Tuesday 10 March 2020

Flow Of Oneness Lies In Neutralities Gateway. F O O L I N G . Part Two.

The flow of oneness is that of Life in motion,we all are that thing called humanity, all totally
within that oneness flow that is life on the move. The problem with us as humanity is that we
fail to fully recognise and feel the oneness and the intimate connection we have to each other.
And because we do not make this most vital connection ,it is so vital that our very survival
as humanity depends on us all making this most vital connection. If we all collectively fail
in this mission, humanity will become extinct within a few generations from now.
The Buddha taught the middle way between the two extremes, to be in effect neutral in your
way and being,neither positive or negative, rather walking the path between these two
opposites, of left or right,positive or negative, rather keep on the central middle path.
We all have this most wonderful  aspect to our consciousness which is that of being self
aware,our I AM consciousness, and we all incarnate here on Earth to explore what this really
means. In this exploration of our I AM consciousness, we can and do experience
becoming very selfish and self centred,greedy and lusting after sex and ;power, feeling at
times that 'might is right', we all experience these things plus many more of varying degrees
of intensity. Eventually though when we have suffered enough pain and heartache, we begin
to think and act more thoughtfully and responsibly. We begin to realise that we are not separate
entities apart and aloof from others,that we all are in effect each connected and interconnected
with each other plus all other life forms as well.
It slowly begins to dawn upon us that we are all within this oneness called life all together
journeying along our paths of varying expressions and experiences.We begin to see and
understand that life is universal and is solely just ONE Principle called LIFE,we may see the
appearance of many but we know in our hearts that life is ONE. We realise that our physical
bodies which are that of biological machines, is not who we really are, we begin to instinctively
know and recognise that we far transcend this body, which is then seen as just that of a vehicle
a vehicle that permits the entry of the life principle, you the soul into this physical Earthly realm.
Outwardly we gaze out onto a relative dual based temporal relative reality, where we experience
the varying polarities of positive and negative, right and wrong, left or right, inwardly though we
are eternal beings that transcend this relative universe, and are not dual but singular which is
represented as that of being Neutral.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed,facebook Soul Realisation.

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