,
This will remove any lingering fears we may have,which in turn will improve our chances
greatly of not becoming infected by this virus.
To be able to let go of all fear, have faith in our own positive thinking and actions, to embrace
the beauty and wonderfulness of life, to feel those vital vibrant energies surge through our
bodies,filling us with hope and courage, and a healthy and balanced approach to life and to
this current virus. If we listen to too much of this scaremongering that is going on, by a
multitude of so called 'experts' that are crawling out of the woodwork, it will indeed fill us
with fear and dread.We need to all remain calm and composed, balanced in our thoughts, words,
and deeds,remain positive and upbeat in our way of thinking and looking at things.Take the
necessary precautions that are laid out by the health care professionals, then relax as best you can
and enjoy your day in a positive frame of mind.
In part two will explore this further,   warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 14 March 2020

Manifest Insight Negotiate Doorway. M I N D Part Two.

Ultimately we are all designated to lose our minds, none of us can escape this aspect of our
evolution which began within the ONE, then became the many and eventually we will all
dissolve back into the ONE again, from whence we all came from long long ago.
Our minds are a construct that we each have created, and it has been used from the infinite
field of universal consciousness and turned into a localised point of reference within what
we call a human being.
'We' have therefore localised this universal energy and have then identified it as being 'ME'
I am this identity, this human being is 'ME'!
When we look within ourselves,and begin to make progress in our awareness and look deeper
within ourselves,we will then let go of this false creation that we have all erected around this
ego personality, and begin to embrace the universal consciousness that exists everywhere.
Then our minds will become absorbed back into the higher self.We will have then lost our
minds and found our true SELF.
There are two aspects concerning  the term self,the first one is that of the many human beings
see each of themselves as MY-self, and there are seven and a half billion little or small self's
on Earth.
The universal SELF however is singular and there is but ONE SELF universally,'we' all
came from this one SELF and then became the many 'minor self's each minor self reflecting
in its essence that ONE Absolute infinite SELF.
When we manifest insight by going within ourselves we then negotiate a doorway that will
lead us into an awareness of extended consciousness and greater perceptive abilities, all the
illusions and false assumptions that we have built up over our life time will begin to melt
away,we will gain clarity and insight, we will begin to know and realise just who and what
we are, we will not for one micro-second regret loosing our minds and its limited scope, and
gaining a perceptive insightful consciousness that fully recognises the fullness of all of life's
connectivity to each other, and realising that we are all safe and secure within the realisation
that we are all immortal beings, and therefore life for us now is eternal,we are as ONE.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 13 March 2020

Manifest Insight Negotiate Doorway. M I N D .

One day we will all lose our minds, and gain awareness of our true SELF and vastly extended
consciousness, until that momentous day arrives,we are all stuck with this concept called mind.
What the can we use our minds for, that will enable us to more fully understand who and what
we really are?
It may come as a surprise to many of us that we each create this thing called 'my mind' the mind
has become manifest through our experiences from birth, all that we have heard and seen from
our parents and family and friends, then at around two years old (sometimes this experience is
called the terrible two's) our ego's descend into our awareness spectrum and we then make the
transition from unawareness of ourselves, to that of becoming "I" AM" ME self aware
consciousness, we then develop very rapidly what is termed as our budding personality,  we
go onto develop what is further termed our individuality, this is ME concept.
Basically the mind is a concoction of memories, experiences, ego,which all came on-line
at around the time we were two years old and learned behaviour.
Finally this dawning of what we term as our mind , then begins the process of identifying
itself as that of being the physical body, we then become aware that our physical body is in
fact who we really are.
Later in our lives if we take the trouble to research this assumption that we are all solely the
physical body and nothing else, that when you die, that's it you are finished, or if practising
a religion believe that you will go to a location called Heaven.
If we do some basic research into what exactly a human being actually is, we will soon become
fully aware of the utter falseness of the assumption that all we are is just this physical body.
We will discover if we look into ourselves either through meditation or yoga, and read what is
written about the soul within mankind, the internet is swamped with material about this, it is
easily available to all, we will quickly begin to discover that our "I" self awareness consciousness
far far transcend the puny confines of a mind trapped within a biological machine, in fact you will
discover that your I AM self aware consciousness is in fact universal in its origin.
In part two will explore this idea more.  Warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 12 March 2020

Consciousness Opens Aligns Life Enfolding Spirit Compressing Energy. C O A L E S C E Part two.

