Saturday 31 July 2021


 There exists ONE Divine infinite immutable principle that exists within this universe and

this ONE immutable principle is known by millions of followers by two different names. In

the East this principle is known as ISHWARA, "lord of the universe", the only begotten son

of BRAHMAN, and in the West this impersonal principle is known as the CHRIST, the only

begotten son of the FATHER/GOD/ "I AM", both these two are identical and are "ONE


CHRIST and ISHWARA are the "MOTIONEERS" of all perpetual motion. Their 

"LIFE-FORCE" energy exists within every atom and cell of your body, these  'two' divine

principles "watch over" and brood within the matrix of all expressed life(expressed =motion)

ISHWARA and CHRIST  exist within each life entity and can be contacted by going within

ourselves and meditating . When we find that we are lacking in power, when lack of power

becomes our DILEMMA , then we can find access to power by calling on the name of

ISHWARA or CHRIST, by looking within ourselves we open the inner door which leads

to the SILENCE within, that grants access to this immutable infinite powerful principle

which is CHRIST or ISHWARA, what ever name you call it matters not one JOT!

What matters is that you ask for help sincerely in the silence of your inner self, and by the

law of universal correspondence a reciprocal response will  be felt within you.

Then you will know beyond any shadow of doubt , that you are never ever left ALONE

in this LIFE, the POWER of DIVINE LOVE enfolds all its CHARGES, though so many

know this not.

Evolution or ascension amounts to an EPIC journey which we all have followed for aeons

long long past, much of this journey was in a unconscious unaware state, now we as that

of humanity, are all self aware I AM consciousness beings, we are all awake in varying

stages of perception and awareness, our levels of consciousness vary from soul to soul

we each though have within us access to unlimited power wisdom and understanding,

all we need to find access to this majestic all loving principle, is to go within and seek

out that principle like you would seek out a dear close friend or loved one, seek within

and you will find out that the CHRIST and ISHWARA live within YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 30 July 2021


 This blog  is about two immutable principles becoming co-joined into ONE perfect

WHOLENESS. The first principle is that of ISHWARA who is a GOD in HINDUISM

seen as lord of the universe," the impersonal god seen through the mists of the senses"

ISHWARA was begotten of the father BRAHMAN, and was brought forth, and caused

to arise into motion from perfect motionlessness. ISHWARA is the MOTIONEER of all

perpetual motion within this universe.

We then have the CHRIST principle , which again was begotten by the FATHER-GOD

or "I"AM, who rose up out from the bosom of eternal stillness, into perpetual motion of

the newly born relative universe .CHRIST is the impersonal spirit which is basically a

principle law which is immutable and infinite, and NOT an individual being or PERSON.

Both ISHWARA and CHRIST do the exact same thing, and are in truth ONE of the SAME


anything whatsoever. It is the BEGOTTEN PART (RELATIVE) of its ABSOLUTE SELF

that "doeth all the works", BRAHMAN is the Absolute ever motionlessness and Absolute

and ISHWARA is that part of BRAHMAN that "issues forth" and manifests perpetual

motion within the whole of the universe.

CHRIST principle does exactly the same thing, its just that in the west we see CHRIST

doing all this wondrous works, and in the east ISHWARA is doing the same thing.

We can become CHRIST consciousness, and also ISHWARA consciousness, they are

basically the same universal principle of eternal WHOLENESS and LOVE.

In meditation deep we can be either OVERSHADOWED by the CHRIST principle

or overshadowed by the ISHWARA principle, Both are identical in ESSENCE!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization;

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 29 July 2021


 We each have within us a "still small voice" that whispers words of comfort and reassurance 

to us in times of crisis and mental and emotional turmoil within us. This still small voice is 

the voice of our intuition, that faculty that every one of us has within themselves. INTUITION

is the voice that speaks out from the void within us, that space-less space that fills all with its

presence. Yet we are seldom aware of this silent void within us, because we are so often chock

full of endless thoughts. It is only in crisis that this inner voice can break through that wall of

thinking thoughts and actually get our attention. Intuition can also be seen as that of our 

conscience speaking, they are one of the same thing. Many these days seem to prefer to get

told things about spiritual realities by the vast amount of new age gurus who seem to spring

out of the woodwork in droves. They will explain your spirituality to you and advice you on

how to meditate, for a price of course!

Each human being has its very own guru within themselves, which will connect you directly

with your higher self via your very own inner voice of INTUITION.

This inner GURU is your INTUITION, that silent inner voice that loves you and accepts you


Infinite Intelligence has provided each one of us 7.7 billion souls with the wherewithal to

make contact and engage with our higher self via direct voice of our INTUITION. the

word intuition means literally to be "taught from within" that is what intuition MEANS

that all the questions we may have about life, why are we here? Can and will be answered

by the voice of intuition , all we need to do is to go within ourselves, still the wayward 

mind that is full of thoughts, listen into the silence within us, within that silence lies

infinite wisdom, and we can tap into this wisdom, if we practice stilling the thoughts,

setting aside a time where we can just sit quietly and listen within us, ask a question to

that inner voice, and become still and wait for the answer, it will always come, if we are


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 28 July 2021


 This blog today is directly connected to a  meditation I had over forty years ago now. It

has taken me all this time and over ten thousand blogs to arrive here today. In the meditation

I had forty years ago, I was sat in my armchair in the flat I was living in where I worked as 

a deputy manger of a hostel for offenders. I was in the process of stilling all my thoughts,

when I felt an upward urge, a compelling feeling of raising upwards out of my physical body

and shooting out through the roof of my flat into interstellar space, within a blink of an eye, all

light had vanished, no stars were seen anywhere, just a blank void of infinity, zero light, zero

darkness, I just looked out at NO-THING, all i could see were my eyes no-thing more. I was

just sitting there in my astral body, wondering what was this place, and where was it? With

that a voice arose within me and said, "this here is in the "BEFORE" the universe was born,

you are witnessing the Absolute VOID of NO-THING-NESS . Then a flash LIGHT and a 

RUSH BEYOND any VERBALIZATION , so fast that light appeared frozen and motionless

I saw the birth of this universe its unfoldment  and its END. 

Untold billions of years compressed into ONE MOMENT within Eternity. The voice then 

said that you have witnessed the VOID , the birth of the universe and the end of the universe

all in the blink of an EYE. Now you will go back to your incarnated form, and will have to

wait billions of years to catch up with what has already to ME ENDED!

