Thursday 19 March 2020

Seek Inner Life Engulfing Nothing Consciousness Enfolds Devotee, S I L E N C E D .

In our modern everyday world it seems that silence or the absence of sound is very rare indeed.
We seem to be completely surrounded by constant noise and sound pollution. Our mobile smart
phones are constantly buzzing with messages, most of them trivial advertising crap. It would seem
that silence is indeed a rare commodity in our modern world and particular within our cities, with
the constant noise of traffic.
Where can we find peace and inner silence? That is a good question, the answer lies in whether
we see any need for peace and silence in our lives, the fact is that we have become so addicted
to sound pollution, that silence can and does actually feel very unsettling to many,in particular
the younger generation, who have been brought up with almost constant noise since birth, and
when there is a prolonged silence,they become uneasy.
We are all very familiar with seeking out our outer life experiences, and do this every day
without hardly any thought about it, but how many of us have ever actually sought out our
inner life? How many of us are fully aware that we can switch of the flow of inner thoughts
whenever we will it to be so? How many of us have ever experienced a period of inner silence
without the interruption of a single thought? No that many I guess, but inner silence is indeed
a very valuable tool for our emotional and mental health welfare,Without a measure of inner
peace and serenity, we open ourselves up to emotional and mental fatigue,which if prolonged
leads to other more serious issues arising within us.
The old saying which proclaims the adage that silence is golden, is never more needed than today
with all our mental and emotional illnesses plus this current coronavirus which is instilling fear
within the hearts of the many, and fear lowers our resistance to disease,so the more fearful we become, we are in effect sending out a signal that "I am available to become infected"!!
If we can sit quietly and begin looking into ourselves, this very process will begin to relax you
slow down this constant surge of endless thoughts,we will begin to experience an inner silence
and inner peace. We will gradually begin to realise that we actually do possess such a thing as an inner life, and upon discovering this inner enchantment we will then be moving in a direction that
we will engulf the nothingness of all and that then our consciousness will enfold us and open up
that inner door more fully.
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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