Our aeonic journey began the moment when the primordial intention caused motion to
arise out of stillness. And for aeons we have been experiencing this motion of energy within
our unconscious state.Consciousness opened the door to motion enfolded spirit within
vibrational energy and gave it direction. Eventually this direction took us into a place of
awakening. Here 'we' were caught in a violent eddy, a rotation that is beyond mortal
comprehension,this rotation formed into a singularity point, where super compressed life
force energy became 'flashed and fused' into an I AM self aware state.
Our I AM self aware consciousness  was born. The ubiquitous nature of universal energy
life force, suddenly became localised within this singularity point of reference of the I AM
aware 'I' consciousness.
Today we are seven and a half billion human beings, that ultimately will condense into
the ONE LIFE FORCE, 'we' all came from one-point . then we became the many,our
continued journey will then ultimately lead us back into the realisation of that we are all in
effect and in fact ONE-LIFE-FORCE, presented as many facets of that one life force.
Each of us is a facet or more appropriately a singularity packet of compressed energy.
As we look within this packet of energy we then begin to expand our 'localised consciousness'
into eventually becoming universally or cosmic consciousness.
We then begin to lose our selfish self centred ideas and begin to become more inclusive in our
thoughts and actions.
We then begin to realise the basic nature of our connectivity to each other, we begin to see and
feel this emotional bond we have with all expressed life, in particular with other human beings;
We then fully understand the answer that the master Ramana Maharshi  gave to one of his
devotees who asked the question, "How should we treat others master" he replied THERE ARE
NO OTHERS!! There is no others, only the concept of "I" ,I alone exists. There is only one "I"
that exists within seven billion human being.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Consciousness Opens Aligns Life Enfolding Spirit Compressing Energy. C O A L E S C E .

The wholeness of life became divergent at the point when motion first appeared out of the
eternal motionlessness state that was within the Absolute. Motion was born of Intention
and intention was the primordial causeless cause that eventually gave birth to the relative
universe. Ripples or waves of intent caused disturbance within the silent infinite ocean of
unexpressed life, and therefore life began being expressed (motion from stillness)  and
the expression lead to divergent aspects of expression to form and coalesce.
We as that of humanity were all carried along these divergent pathways of expression, the
vast majority of this was unconscious expression, we were forever on the move but not able
to be aware of what was occurring, this unconscious state lasted for aeons of extended time.
Then from that expressed ocean of divergent  energy,we coalesced into becoming a self aware
being. We were then born into an I AM self aware consciousness. In order for this to become
a cognizant point of reference, 'WE' had to become super-compressed into a singularity
point. Our living energy signature had to be pulled out of the infinite ocean and then funnelled
down into a dimensionless point of singularity  reference, and that this point of reference would
then hold within its cohesive embrace our I AM SELF AWARE consciousness life stream.
( The term funnelling down just mentioned does not mean a going down in a direction, rather
it means a vastly slowing down of vibrations that are needed to enter the physical realm)
If we could but see the wonder and majesty that coalesces the life energy stream that holds
us all in perfect coherence, we would all fall to our knees and burst into tears of unbridled
joy and emotional bliss.We would see masses of living energy swirling around a central
point, an eddy or vortex holding our self aware consciousness firmly in its rapid slipstream
of rotational intention.
As we become more self aware and listen within ourselves,as we gradually become more
sensitive to the inner workings of our higher self the soul, we can in times of silent
contemplation begin to hear the roar of energies flowing through our chakras which are
themselves spinning wheels of force, as this energy circulates through our life stream
self consciousness  it produces a particular sound, sometimes referred to a the music of
the spheres.
In part two will explore this further.      warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Flow Of Oneness Lies In Neutralities Gateway. F O O L I N G . Part Two.