In the eyes of the eternal ONE ,It has already been gone and dusted, all the vast number of

experiences played out over countless billions of years, in its eternal pure awareness its all

BEEN and now LONG GONE, It just that we have to wait a few more billion years to catch

up with what is already completed and done.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 27 July 2021


 Humanity consists of 7.7 billion souls upon this planet Earth, 7.7 billion souls. Each soul

is basically a point within a singularity, and a singularity is an infinitely very very small point.

If we believe in the saying  of 'size matters!' Then we do not matter at ALL, because the essence

of what we are is not made out of matter, we are pure spirit or pure energy whatever you 

prefer to call that which just (IS)

The size of each point which is an infinitely super compressed sub sub atomic singularity

point, which by comparison an atom would appear as large as this whole planet Earth.

In order for us to become 'LOCALIZED' within the relative universe, our spirit energy

essence, which is omnipresent and ubiquitous by nature, has to become super compressed

and super condensed into a super sub sub atomic point of reference, which is the singularity.

That is how 'we' can become 'presented here' within the relative time and space continuum.

Our 'reference' point the singularity is wrapped around 5 sheaths or koshas (layers of matter

and ethereal bodies) these 5 sheaths make up the presented package  delivered into this 

relative space time continuum.

'WE'  are it truth just ONE Absolute BEING-LESS BEING, humanity only 'seems to exist'

in your mind, in absolute truth it does NOT EXIST, and NEVER HAS!

Our I AM self aware consciousness, is the LOCALIZED relative version of the omnipresent

ubiquitous consciousness and pure awareness, that is "OUR" natural state of being, BEFORE

we become localized and super compressed within the singularity reference point.

Each human soul is a point of reference within the infinite eternal ocean of spiritual 

life, we all journey through through five gateways of consciousness and perceptive 

awareness, then if we choose we can immerse ourselves fully back into the Ocean of

eternal life, or we can retrace our steps and return back here to aid our brothers and 

sisters to find their way home to WHOLENESS.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 26 July 2021


 Darkness and light are both one in nature, different only in 'seeming', for each arose from 

the SOURCE of all. Darkness is disorder, Light is order, darkness  transmuted is light of the

Light. Our purpose in being! Transmutation of darkness to light.

The darkness in question that keeps us all in its vice like grip, is that of ignorance, ignorance

of the universal natural laws, ignorance of whom we really are, and the basic ignorance of what

life actually is.  The greater the depth of our ignorance, will be the greater depths of our own

personal darkness, which then translates as emotional, mental, physical pain, illness and 

continued suffering.

In order to change the TIDAL FLOW and to begin lessoning the depth of our ignorance, we need

to look deeply within ourselves, take up the practice of yoga, or meditation, this will begin a 

process, that will start wiping away the darkness (ignorance) from the mirror of your soul, slowly

beginning to reveal a brighter (less ignorant) less darkened YOU.

Transmutation in this process means that you are gradually gaining access to more inner light

as you clean away the dirt and grime that has accumulated over long ages past, and has been

carried over from previous past lives, into this current one.

As per part of the ascension sequence in which we are all fully embedded within its matrix,  

perhaps this particular incarnation you are now in, is the one designated for you by your 

previous efforts in other lifetimes, to rise and shine, to lift the proverbial bush you have

been hiding your light under, and stand up and be counted as one who now will reverse

the TIDAL FLOW and instead of hiding in ignorance, you will rise and SHINE in the

LIGHT that surely exists within you, all you have to do to find this inner LIGHT is to

polish of the dirt and grime that covers the full reflection of your Divine Immortal SOUL.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 25 July 2021


 The whole of humanity is entirely composed of congealed LIGHT, light that has been 

frozen by compressed oscillation frequency, and the vastly slowed down vibrational rate

so much so that it condenses and 'sets' into biological matter.

Mankind in essence is a 'Divine Fire' that has been blanketed by the densification of the

holy flame. Written in the EMERALD TABLETS of THOTH the ATLANTEAN are two

writings that I share here," man is a star bound to a body" , and, "brought from the future

of INFINITY'S end"? A paradox.

All writings regards spiritual matters the worlds various holy books talk about LIGHT being

INTELLIGENT, embodied by "INFORMED" 'clothed' BEINGS! All the many GODS of all

faiths and religions have ONE COMMON DENOMINATOR which is LIGHT!

'WE' are all the living flames of the ONE WHOLE FIRE, or the flame that is Brahman or

SELF, Absolute, GOD.

Wailing  is what we do within our incarnations upon this "vale of tears" EARTH, (tears are

liquid fire?)  We cry and wail our way through vast numbers of experiences, in order

to  fully know ourselves. 

Gradually our tears of sadness and grief are replaced by tears of joy and great happiness, as

we make inroads within ourselves, discover the divine FIRE that lies within the emotional 

inner being of our heart chakra and heart, our emotions are directly linked to the HOLY FIRE

the true meaning of the word holy is WHOLENESS, completeness,  WHOLENESS is

consciously cognising the living reality of your WHOLENESS LIVING FLAME.

The flame is LIGHT and LIGHT is SPIRIT and SPIRIT is what YOU ARE reading 

THIS! Dear reader!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 24 July 2021


 It is written in the Bible John 1;1 "In the beginning was the word, and the WORD was with 

GOD, and the WORD was GOD". The HEBREW word for GOD is  EL, EL means God  so

the WORD spells out the name EL, which is the WORD (GOD EL) becoming expressed, when

EL is expressed  perpetual motion was born aloft within that INTENTIONAL WAVE 

of EL GOD. So the WORD actually spells out the manifestation of the duality based relative

universe, which was done by the INTENTION WAVE of EL. In its unexpressed stateless state

I AM stands for INFINITE-ABSOLUTE-MOTIONLESSNESS, when expressed it becomes 

'ME' which equates to MANIFESTED ENERGY, ME which it then becomes relative and dual.

'WE' (you and me) are all EL  which translates as that of embodied  expressed in physical form

as human beings here on Earth. Humanity is the WORD (EL) made into flesh and blood vehicles.

Expressed life means LITERALLY that EL/GOD  has become MOVED (emotion)  thereby

LEAVING its absolute stillness, and BE- COMING Relative energy which manifests a 

temporal universe.

We as that of humanity are all part of that DIVINE EL energy, we all our in effect and in fact

THE WORD made into FLESH!

When we look deeply within ourselves, we will see ultimately EL (YOU1) looking back at YOU!

The injunction given in the Bible of "BE still and know that I am GOD EL" means that if

we look within ourselves, still the wayward chattering mind, slow down all thoughts, meditate 

on the question of WHO AM I ? If we do that we will then set in motion a chain of 

forthcoming events that will slowly or quickly reveal your true immortal Divine Identity.

