Friday 2 July 2021


 The equation of expression is ON, and the equation of zero expression is OFF. If relative

is on, then Absolute is OFF, non-existence relates to being Absolute, and existence relates to

being relative. The Absolute is non-existent because the word EXIST comes from the LATIN

word EXSISTENTIA which basically means to 'stand out from' and the Absolute cannot stand

out from ANYTHING because ZERO ELSE EXISTS except IT, thereby the Absolute does not 

EXIST (stand out from anything) it just IS Absolute Reality.

Humanity is fully motioning in the ON sequence, and we will remain ON until we have fully

realized our true immortal identity, when we do that and enter into full knowing of our TRUE

SELF, which is Absolute and NOT RELATIVE, we will then have a choice either to completely

'PHASE OUT' of  relativity, cross consciously through the MEMBRANE that separates relativity

from the Absolute and become ONE within the ALL, or we can chose to stay here on Earth and 

help our fellow humans to find their way home as well, as an act of love and service.

Or we can leave this solar system and enter into other realms of expression on other worlds 

far far away from here.

When we fully know  ourselves , we have endless choices we can make and become involved

with. When we fully cognise our eternal nature, time and space are clearly seen as nothing but

total illusions, all smoke and mirrors  with zero substance.

The blog title today which spells out the word NEAR really means that the answers you need

in order to gain a full and knowing answer to your true immortal lasting identity,, lies zero

distance from you right NOW! It lies WITHIN YOU right NOW!!

All you have to do is to look within yourself, and honestly ask yourself the question WHO AM

I REALLY?? Do this, and persist with this inner questioning, and the answers will UNFOLD

before your very eyes.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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