The flow of oneness is that of Life in motion,we all are that thing called humanity, all totally
within that oneness flow that is life on the move. The problem with us as humanity is that we
fail to fully recognise and feel the oneness and the intimate connection we have to each other.
And because we do not make this most vital connection ,it is so vital that our very survival
as humanity depends on us all making this most vital connection. If we all collectively fail
in this mission, humanity will become extinct within a few generations from now.
The Buddha taught the middle way between the two extremes, to be in effect neutral in your
way and being,neither positive or negative, rather walking the path between these two
opposites, of left or right,positive or negative, rather keep on the central middle path.
We all have this most wonderful  aspect to our consciousness which is that of being self
aware,our I AM consciousness, and we all incarnate here on Earth to explore what this really
means. In this exploration of our I AM consciousness, we can and do experience
becoming very selfish and self centred,greedy and lusting after sex and ;power, feeling at
times that 'might is right', we all experience these things plus many more of varying degrees
of intensity. Eventually though when we have suffered enough pain and heartache, we begin
to think and act more thoughtfully and responsibly. We begin to realise that we are not separate
entities apart and aloof from others,that we all are in effect each connected and interconnected
with each other plus all other life forms as well.
It slowly begins to dawn upon us that we are all within this oneness called life all together
journeying along our paths of varying expressions and experiences.We begin to see and
understand that life is universal and is solely just ONE Principle called LIFE,we may see the
appearance of many but we know in our hearts that life is ONE. We realise that our physical
bodies which are that of biological machines, is not who we really are, we begin to instinctively
know and recognise that we far transcend this body, which is then seen as just that of a vehicle
a vehicle that permits the entry of the life principle, you the soul into this physical Earthly realm.
Outwardly we gaze out onto a relative dual based temporal relative reality, where we experience
the varying polarities of positive and negative, right and wrong, left or right, inwardly though we
are eternal beings that transcend this relative universe, and are not dual but singular which is
represented as that of being Neutral.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed,facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 9 March 2020

Flow Of Oneness Lies In Neutralities Gateway. F O O L I N G .

The flow of life in its essence is always that of being neutral, it is not positive or negative, but
always neutral.It is worth pointing out here that life in its essence is Absolute, and therefore transcends the relative physical universe, duality and motion do not exist here, positive and
negative do not exist within the Absolute, only Absolute neutrality exists here.
Life and oneness go hand in hand with each other,life is in fact a unified field of complete
and absolute wholeness.
We are life that has that added extension or dimension of being self awareness ,we are then
presented with the 'power of choice', we can choose to be either positive or negative. Each
choice however presents its own set of consequences, being either pleasant or unpleasant.
Either choice will bring into play various degrees of resistance,whether it be positive or
negative. It is only in the neutral state that all resistance falls to zero point.As soon as we opt
for a choice of either being positive or negative we will encounter resistance.
We all live our lives chock full of resistance,and the more resistance we make the less whole
we will feel,this means that we will invite disharmony into our lives, ant this will act like a
thief in the night that will steal away our health and our vitality, bring dis-ease into our
bodies, like cancer, heart disease. diabetes, to name but a few.
We seem to have lost our way and sense of direction, have become separated from the
wholeness of life, we have become fragmented and splintered into warring factions,
instead of a healthy diversity within a unified whole, we have instead an ego greed driven
selfishness, that rides roughshod over the many causing untold misery in its train.
Because we do not know or fully understand the reality of the oneness of life, oneness and
unity are total neutrality, we fail to see that we are all connected and interconnected with each
other, life knows itself as a complete ONENESS there is no such a thing as fragmentation in
reality, it only SEEMS to exist in the illusion of separateness  that we have woven before our
eyes, and have therefore become blind to that what is, we only then see that which is in fact an
illusion.Is it not written is the Bible, that not a sparrow shall fall to the ground without the father
knowing this, if you replace the word father or God with LIFE, it will more fully illustrate the
unified nature of life, and that life is fully AWARE of the humble sparrow, as it is also fully aware
of you dear reader of this blog.
In part two will explore this further. Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 8 March 2020