All expressed life universally is the WORD,  much of the word is silent and unconscious, we

as that of humanity have progressed far enough along the ascension pathway to have become

not only conscious being, but also I am self aware consciousness beings, so we are then able

to consciously realise our  true immortal heritage, so then what are you waiting for dear 

READER of this blog?????

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thamks.

Friday 23 July 2021


 Evolution was born within the Primordial Thought Wave of the ABSOLUTE SPIRIT which

manifested what is called INVOLUTION which consisted of the primal thought wave locking

into sequence the infinite compression of principles (laws) within principles all enfolded within

the intention wave of the Absolute. There then ensued a momentary pause, which then started  to

roll (unfold) outwards, this sequence we now call evolution. Evolution exists within a primordial

curve an arc shaped sequence that eventually rotates into a FULL CIRCLE.

This rotation appears infinite  and spans aeons of relative illusory time. In that limitless time 

phase expressed life which equates directly with ENERGY, goes through endless experiences

most of all which are within a state of unconsciousness (however the living energy has imprinted

within its matrix the experiences undergone). Mankind which consists of a physical body vehicle

which houses the immortal soul and the Divine Spirit. Mankind in ultimate reality does not EXIST!

Only spirit EXISTS eternally and is ever UNBORN! 

Mankind is basically a collective 7.7 billion vehicles made out of the elements that exist here

on this planet, which are Earth ,Air, Fire, Water, plus the ethereal electromagnetic spectrum

which further houses the astral body and other inner coverings.

We misidentify so much with our physical vehicle that we become lost within a ocean of

self ignorance.

We are all upon this CURVE of ASCENSION (evolution) collectively we are all within 

this curve, but each one of us ascends this "pathway to wholeness Completion" in our own

way, ONE at a TIME, all of humanity is on differing levels of curvature, the arc of this

evolution ends when the one SOUL/SPIRIT completes the full ARC of ASCENSION which

means that all 'ROTATION CEASES' which means that you have awakened into the 

FULL COMPLETE CIRCLE. All your five bodies Koshas have dissolved leaving only

PURE SPIRIT as you were when you left eternal bliss aeons ago, now YOU STEP OUT 


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 22 July 2021


 It is written within the EMERALD TABLETS OF THOTH THE ATLANTEAN that "man is

a flame, bound by a mountain".  I see this meaning that our flame of life, which is our living

SPIRIT, is bound by a mountain of IGNORANCE ! Ignorance about who and what he/she 

really is. WHO "we" all actually are is that which is ONE ZERO-ONE NO-THING-

ENFOLDED within a SINGULARITY, which means that "we" ALL are THAT which is 

the ABSOLUTE ONE, the singular non dual Absolute being less BEING,  which is the

sum total of all expressed life universally, and even TRANSCENDS the number ONE, the 


Which makes it transcendent of all knowing , and beyond any description , it JUST (IS)

That from which nought can be said.

"WE" humanity are all singularity points of reference, each one of us is a sub atomic 

particle of the ONE from which nought can be said."

"WE" each one of us has that one added (self aware life atom) that enables us to stand out

from the rest of unaware expressed life, we each have the GIFT of the GODS which is I AM

self aware consciousness, we all know that we know, we have the ability of REFLECTION

and conscious memory. YOUR self aware ABSOLUTE life ATOM is undergoing a 

relative experience within the super massive density of materiality dressed within a 

physical vehicle. The experiences you undergo are there for you to light the inner flame 

of your spirit, which will then begin the arduous task of burning away the mountain of 

ignorance we have within us. This will then further reveal to your inner being the exact 

nature and divine identity and noble heritage that you and all of us have.

The OZONE is the sound and clarity that enfolds the seeker of the inner truth, it is the

mighty sound of the OM, that cleans the air and refreshes the life source.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebok Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 21 July 2021

Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy-Thought-Realising-Omnipresent-Numen. L I F E T R O N .

 The word LIFETRON was coined by the 20th century guru and yogi PARAMAHUNSA

YOGANANDA, who coined this word "LIFETRON" meaning "intelligent life energy in

the body" SANSKRIT  calls this energy PRANA. LIFETRONS in essence are the condensed

thoughts of GOD or SELF. PRANA (LIFETRONS) is a infinite sea or ocean of energy, that

condenses into subatomic particles and atoms.  Atoms and molecules and cells is an extension

of PRANA, just as waves are an extension of the sea beneath them.

Humanity  is filled totally with LIFETRONS , an infinite ocean of energy that pulsates through

every atom and sub atomic particle that completes the physical vehicle of your body in perfect

presentation sequence of an intelligent delivery into this dense physical realm.

If we pause for a moment and think about this delivery system that brings your invisible life

essence into and enfolds it into a dense physical biological machine so that it can have a 

presence and anchorage within this physical dimension, and that making up this physical 

body is countless trillions of atoms and sub atomic particles, and out of those countless 

trillions of atoms and sub atomic particles, you have THE EXACT NUMBER NEEDED

for YOU to EXIST HERE ON EARTH!!!!!  NOT one atom or subatomic particle less or

more than was needed for your incarnation here, which apart from being a miracle is

also represents ABSOLUTE PERFECTION.

Tens of trillions of "little lives" coalesce together in perfect harmonic resonance so that YOU

the one that has a I AM SELF AWARE CONSCIOUSNESS, YOU! Reading this now can

partake in the gathering of experiences here on the Earth plane in order to find full and 

extensive awakening of your true immortal identity. We all abysmally are completely 

unaware of the sacrifice these "little lives" (LIFETRONS) make in order for us to actually

be able to reincarnate here on Earth. This little blog is a small token of our gratitude for 

their service and sacrifice, and a hope that our ignorance of life's expressions is a tad 

less than it was.

Warmest regards michael. and feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization .

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 20 July 2021


 The core agenda of expressed life is that it moves perpetually throughout its expressed phase

which amounts to that of unknown aeons of elapsed relative time. We as that thing called

humanity are all in fact 'souls in transit' . The way we move through this endless transit is

called evolution, or in more modern terms that of ascension..

We each incarnate here on Earth, and are forever busy gathering lots of experiences, why do

we all do this?  Well it seems that gathering experiences is what we all do, by living our lives

each day, one day at a time. Life which is another word for NATURE which boils down to

infinite wisdom and intelligence which all point to just ONE SUPREME SOURCE.

We then are all embedded totally within NATURE, so then what does nature require of us 

by making us live endless incarnations all busy gathering tons of experiences??

The only reason i can see that makes the most sense, is that the reason we have to experience 

so many varying experiences in both sexes is for us to finally WAKE UP and re-cognise just

who and what you really are.

