Saturday 14 March 2020

Manifest Insight Negotiate Doorway. M I N D Part Two.

Ultimately we are all designated to lose our minds, none of us can escape this aspect of our
evolution which began within the ONE, then became the many and eventually we will all
dissolve back into the ONE again, from whence we all came from long long ago.
Our minds are a construct that we each have created, and it has been used from the infinite
field of universal consciousness and turned into a localised point of reference within what
we call a human being.
'We' have therefore localised this universal energy and have then identified it as being 'ME'
I am this identity, this human being is 'ME'!
When we look within ourselves,and begin to make progress in our awareness and look deeper
within ourselves,we will then let go of this false creation that we have all erected around this
ego personality, and begin to embrace the universal consciousness that exists everywhere.
Then our minds will become absorbed back into the higher self.We will have then lost our
minds and found our true SELF.
There are two aspects concerning  the term self,the first one is that of the many human beings
see each of themselves as MY-self, and there are seven and a half billion little or small self's
on Earth.
The universal SELF however is singular and there is but ONE SELF universally,'we' all
came from this one SELF and then became the many 'minor self's each minor self reflecting
in its essence that ONE Absolute infinite SELF.
When we manifest insight by going within ourselves we then negotiate a doorway that will
lead us into an awareness of extended consciousness and greater perceptive abilities, all the
illusions and false assumptions that we have built up over our life time will begin to melt
away,we will gain clarity and insight, we will begin to know and realise just who and what
we are, we will not for one micro-second regret loosing our minds and its limited scope, and
gaining a perceptive insightful consciousness that fully recognises the fullness of all of life's
connectivity to each other, and realising that we are all safe and secure within the realisation
that we are all immortal beings, and therefore life for us now is eternal,we are as ONE.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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