Superdeterminism Presents As Karma Expressed. S P A K E Part Two,

The ancient wisdom knew thousands of years ago what entanglement of particles meant.
As quantum physics is now discovering, although the ancient ones did not call this process
entanglement, more likely they just called it a unified wholeness.
It is not just particles that become entangled, the reality is that the whole relative universe is
entangled and everything in this universe is connected and interconnected with each other
portion of expressed life.
In order to more fully understand the idea of free will, which I feel does not exist, it seems
to exist ,but I feel this is an illusion.
We as this thing called the human race, are not fully present here on Earth. We exist in five
other sheaths of expression, the last sheath is the physical body. We are in fact proportionally
represented dimensionally through five different dimensions of expression. In our physical form
we present as relative beings, but in our highest state we are all eternal Absolute  Being.
And when you consider that being an eternal being means that by nature of being transcendent
of nature, also then transcends that of Karma superdeterminism and the idea of free will.
Now although in our inner nature we all transcend Karma and also all the other universal laws
as well. Because being Absolute transcends all universal laws ,in effect when you are Absolute
you are the LAW!  And therefore unaffected by it. But when in our physical role of playing
at being a human being, we are then subject to cause and effect or Karma. When we can
understand that reality, and go within ourselves and align ourselves with the natural law
we then begin to burn up this Karmic liability and can then eventually transcend and go
beyond the limitations of humanity into the finer realms and more subtle inner realms of
spiritual bliss and perfect serenity.
There is absolutely nothing complicated about the question as to why we are all here, there is
just one and only one reason any of us are here, and that sole reason is to realise your own
immortal SOUL, which will then automatically lead onto that of full SELF KNOWING,
by the time you reach that exalted state dear reader, the whole idea of free will, will have
vanished forever to you.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 7 March 2020

Superdeterminism Presents As Karma Expressed. S P A K E .

The word superdetererminism was introduced in the 1980's by John Bell, it was a theory that
he proposed in order to make sense and try to understand the 'entanglement of particles' that
could exchange information with each other instantaneously regardless of how far away they
were from each other, many times faster than the speed of light. It also brought into question
of our so called 'free will'. Bell said quote"Free will is an illusion, that get you out of a crisis,
does it?" unquote.
For me superdeterminism could easily be presented as that of Karma,or the law of cause and
effect. To me free will is also an illusion, because the question then becomes what exactly are
you free from? Does this mean we are all unbounded by the laws of life and the universe?
We think we are freeto make any choice, but are we really? Do not your experiences leading
up to the time you are going to choose colour your 'free will choice'? Also who exactly is the
chooser who makes this choice?  We may well say that 'I' made this choice, well then who is
this 'I' that is choosing? Do you fully know who it is? How many 'I's make one whole?
Superdeterminism is Karma  in motion,Karma was born the moment came online as a result
of the primordial Intention to manifest motion from absolute motionlessness. The primal
causeless cause brought  into motion the determined effects of the causeless cause ,which
we now all call Karma or the law of cause and effect, we are all the effects of that primal
causeless cause.
If the absolute causeless cause spake thus to us all, it might well have said something like this
'The effects of my first cause will eventually bring about the full realisation that YOU dear
reader of this blog, are the causeless cause, and that you are indeed the 'I AM consciousness
that at this moment you are returning home to that abode of eternal silence and peaceful
bliss, where eventually all the illusory 'I's will dissolve back into that place we all left
long long ago.
In part two will explore the reason we are all in effect and in fact entangled within each other.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 6 March 2020

We Are The Evolutionary Riders W A T E R Part Two.