When we can reveal our true and lasting divinity, reveal to our outer mind the truth of our 

real immortal being, which is our divine soul true nature, we will then be moving in an inner

direction, that will eventually led us back into stillness and perfect bliss, that wondrous state

we all enjoyed before becoming unconscious energy ejected out of EDEN into the maelstrom

of perpetual motion

Our ascension transit is leading us all, one by one, into full self knowing, and as we arrive there

one by one, we can either move onto pastures greener than these here, or decide to stay here

and help your brothers and sisters to find their way home to.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Face book Soul realization.

Monday 19 July 2021


 To try and add further explanation to this theory ; in order for a force to emerge from a

dimensionless state and manifest itself  it needs a point of departure. A point (singularity) is

dimensionless, it has not yet emerged from unity, but is necessary for manifestation. Because

a point consists of only one single factor, it bares within itself the number of unity, the number

one. When the force whose first manifestation was a point, emerges from the dimensionless

state and is effective for a period of time, the point moves and forms a line, now it is this line

that comes into play. When the point zero is in evidence by this individual who has attained

Samadhi, a state of ATRAXY. When  this is held, resistance falls to zero-point and at that precise

moment thee is a point made and a line drawn down (gravity well) into the individual which 

results in a quantum jump of consciousness, a downward causation of transcendent 

consciousness. In the individual quest and endeavour for alignment there is, along the way 

degrees of acceptance and resistance wavers between balance and disharmony in mind, body

and soul. The individual begins to see further into the veil of form, he begins to understand

that spirit is life, matter is resistance ,the law of spirit is radiation giving selflessly, the law

of matter is drawing inward cooling off , 'paralysis'!  As man becomes more aligned,

more in tune with the inner and outer harmonics, he also becomes more conductive to

higher energies, over a period of gradual unfoldment, and with the building of one 

pointedness of focussed intent, resistance begins to fall away; this shows itself to the man

in jumps in conscious awareness. Total acceptance by the individual when perfected and the

state of SAMADHI achieved  then all, resistance falls away, the man becomes super 

conductive  and thereby ensues a massive inter-dimensional download of universal cosmic

consciousness. That my friends ,is the end of this part two of this little  old idea of mine,

Please once again forgive my indulgence, I wrote this out 12 years ago and felt the need

to put it out there again. i would welcome any comments positive or negative , if you 

have the time and inclination. Thank you. .Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 18 July 2021


 I would like to propose a theoretical idea of mine that may be seem to be strange and rather

odd, but I think it has potential . You could call it meta-physical of a sort. This theory will 

link  into what science calls a 'gravity well' and will explain how one's individual acceptance

plays a central part in this theory. It will link this in with what is called the state of SAMADHI,

which will also link into the 'place' called NIRVANA, which means total unity. 

I will show that there is a link between a gravity well of acceptance and mental poise, one

pointedness focussing of mind, and also how this can fit in with quantum non-locality.

It will show how the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created

or destroyed, or interconverted from one pre-existing physical form into another is flawed. It 

allows for no sub-state of existence. It cannot account for sub-quantum kinetics! Mind and 

intelligence are outside of the law of thermodynamics. This theory will show that all is 

interconnected and that synchronicity is the universes way of telling you that you are on

the right track. There is, I feel , a connection, a parallel, between superconductivity. The

attempt to attain absolute zero point where, if attained the motions of atoms would cease,

thereby all resistance would fall to zero-point, where, if attained, the motion of atoms 

would cease. Thereby resistance would fall to zero point resulting in perfect conductivity

with zero resistance. This is the scientist trying to produce superconductivity by building

equipment to meet the task. Then there is, I feel, the parallel of a person who, spending 

many years perfecting a meditation practice, culminating in finally reaching a state of

Samadhi. Now here is where the parallel comes in. When this condition is 'held' 

resistance falls to zero-point (absolute acceptance). This zero point 'creates' a gravity well

and, as "nature abhors a vacuum" and as there is absolutely no resistance, there is a 

down flow of consciousness expanded to universal level. This man can and indeed does

when perfected, become a superconductor of universal mind. When zero point is reached 

in the individual  and there is absolutely no resistance , when the state of Samadhi  is 

achieved and held, this point which is akin to a singularity, opens up an avenue where the

down flow of universal mind or consciousness flows through this down flow from a 

"FIELD" outside of our time and space continuum. When the individual is in total

resistance-less state, he is, in effect, superconductive and opens the doorway that allows the

inflow of super-consciousness to effect entry  into the individual , resulting in a state 


TBC tomorrow. Warmest regards michael. and feedback welcomed Facebook soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 17 July 2021


 What is the difference between MOTION and EMOTION?  The main difference is that 

ordinary motion, which is fully immersed within the perpetual motion that pulsates through

this entire relative universe is that of movement of the primordial THOUGHT  in occupied

NESCIENCE, which basically means that there is zero aware consciousness, of the 

motioning process, what is absent is SELF-AWARENESS.

When that magic letter 'E' which stands for ETHEREAL energy  which then acts as the ignition

sequence that brings about SELF AWARENESS, and  lights the FIRE of consciousness

becoming self aware, I AM AWAKE and KNOW this BY REFLECTING on my SELF!

'WE'  that of humanity have all been fully occupied by motion for untold AEONS long

past, we are all the results of star-dust which is in our blood stream, and the atoms within us

were in the stars before.

Through billions of years of motioning unconsciously, gathering experiences by imprinting

within your energy signature, we reached a point where the ETHEREAL energy penetrated

deeply within us and then lit the fire of I AM self consciousness awakening. 

EMOTION is the movement of the SPIRIT  within us, EMOTION and LOVE are 

entwined wrapped around each other in a double spiral much like the double helix that 

rotates within our DNA and also unites us consciously with the SOURCE (GOD)

Our journey from darkness(unknowing ignorance) into the light of motioning within the

spirit awakening meaning we are transformed from MOTION  to EMOTION from 

materiality to spirituality and BEYOND!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 16 July 2021


 Twin suns exist within the orbit of mankind, the outward sun is golden or yellow looking

and our physical bodies are made up from the elements that exist within the solar sun. We 

need be ever mindful that our physical sun is actually a star, the closest one to this planet,

and from which all physical life on earth depends on. Without the physical star called our sun

no life could exist here,(not life that we would recognise anyway). Deep within mankind there

exists a spiritual sun, and this sun radiates an icy blue colour . This is the universal spiritual sun,

that lies within the inner consciousness or soul of mankind. Mankind outwardly is dominated by

the physical sun, and his outward life and health depend upon this solar energy. PRANA 

emanates from within the physical sun, and we all need PRANA (life force) in order to remain

healthy. The son of man (us)remain  within the singular influence of the outward physical sun,

until such a time as perhaps a grave crisis arises within our life, when this occurs, it can have

the effect of directing our gaze inwards, rather than forever outward, when this happens , and by

going within ourselves, we discover an inner reality that we never knew existed.

