Sunday 18 July 2021


 I would like to propose a theoretical idea of mine that may be seem to be strange and rather

odd, but I think it has potential . You could call it meta-physical of a sort. This theory will 

link  into what science calls a 'gravity well' and will explain how one's individual acceptance

plays a central part in this theory. It will link this in with what is called the state of SAMADHI,

which will also link into the 'place' called NIRVANA, which means total unity. 

I will show that there is a link between a gravity well of acceptance and mental poise, one

pointedness focussing of mind, and also how this can fit in with quantum non-locality.

It will show how the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created

or destroyed, or interconverted from one pre-existing physical form into another is flawed. It 

allows for no sub-state of existence. It cannot account for sub-quantum kinetics! Mind and 

intelligence are outside of the law of thermodynamics. This theory will show that all is 

interconnected and that synchronicity is the universes way of telling you that you are on

the right track. There is, I feel , a connection, a parallel, between superconductivity. The

attempt to attain absolute zero point where, if attained the motions of atoms would cease,

thereby all resistance would fall to zero-point, where, if attained, the motion of atoms 

would cease. Thereby resistance would fall to zero point resulting in perfect conductivity

with zero resistance. This is the scientist trying to produce superconductivity by building

equipment to meet the task. Then there is, I feel, the parallel of a person who, spending 

many years perfecting a meditation practice, culminating in finally reaching a state of

Samadhi. Now here is where the parallel comes in. When this condition is 'held' 

resistance falls to zero-point (absolute acceptance). This zero point 'creates' a gravity well

and, as "nature abhors a vacuum" and as there is absolutely no resistance, there is a 

down flow of consciousness expanded to universal level. This man can and indeed does

when perfected, become a superconductor of universal mind. When zero point is reached 

in the individual  and there is absolutely no resistance , when the state of Samadhi  is 

achieved and held, this point which is akin to a singularity, opens up an avenue where the

down flow of universal mind or consciousness flows through this down flow from a 

"FIELD" outside of our time and space continuum. When the individual is in total

resistance-less state, he is, in effect, superconductive and opens the doorway that allows the

inflow of super-consciousness to effect entry  into the individual , resulting in a state 


TBC tomorrow. Warmest regards michael. and feedback welcomed Facebook soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Within the gravity well of acceptance lies perfect conductivity and man there transcends the limits of physicality into universal consciousness and awareness.