We are all what could be described as that of fluidic life becoming cohered into shape and
form in order for an intention to become fulfilled . That intention is that of full self knowing.
Full self knowing can only become realised by way of condensation and coherence that
transposes the fluid like nature of life, which is that of spirit which is also intangible , into
a physical material form, which in our case is called the physical body.
Consciousness is really the the living waters of all expressed life,it is consciousness that
causes the cohesion of forces to combine and deliver a composite whole that will fulfil the
purpose of eventual full self knowing, through many incarnations and multiple experiences.
We are all riders of the cohesive divine will  which is expressed as consciousness and is fluid
by nature, but become condensed by the primal matrix intention into a form that gives it access
to be able to obtain this knowledge  and inner wisdom, which in our case is that of a physical
body vehicle.
In order for us all to obtain full SELF knowledge it will take very many life times to achieve
so the infinite wisdom has therefore made sure that we have a safe resting place in between
each incarnation upon this planet. That resting place is called by us the Astral plane, this is where
we all go in between each change (death) of location.There are seven basic levels and also forty
nine other sub planes, we each go at physical departure to what ever plane we resonate with and
have a vibration harmony with. Unintentionally and unconsciously we have in effect created our
very own stop overs which is the Astral plane. Carl Gustav Jung, in his great work on what he
called the Collective unconsciousness of mankind, brought out the nature of what the astral realms
actually are.The astral realms are still within the bounds of relativity, in other words these realms
will eventually all cease to exist, because they are only relatively real, and therefore are NOT
absolutely real, when we will all find our true selves, first finding and realising the immortal
divine soul, when we have therefore acquired soul realisation, we then look for SELF realisation
once we obtain this full realisation, then all incarnations cease, unless of course you choose to
return, you will then transcend totally all the astral realms,which for you will no longer exist.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation,.

Thursday 5 March 2020

We Are The Evolutionary Riders. W A T E R .

The Primal Causeless cause arose within the Absolute Consciousness and become the 'will to
motion' motion from motionlessness,the will to manifest a relative universe was born aloft
within the primal intentional thought wave . This primal thought wave is still out rolling today
countless billions of years after it was first conceived within the infinite consciousness.
We that are called that of humanity are still in effect and in fact still riding upon this primordial
thought wave . We are the 'riders of the WILL', all riding towards a destiny that will ultimately
lead us to our full realisation of just who and what we really are.
Consciousness is really that of the waters of life because as we go deeper into this infinite ocean
of consciousness, we begin to then perceive who we really are .
Riding the wave of the primal will is a journey that will and has taken us through a myriad of
experiences which have all gradually changed the way we thought and acted, slowly as each
incarnation comes and goes, we begin to start putting all the pieces together, and begin to see
and whats more feel these connections to all other life, and also to each other, we begin to see
that the whole of humanity is connected and interconnected with each other.
We have all because of our journey so far has lead mankind into the point of I AM self aware
consciousness,this self aware consciousness needs a firm location in order to gather enough
experiences of what this new found self awareness really means.That is why we are all
Earthbound, because this planet is designed as that of a classroom for awakenings to occur
we are all without most of us ever realising it, all at school here on Earth, and as this
incarnation process takes many incursions into this so called valley of tears, a further provision
has been made so that we have a place to rest and reflect on our past life,while awaiting another
incarnation here on Earth.
This additional place of rest and reflection is called by us the Astral planes. theses staging posts
for us to use in between Earthy lives are provided by infinite Intelligence.
In part two will explore further into this riders of the will. Warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com  any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Three Evolutionary Ascensions Mankind Evolving Divinity, T E A M E D Part Three.