The journey from lower son which stands for SOUL-OPENNESS-NEGATED, to the higher 

sun = SPIRIT-UNITED-NUMINOUS is a very long and painful experience, spanning often

many life times.

Man is BURIED DEEP within his own ignorance, and it takes time, and many experiences ,

many of them painful and highly emotional , before by circumstances arising within him

(usually severe crisis) he eventually starts the process, that will in later time , illumine his

inner consciousness and free him from his prison, the physical body!

When this happens man being born of the solar physical sun , is inwardly baptised by the

fire which is an icy cold crystal clear blue SUN, which is the inner universal spiritual sun

which can only ever been known by deeply going within ourselves.

When the sequence finely "locks into place" the man who was human and born of the 

physical golden sun, is at that point reborn within his BEING and then becomes a SUN 

of the infinite Father or SELF, who radiates universally through the central spiritual SUN

Which is BLUE. which stands for BEING-LIFE-UNITED-ETERNAL. 

Man is then REBORN by the FIRE of SPIRIT and is then cooled by the inner SUN and

warmed bt the outer sun, perfect balance has been established , and duality expressed in 

two suns  co-joined and transforming man into a real and WHOLE SON of the SUN!

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

Thursday 15 July 2021


 Could mankind be seen as 7.7 billion MUGS looking for an identity that made sense? I 

remember when i was 29 years old and beginning to recover from an addiction that was

slowly killing me (suicide by instalments) A man I met at a meeting for recovery, said to me

that I was a 'defect looking for a character' this really boosted my self esteem at the time!

Then after a while and taking up meditation, I began to see that me as a part of mankind

was looking for something greater than me, a higher power . This was over forty six years

ago now, and now see through the power of soul realization that all of humanity is totally

connected and interconnected with each other, we are all as they say in Quantum Science

hopelessly entangled with each other.

What connects us all together is the SPIRIT of this universe, or GOD for short. When we 

uncover this spirit within us, we are no longer MUGS searching and looking for answers.

We have found the answer to life within ourselves.

The answer to life is that YOU reading this now, are a beautiful soul just coming into cognition

of your true immortal divine identity.

The answer to all your most heartfelt questions lie within yourself, trust your inner being

to give you the answers you need to find complete fulfilment and tune into the faculty of

your very own inbuilt intuition, there ask those questions that have puzzled you all your life

and if you are patient and persist, all the answers you need will flash into your conscious

awareness, then you will know for sure who you really are, beneath this FACADE of FORM.

We often focus only on our physical and mental faculties, and ignore the fact that we are 

all in fact also spiritual beings as well, and that part needs our attention as well.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Wednesday 14 July 2021


 'WE' as that of humanity are the ALL THING clothed within a physical vehicle. The ALL 

THING is that which is LIFE. which when expressed becomes ENERGY and this energy

is also known as that of the SELF or SOURCE of all Life.

What i call the ALL-SEQUENCE is what we call expressed life universally. This ALL Sequence

is that of perpetual motion which then fosters through what we call evolution, or the more

modern buzz word that of ascension, all the various infinite shapes and sizes of expressed life


All motion universally arose from Absolute Motionlessness, perfect stillness within the 'ALL'

then that primordial THOUGHT arose bringing MOTION in its WAKE into being from perfect


'WE' you and me arose out of that perfect stillness, the ALL then MOVED outwards from the 

centreless centre, which then become the ALL SEQUENCE (motion was born aloft that primal

first causeless cause) and we are all the shakers and movers of that original THOUGHT in a 

place where ALL MOTION was born.

That which is everything is then in fact the All-Thing which we call God/Self/Brahman/Allah/

or any name that may seem appropriate to you personally.

If we look deeply into motion what will we find? The answer is simply motionlessness, or 

that of rather perfect stillness, perfect stillness is WHERE we all began to MOVE, and

all the moving you do every day of your life is for ONE PURPOSE ONLY, and that purpose

is for YOU to BECOME STILL and KNOW that YOU are GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

How many of us have heard the phrase of "going through the motions"??? Can we see and

understand what this really  means at a VERY DEEP level?

Your everyday experiences are all in effects MOTIONS, and ultimately these motions which

are in effect accumulated experiences over many many incarnations here on Earth, will all

eventually lead each soul into the place of full and lasting realization of just who and what

you truly are, when that wondrous day arrives for you dear reader of this blog, you can then

if you wish STEP OUT of the ALL SEQUENCE and enter into perfect stillness.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 13 July 2021


 It was written thousands of years ago in the Emerald Tablets of THOTH the ATLANTEAN

that "man is a flame bound to a mountain" what could that mean? To me the mountain 

represents that we a bound  to is that of our ignorance , and that this ignorance that darkens

the flame of life that exists within us all.

What exactly is truth? Does anybody really know? You reading this now, know that you are

alive, have awareness, and are conscious of reading these words, that is true for you, is it not!

There seems to be two levels of truth, one is relative and changes over time, and one that is

absolute and changes not. 

Like the universal law of cause and effect which are immutable and remain true for all time,

and if effect seem to be eternal.

The laws that run this universe are true and changeless, but our everyday interactions with

others changes daily.

So does the story of our lives as we move through it day by day, what is true today in our 

life, might well not be tomorrow.

What about your personal truth regards as to who you think you are? Has that changed over

the years, or remain fixed ever since you became consciously aware?

Do you honestly know fully who you really are? If yes fine, but if no, are you going to do

anything about this lack of full self knowing? Does your self honesty remind you that getting

to know who you really are, is important to you, is it not?

What does self responsibility mean to us? Who looks back at us in the mirror image? Do we

fully understand that being behind those two eyes looking back at us.

Truth can be seen as a tapestry that we weave through our gathering of experiences here on

earth, that will in effect mean that each tapestry will be woven differently from everyone

else, so in that way our understanding of truth will differ from everyone else. There will be

of course many point of mutual agreement, but overall our personal truth will be unique 

to you.

Warmest regards michael. any  feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 12 July 2021

Water Is Spirits Divined Omnipresent Medium. W I S D O M .

 Science cannot make water, because the spark (fire) that is needed to combine the atoms

of hydrogen and oxygen cannot be yet manipulated by science, that vital spark that is needed

to combine those atoms together to produce one molecule of water, is that of the very spark

of life itself, which is SPIRIT.

