Sunday 15 March 2020

Vexatious Intrusions Remedy Unify Self. V I R U S

Today I thought a blog about the Coronavirus would be fitting, as the world seems to be
bordering on panic as the effects of the virus spreads and infects more people. Panic buying
in supermarkets running out of toilet rolls, what are we all expecting by this ? A sudden
epidemic of explosive diarrhoea to burst from the bowels of the many? Diarrhoea is NOT
one of the symptoms of this virus, So please go easy the toilet rolls, so that other people can
purchase some to.
It seems that our inherit selfishness is beginning to rear its ugly head in times like this. We
seem to go into a siege like mentality, where it is every man or woman for themselves, no
thought for anyone else and their needs,just grab what you want , to hell with anyone else.
Fear is our biggest enemy in times like this,because fear lowers your vibrations , and the
lower your vibrations rate is the more liable you are to pick up any infections or diseases
that come your way.
If we can be happy and joyful, or at least unafraid , we will multiply our chances of staying
well and unaffected from this current coronavirus.
The remedy lies in us unifying ourselves , so that we are not at war within our being,to find
an inner peace and calmness within,
This will remove any lingering fears we may have,which in turn will improve our chances
greatly of not becoming infected by this virus.
To be able to let go of all fear, have faith in our own positive thinking and actions, to embrace
the beauty and wonderfulness of life, to feel those vital vibrant energies surge through our
bodies,filling us with hope and courage, and a healthy and balanced approach to life and to
this current virus. If we listen to too much of this scaremongering that is going on, by a
multitude of so called 'experts' that are crawling out of the woodwork, it will indeed fill us
with fear and dread.We need to all remain calm and composed, balanced in our thoughts, words,
and deeds,remain positive and upbeat in our way of thinking and looking at things.Take the
necessary precautions that are laid out by the health care professionals, then relax as best you can
and enjoy your day in a positive frame of mind.
In part two will explore this further,   warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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