We are all gradually evolving into a state and understanding of our inner divine heritage.
We need to be mindful that divinity has absolutely nothing to do with any religion whatsoever
divinity is just another name for Spirit or the immortal life essence the SOURCE. And we are
all fully contained within this SOURCE, but sadly most of humanity does not know or realise
this facet of reality. In part one and two I dealt with the human realisation, and we are all well
acquainted with this first realisation of what it is to be a human being. So now I want to more
into part two and three of our realisation sequence, that leads us into the full knowledge and
realisation of exactly who we are.Many of us move into the awakening sequence of soul
realisation by being caught up within a major crisis, and therefore hearing that 'still small
voice' within us, this leads on to the gradual dawning of a resident intelligence that dwells
within  us.By making self inquiry and meditating upon this inner intelligent being within us,
we gradually make contact, and eventually establish a telepathic exchange with this unexpected
inner resource within us.
Which we then go onto discover is our own divine immortal soul. When that great day arises in
our lives we are then firmly on the path of the second realisation, that of knowing we are a
divine immortal soul.We can stay at this level for as long as it takes,maybe several more
incarnations. We are arrive at the last stage which is that of SELF realisation
One great soul who I know has completed this last realisation was the master called SRI Ramana
Maharshi born 1879 died 1950, from Tamil Nadu India.Ramana became SELF realised when he
was just twelve years old, this realisation was a spontaneous one for him. Realising the SELF is
a stage that for most of us lies in a future incarnation. It is a state of Absolute Knowing and that
of universal consciousness and awareness. It is the complete and total dissolving of the ego,
personality, individuality, and mind,which are all lower self creations that have outlived their
use fullness and are absorbed and melt away out of existence. When you reach this state of
BEING the SOURCE where your consciousness embraces the entire relative universe and
further transcends it as well.Ramana Maharshi whose ashram I have visited twice  in India , was a
physical body that was empty of ego mind,and personality. This might sound rather scary to some,
thinking that he was then mindless! Well actually he was,he had lost his lower self mind, and had gained his full SELF REALISED UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Three Evolutionary Ascensions Mankind Evolving Divinity. T E A M E D Part Two.

There are three pivotal points that will arise within  mankind over a vast number of life
incarnations here upon the Earth plane.
These three tridental points are that of realising the full potential of being a human being,
that gradual ascension from the base animal instincts, up to and beyond those  of the rising
human emotional and mental abilities and aware consciousness.We all stay within this first
stage over a vast amount of earthly incarnations, where we will experience being both male
and female,and undergo many mental and emotional experiences, some pleasant,others very
awful and painful.We will all experience the whole gambit of being sick, hungry,healthy,
poor, being betrayed by a loved one, violent rages, joy, happiness, plus many more experiences
along that winding path that leads to ultimate liberation.
As we experience all these things over many incarnations, particularly when we experience
a crisis, we begin to obtain access to what is commonly called 'that still small voice within'
when our backs are up against the wall, and there seems to be noway out of our dilemma, we
then encounter this inner voice whispering reassuring words of comfort to us. When this occurs
it sets in motion a sequence which could be called a 'curiosity factor', because if we fail to
inquire the whereabouts of this inner voice the first time it happens  to us, it will happen again
and then we will become prompted to inquire the nature of this inner voice.Who is this inner
voice that whispers comforting words to me when I am in trouble?
When we then act upon this inner inquiry, we have then set in motion a direction that will lead
us directly into an area of consciousness of our higher self  which is our divine immortal soul
we will then be at the point of our second realisation sequence which results in the full
realisation of us being divine immortal souls, experiencing life while being within a physical
vehicle, which we all call the human being.This second realisation of beginning to know and
whats more accept this inner reality of our immortality,is being realised by many people today
from every country in the world, so many are waking up and claiming their divine immortal
heritage, because of the nature of this three fold realisation sequence of mankind, it will need
another chapter which will be part three tomorrow.This will be adding more to the second stage,
and then going into the final stage that of  full SELF Realisation.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 2 March 2020