Nature (SOURCE) easily makes this vital liquid naturally by infinite intelligence. Spirit in

its essence cannot touch material matter, being PURE and INVIOLATE in its majestic 

formlessness form. But can appear in this relative domain cloaked within the atoms of

hydrogen and oxygen.

Water is spirit within the relative universe  and physicality, 70% of out bodies are made up from

this "liquid spirit" which we call water, coincidentally this planet earth is covered by 70% with

water, is there a connection here?

Water has consciousness and memory, as proved by the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto., his

experiments with water caused "ripples" across this planet, his working with ice crystals show

how positive and negative thoughts affect the shapes of the ice crystals, negative thoughts

produced a miss-aligned messy shapes, while positive thoughts produced wonderful perfect

aligned shapes.

We are 70% outwardly water spiritual beings, and inwardly we are 100% pure SPIRIT BEING

For the SOURCE to reveal itself within relativity in has to become super dense, to become

cloaked down massively in order to have the necessary gravity become stabilised and 

anchored in this dimension. We as human beings are all SOURCE cloaked within a matter

physical biological machine vehicle.

Wisdom arises from within, when we avert our gaze from outwardly to inwardly, and then

entering within the silence, Silence is an infinite ocean of infinite wisdom, this wisdom will

literally FLOW INTO your conscious awareness, exactly as water/spirit flows in a river.

All we need to do is nothing,  just be still and KNOW, that you are SOURCE! A fractal


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks,

Sunday 11 July 2021


 No-thing that exists within this universe can come between the direct connection between

mankind and the SOURCE of all life universally. Mankind has in fact zero need of any 

intermediary to act on his or her behalf, simply because we are all totally connected and

interconnected to the SOURCE of all life. All we need to do is to look within ourselves

and there is the Absolute Source  of all living expression , right THERE within YOU!

Closer than your hands and feet, there right within your HEART. There is zero-distance

between you and GOD/SOURCE, not ONE ATOM distance in FACT.

The only thing that seems to be stopping our connection to our SOURCE of all life, is

basically our ignorance of our true immortal inner nature.

We do not NEED any so called "ascended masters" to act on our behalf, or any other self

appointed spokes-person for the SOURCE. We are ALL DIRECTLY-CONNECTED and

Interconnected to the SOURCE of all universal life.

Instead of looking OUT THERE for the answers to your prayers, look within yourself 

instead and be pleasantly surprised what you will find there.

When we look within ourselves for the answers to our many arising questions, we are in 

effect honouring our true inner nature as sovereign being, because of our Divine connection

we have access to all universal knowledge and wisdom, all we need to to is to establish a 

conscious aware connection within ourselves, by practicing meditation or yoga, these 

disciplines will enable you to quiet the chattering mind, and to enter into the inner silence

this is where you can tune into higher levels of consciousness and more expanded profound


We each have a duty to ourselves that when the time feels right to you, to begin the act of 

actively engaging with the SOURCE of all LIFE and unconditional LOVE so that we can

begin peeling away the layers of ignorance that keep us from fully KNOWING OUR  SELF.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 10 July 2021

Experience Gathering Opening SELF. E G O S .

 It is written in the ageless wisdom  that we have to "lose our minds. in order to find our SELF".

What is our physical life expression actually about? Perhaps we could think of numerous ideas

as to what our life here on Earth is actually about. But in truth we are all here for ONE THING

ONLY  and this is to gain experience of expressed physicality in both sexes via reincarnation

over many many times.

The next question arises as to why do we need this vast amount of experiences for? What is the

reason for this? The answer to this question is really very simple , but also very profound and

complex. The reason why we have so many incarnations here on Earth is to find out who we 

really are.

To find out and reveal the true SELF dwelling within us. When we find our SELF we then 

lose our MINDS and thereby become absorbed within our SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS?

We  then recognise exactly what the mind consists of and how it differs from consciousness

consciousness is infinite and absolute, whereas the mind is finite and is created by our own

ignorance and complete lack of self knowing.

We are all born with a virtual blank slate in our brains, this blank slate begins being 

inscribed on the babies brain as experiences from its parents and family members, this builds

up into and forming memory in the babies brain, these interactions build up a pattern within

the brain, and when the child reaches the age of two years old, it then begins to feel the 

birthing of self awareness, its sense of being an "I" form into its brain, this is where the 

infant personality is born, the terrible twos and tantrums that occur, are the life force 

beginning to assert itself, What we call the mind is a self created combination of the ego, 

which is the assertive "I" AM, plus memory from birth, and the combined interactions with

family and friends, all these experiences form the THOUGHT PATTERNS which then 

commonly called a mind. When you lose your mind, you are then just consciousness 

awareness. Consciousness and awareness are infinite and absolute as we all are in the SELF

the mind is relative and finite, and ceases to exist when the physical body dies, but YOU

and aware consciousness will continue living for all eternity.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17' any feedback welcomed facebook soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Friday 9 July 2021

Singularity Points Of Reference Expressed. S P O R E .

 Mankind  consists of 7.8 billion spores of the ONE seed Thought that motioned this relative

universe into expression. Each human being is basically a "reference point" within the 

limitless ocean of relative expression.

'WE' are presented into this three dimensional physical realm , encapsulated within a 'DOT'

a sub atomic point of reference that is holding and compressing infinity into a singularity point

of reference. YOU and ME are each sub atomic 'DOTS' held in perfect coherence by the super 

velocity rotation of the vortex that funnels down into a singularity point of super compressed

Divine Energy.

Humanity  consists of spiral points of reference, each DOT or reference point is a mirror image

of the Absolute SEED thought of the SOURCE

We are in effect and in fact sub atomic dots, drops of the Absolute Ocean of the ONE LIFE

SOURCE, each having self aware consciousness, I am SELF AWARE point referencing the 

whole within the sub atomic dot.

The miracle of our expression is that eternity and infinity have been super compressed  into

a singularity point, which then exits out of ALL and EVERYTHING, into a relative three

dimensional physical embodiment, and is born into relativity, outwardly physical and relative

and inwardly spirit and eternal.

Each spore which represents a single human being, is basically a fractal image of the SOURCE 

Absolute, We could even be seen as SOURCE-lets! Sub atomic particles of that which just

(IS). When we can go within ourselves, and begin to join up all these DOTS, a picture will

appear within your centre of consciousness, that will reveal to your startled gaze the connection

that each dot has to all the other dots, then the realization of who and what you really are will

dawn upon your now expanded levels of awareness and consciousness.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 8 July 2021

Consciousness Awareness Universal Source Expressing Divinity. C A U S E D .

 Thought Intention was the first primal Causeless Cause, that issued from within the Absolute

Pure Awareness. This was the birth of all MOTION which then gave birth to the relative

universe as we know it today.

