Saturday 24 July 2021


 It is written in the Bible John 1;1 "In the beginning was the word, and the WORD was with 

GOD, and the WORD was GOD". The HEBREW word for GOD is  EL, EL means God  so

the WORD spells out the name EL, which is the WORD (GOD EL) becoming expressed, when

EL is expressed  perpetual motion was born aloft within that INTENTIONAL WAVE 

of EL GOD. So the WORD actually spells out the manifestation of the duality based relative

universe, which was done by the INTENTION WAVE of EL. In its unexpressed stateless state

I AM stands for INFINITE-ABSOLUTE-MOTIONLESSNESS, when expressed it becomes 

'ME' which equates to MANIFESTED ENERGY, ME which it then becomes relative and dual.

'WE' (you and me) are all EL  which translates as that of embodied  expressed in physical form

as human beings here on Earth. Humanity is the WORD (EL) made into flesh and blood vehicles.

Expressed life means LITERALLY that EL/GOD  has become MOVED (emotion)  thereby

LEAVING its absolute stillness, and BE- COMING Relative energy which manifests a 

temporal universe.

We as that of humanity are all part of that DIVINE EL energy, we all our in effect and in fact

THE WORD made into FLESH!

When we look deeply within ourselves, we will see ultimately EL (YOU1) looking back at YOU!

The injunction given in the Bible of "BE still and know that I am GOD EL" means that if

we look within ourselves, still the wayward chattering mind, slow down all thoughts, meditate 

on the question of WHO AM I ? If we do that we will then set in motion a chain of 

forthcoming events that will slowly or quickly reveal your true immortal Divine Identity.

All expressed life universally is the WORD,  much of the word is silent and unconscious, we

as that of humanity have progressed far enough along the ascension pathway to have become

not only conscious being, but also I am self aware consciousness beings, so we are then able

to consciously realise our  true immortal heritage, so then what are you waiting for dear 

READER of this blog?????

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thamks.

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