Three Evolutionary Ascensions Mankind Evolving Divinity. T E A M E D

In this blog I want to look at the tridental nature of mankind, from his first appearance as that
of being self aware and having that God like addition to his being, that of 'I AM' consciousness
and thereby following this through as a logical sequence of gradual ascension and realisation
of being.
These realisations of being are that of a tridental nature, the first realisation is that of the human
being realisation, becoming aware of being a human being and all that it entails. The second
realisation is that of soul realisation, which naturally follows on from the awakened human
being, we gradually ascend within each incarnation upon this Earth plane.
We can and do spend many many life times and incarnations held firmly within the limited
embrace of our humanness.
The second realisation begins when we are gradually awakened to an inner reality and feel a
growing sensitivity to finer aspects of life that were completely unnoticed by us before we
acquired this added sensitivity and heightened  awareness.
When this begins to occur we are then making inroads into what ultimately will lead us into
the second stage of ascension, which will be when we realise the true nature of our inner self
and see that we are indeed souls, divine immortal souls. We are then at stage two of this tridental
awakening process of mankind.
Stage three that of full awakening, the realisation of being that of the SELF, is a stage that the
vast majority of mankind will not see for many many more incarnations, because at that stage
you completely become the ONE among the many, inwardly you are no longer human, you
are that of BEING WHOLE.outwardly you will have a shell of a physical body,but there will
be no ego or personality present therein, those two relative imposters will have been consumed
within the cold flame of divinity.
So to recap there is three stages of ascension the first stage is human realisation, the second
stage is soul realisation. and the third stage is SELF realisation.ALL of humanity will ultimately
undergo these three stages of ascension,we can delay it by our resistance to change,but eventually
life will wear you down enough,and then we will welcome a change.
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 1 March 2020

Positive Relatively Is Motion Exclusively Divine. P R I M E D Part Two.

All motion is born within absolute motionlessness,motionlessness is absolute, and motion
becomes relative the moment it stirs into a direction. The vast majority of motioning life
is done unconsciously,it is all fully alive but unconsciously so.
We human beings are as far as we accurately know are the only beings that have this "God-Like
ingredient which is that of our 'I AM consciousness' which is self awareness ( although we
need to be aware that  this self-awareness applies ONLY to that of the lower-self, and not of
the higher-self,99.9999999 per cent of humanity is still very much unconscious of this
coming reality.)
Self awareness or more accurately that of lower self awareness has this added dimension to it
which then transforms motion into that of E-motion in other words we can "feel" and "know"
we are all moving, and we can feel these movements within us that can make us feel happy
or afraid as these inner stirrings can whip up an emotional storm within our human psyche's.
These are emotions linked into the impact of being knowingly self aware. We then feel the impact
and effects of other human beings that interact within our localised energy life stream.
We are all busy moving through and experiencing life as we do so,we fail to realise that within
this apparent maelstrom of perpetual motion, which is the signature note of all relativity and this
relative universe,therein all around us is also perpetual stillness,in fact we are all surrounded by
that of absolute motionlessness, this is sometimes called by us as the PRESENCE, the presence
lies outside of relativity and remains forever absolute,but our feelings can penetrate this ultra thin
veil that separates absoluteness from that of relativity, and therefore our added ingredient which
is I AM self aware consciousness, the God like (particle?)   can and indeed does feel this very ultra
real PRESENCE, the presence never moves,it remains eternally still,just like the ever present
NOW, the now and the presence are inextricably linked together, if we ponder on this union for
a while,and meditate upon it, a revelation will dawn upon you.
We are ALL subconsciously PRIMED to motion towards the direction of full SELF KNOWING
that is why we are all here, we are here to reveal eventually to our startled selves that of our true
and immortal everlasting real identity. You will see this dear reader when your day of awakening
arrives, maybe it is on its way today for you?
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.