Consciousness and Awareness were Cast out of EDEN (place of eternal stillness) into the

maelstrom of chaos in motion. The primal INTENTION WAVE began to coalesce into matter

and plasma. and began the motioning sequence that came to be known as that of Evolution.

From that primordial first causeless cause, 'WE' have aeons later emerged into the arena of

self aware consciousness, we have our I AM Self aware consciousness, and know that I am


Mankind is awakening into the realization of its long forgotten Divine Heritage. Today the

BUZZ WORD is ASCENSION, websites are full ascension advice and are all trying to

get your attention. There is a saying that "the truth will set you free" , what does that 

actually mean?  What will you be free from?  The answer to that is simply , that you will

be free from the IGNORANCE of not knowing who you really are.

The older word for ascension was of course that of evolution, which now seems to have

been dropped by most websites.

We are all on our journey HOME, each incarnation upon this vale of tears brings us all one

step closer to fully knowing and realizing who we really are. Wholeness is what we all our 

deep within our inner matrix of pure LIFE which is Spirit/SOURCE, but on the surface of

our shallow awareness and shallow consciousness, we remain fragmented and UN WHOLE

the reason for this is because we have not yet been able to see, feel, and be fully aware of 

that inner real SELF, that lies within your heart chakra, millions of us do not even KNOW

of the existence of a heart chakra within themselves, let alone make contact with it. Until

we can consciously make the right inner connections, we will remain incomplete and be a 

total stranger to the Divinity that dwells within us.

It is not difficult to get to know ourselves deeply, all it takes is a willingness to look within

yourself and thereby search within yourself and open that inner door that will restore you 

to wholeness and completeness of being.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Wednesday 7 July 2021


 The vast majority of humanity sleeps in a profound amnesic torpor, having being born, living

their entire life then dying, without once ever knowing who they really were. The biggest 

problem that face mankind today, is the same problem that has been with mankind for countless

millenniums, which is that of total ignorance as to whom they really are!

Hundreds of millions of mankind have no real understanding of their Divine true heritage. Zero

understanding of their eternal immortal true nature.

Millions of us live in this trance like torpor , living our entire life thinking and believing that

their true nature is a biological machine called our personality, and that when we die, either that's

it total oblivion, good night nurse! Or we have some hope that we will survive, but we are not 

entirely sure. We fail to perceive or understand that we have all had countless incarnations upon

this school room planet. The reason we are here is to finally WAKE-UP and re-cognise your true

inner Divine nature, when we finally wake up from our aeon long sleep and see ,feel, and fully 

know just who and what you really are, then our incarnation days are over, for this planet.

How many of us have run around looking for GOD? Imagining that God was perhaps lost!

How many of us have finally recognised that the God you have been looking for, was actually

YOU!!!  HUMANITY is the SOURCE transfigured into 7.7 billion souls upon this planet


clouded out its full SPECTRUM of INTENSITY which results in IGNORANCE of true

NATURE, and a FALSE MISIDENTIFICATION with the MIND and personality which

then becomes the EGOIC lower self.

Our task dear readers of this blog, is to wake up, look within ourselves, reveal our true Divine

nature, then we we fully understand this to be our eternal reality, we can then pass this 

knowledge onto our families and friends, sharing is caring is it not?

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facdebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 6 July 2021


 Of all the universal infinite knowledge and wisdom that abounds, the absolute most important

thing any human being can ever know is WHO they really ARE. To know fully your SELF.

That is the SOLE reason any of us our here to find out. And the way we find is through

experiencing life as three dimensional vehicles , which we commonly call Mankind.

The initiation into full self knowing, is a long and arduous journey, which spans many many

incarnations upon this 'vale of tears' we call Earth.

This planet is really a school room, where we incarnate into and begin the process of awakening

that inner Divinity that lies within us all. This awakening, this initiation spans many lifetimes

each life time brings us one step closer to full SELF Knowing.

In this age of digital gadgetry the information about our true being is everywhere available 

on the internet, all one has to do is start looking at things about life and divinity, the truth about

the soul, picking out what resonates within you, and ignoring the rest.

We can also INITIATE ourselves by going within and start doing some meditation practice

that will enable you to still the wayward ego mind, and enter into that inner silence the home

of wisdom and intuition, contacting our inner intuition faculties leads into a great expansion

of our awareness and consciousness.

In this modern digital age we are often blindsided and distracted by endless cycles of 

advertising and special offers you do not want to miss! Plus our digital friends that send us

endless messages  which are mostly trivia in content. This bombardment of digital dogma

almost guarantees to keep us permanently looking outward, and never looking inward, and

the only way we will ever fully know ourselves, and realise the reality of our immortal 

divine soul, is for us to focus our gaze inwards, and reveal that hidden TREASURE  that

lies within us all.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 5 July 2021


 Every human being on this planet has by right of direct inheritance to the Divine SOURCE

of all life universally. To be able to be bathed in glorious BLISS, and weep tears of unbridled 

joy, and the overwhelming feeling of complete and total WHOLENESS. complete and unified

within the wholeness of all LIFE.

Yet how many of us has ever felt this bliss, or even know what it is? The Book of Wholeness

which is the BOOK of LIFE, the BIBLE is not just written in a physical BOOK, it is also

written within your DNA and within your Heart Chakra. All we need to do to find it is to go 

within ourselves and OPEN that Book OF Life. That Book of WHOLENESS that lies within

your heart chakra.

Being bathed in BLISS and pure love, and the arising full knowingness of your Divine heritage

being COMPLETE and full of LIFE, is NOT bestowed upon you by the SOURCE of all LIFE

the only 'BESTOWER' is YOURSELF, who has aligned your self with the natural law of 

expression. Which then harmonises your outer and inner self with full knowledge of your true

and eternal nature.

When you tune into that deep inner place within your heart, you then touch the Divinity that

is your inner core or matrix. When that Divine touch is made , a great WELLING-UP  of 

JOY and happiness arises  up within you, and the Book of Life welcomes you Home to

your true inner Divine nature.

It is only our deep ignorance that keeps  billions of us from feeling this pure JOY of SELF

KNOWING. To clear away the ignorance go within and search for that real YOU  that lies 

there awaiting your conscious presence of drawing close to that Divine being which is your 

higher self, the Divine immortal SOUL.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 4 July 2021


 The word Bible comes from the Greek word 'BIBLOS' which means 'BOOK' this then came

to be known as "THE BOOK" (Bible). The word HOLY is from the old English word 'HALIG'

which is akin to the old English 'HAL' meaning WHOLE.  So if we place these two basic early

meanings the BIBLE would then read as "THE BOOK OF WHOLENESS"!!

