Thursday 29 July 2021


 We each have within us a "still small voice" that whispers words of comfort and reassurance 

to us in times of crisis and mental and emotional turmoil within us. This still small voice is 

the voice of our intuition, that faculty that every one of us has within themselves. INTUITION

is the voice that speaks out from the void within us, that space-less space that fills all with its

presence. Yet we are seldom aware of this silent void within us, because we are so often chock

full of endless thoughts. It is only in crisis that this inner voice can break through that wall of

thinking thoughts and actually get our attention. Intuition can also be seen as that of our 

conscience speaking, they are one of the same thing. Many these days seem to prefer to get

told things about spiritual realities by the vast amount of new age gurus who seem to spring

out of the woodwork in droves. They will explain your spirituality to you and advice you on

how to meditate, for a price of course!

Each human being has its very own guru within themselves, which will connect you directly

with your higher self via your very own inner voice of INTUITION.

This inner GURU is your INTUITION, that silent inner voice that loves you and accepts you


Infinite Intelligence has provided each one of us 7.7 billion souls with the wherewithal to

make contact and engage with our higher self via direct voice of our INTUITION. the

word intuition means literally to be "taught from within" that is what intuition MEANS

that all the questions we may have about life, why are we here? Can and will be answered

by the voice of intuition , all we need to do is to go within ourselves, still the wayward 

mind that is full of thoughts, listen into the silence within us, within that silence lies

infinite wisdom, and we can tap into this wisdom, if we practice stilling the thoughts,

setting aside a time where we can just sit quietly and listen within us, ask a question to

that inner voice, and become still and wait for the answer, it will always come, if we are


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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