Wholeness arises within us when we have full inner knowing of our SELF, which is in truth

revealing the full understanding of our Divine Heritage.

This blog is about fully understanding who  and what we really are. To BATHE in BLISS is a 

natural occurrence when we are in complete harmonic resonance with our true inner Divine

nature. When that occurs the soul will weep in pure unadulterated  joy as being WHOLE and

COMPLETE  UNIFIED within and without, completely WHOLE (HOLY)

How do we then realise this exalted state? 

The Book of Wholeness is written within the heart CHAKRA of every soul upon this planet

to read this WHOLLY BOOK we need to venture within ourselves.

Awareness and consciousness are both infinite and universal, we all have free access to these

dual forces of perception. What occurs though is that because of our basic ignorance of our

true immortal identity, we thereby drastically reduce the radios of our perceptual abilities.

Instead of tapping into infinite levels of consciousness and awareness, we only have a near 

zero scope in the range of our perceptions.

If we are serious in enlarging our perceptual abilities we can then take up the practice of 

meditation or yoga or even self enquiry, who am I really?  This will begin to expand our 

levels of consciousness and perceptual awareness, which will then lead you into the area of

inner being that connects you directly to your intuition faculties that then will begin flashing

insights and concepts into your self aware mind. If you persist in being able to connect with

your intuition centre, it will begin opening up for you the true nature of your being, you will

find out that enlightenment is a fallacy, no one has ever become enlightened on this planet

in the last billion years. The facts outweigh the fiction, the fiction is that you can become 

enlightened by following some practice or another, the fact is that we ARE ALREADY ALL

ENLIGHTENED and have been ever so, What happens in meditation or yoga is that we begin

the task of removing the ignorance that clouds and covers our inner MIRROR as we clear 

away layer after layer of ignorance, finally we arrive at the place where we see OUR-SELVES

in the perfect reflection of the SELF, which is another name for GOD!

When that glorious day arrives for you dear reader of this blog, you will feel and know what

BLISS really feels like, and tears of total JOY will run down your cheeks like living 

RAINBOWS of liquid LIGHT!  You then will be that LIVING BOOK (bible) of pure


warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Saturday 3 July 2021


 " For we are only of yesterday and know nothing, because our days on Earth are as a

shadow" JOB 8.9. Wise words indeed from JOB, this blog is about how we are in fact

solid flesh and bone shadows, casting out from the inner spiritual light of the Divine

soul. The invisible inner spiritual light becomes congealed and sets into solidity , as a 

physical shadow of which we are all living in.

The shadow is an incoming Divine entity that becomes condensed by a rapid deceleration

of vibratory expression, and then further condenses into what we see as a human baby.

WE, each human being is basically a SLIVER of the full BEING  which is the SELF.

Our physical bodies are in fact a TEMPLE for the indwelling inner SPIRIT that dwells

deeply within the outer extremity of the physical body.

Within the matrix of your inner core lies the inner Light of pure Spirit of which we are all

cast into SHADOWS (the shadow (YOU) is the inner spiritual light solidified into flesh)

Science cannot as yet accept the reality of solid shadows, one day soon they will realise 

the validity of such a common phenomena across this planet, which has 7.7 billion  solid

shadows walking about ,and looking for answers as to who they really are.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 2 July 2021


 The equation of expression is ON, and the equation of zero expression is OFF. If relative

is on, then Absolute is OFF, non-existence relates to being Absolute, and existence relates to

being relative. The Absolute is non-existent because the word EXIST comes from the LATIN

word EXSISTENTIA which basically means to 'stand out from' and the Absolute cannot stand

out from ANYTHING because ZERO ELSE EXISTS except IT, thereby the Absolute does not 

EXIST (stand out from anything) it just IS Absolute Reality.

Humanity is fully motioning in the ON sequence, and we will remain ON until we have fully

realized our true immortal identity, when we do that and enter into full knowing of our TRUE

SELF, which is Absolute and NOT RELATIVE, we will then have a choice either to completely

'PHASE OUT' of  relativity, cross consciously through the MEMBRANE that separates relativity

from the Absolute and become ONE within the ALL, or we can chose to stay here on Earth and 

help our fellow humans to find their way home as well, as an act of love and service.

Or we can leave this solar system and enter into other realms of expression on other worlds 

far far away from here.

When we fully know  ourselves , we have endless choices we can make and become involved

with. When we fully cognise our eternal nature, time and space are clearly seen as nothing but

total illusions, all smoke and mirrors  with zero substance.

The blog title today which spells out the word NEAR really means that the answers you need

in order to gain a full and knowing answer to your true immortal lasting identity,, lies zero

distance from you right NOW! It lies WITHIN YOU right NOW!!

All you have to do is to look within yourself, and honestly ask yourself the question WHO AM

I REALLY?? Do this, and persist with this inner questioning, and the answers will UNFOLD

before your very eyes.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 1 July 2021


 The eternal wisdom is a transcendent reality which cannot be poured from an EWER into

a mould , preserved and then worshipped as a fetish. The moment its expression  becomes static

and is treated as a creed, to be studied and religiously followed piously, it then becomes dead,

though it might still continue to inspire and help some people , in a very limited manner.

The difference between wisdom and knowledge is simply that wisdom unites, and knowledge

divides. Wisdom is always inclusive, whereas knowledge is always exclusive.

We all have access to infinite wisdom, it lies deeply within us all. To find it and access its noble

truths , is by going within ourselves, and tuning into our inbuilt intuition faculties.

Intuition is the gateway that leads to infinite wisdom and the full knowing of who and whom

you really are.

Wisdom is the motioning power of unconditional love manifesting within the framework of

mindful consciousness and the arising thoughts that are attuned to that loving vibration.

The answer to all our questions relating to who and what we are, why we are here on Earth

plus all the other related questions about life and has it any real meaning? Will be fully 

answered to you, if you go within yourself, take up meditation or yoga, ask these questions

in your daily practice of sitting quietly and going into the inner silence. When you have begun

mastering all those endless thoughts, and are able to let them all go, you will then find 

yourself within a great expanse of noiseless silence, here in this inner peace, flashes of 

insights will well up in your awareness and consciousness, this will be the beginning of 

your journey into full SELF KNOWING and becoming also acquainted with the rich vibrant

truths of the ageless wisdom.

The entire history of universal manifestations spanning untold billions of centuries all lie within

you, all you have to do is seek and you will find. Remember that all life is eternal and YOU

have experienced that experience of aeons of unfolding life, in infinite numbers of ways, you

have been there and got the T-shirt, its just that outwardly you have forgotten all this, but deep

within you lies the answer and your history and motions through it.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

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