Wednesday 14 July 2021


 'WE' as that of humanity are the ALL THING clothed within a physical vehicle. The ALL 

THING is that which is LIFE. which when expressed becomes ENERGY and this energy

is also known as that of the SELF or SOURCE of all Life.

What i call the ALL-SEQUENCE is what we call expressed life universally. This ALL Sequence

is that of perpetual motion which then fosters through what we call evolution, or the more

modern buzz word that of ascension, all the various infinite shapes and sizes of expressed life


All motion universally arose from Absolute Motionlessness, perfect stillness within the 'ALL'

then that primordial THOUGHT arose bringing MOTION in its WAKE into being from perfect


'WE' you and me arose out of that perfect stillness, the ALL then MOVED outwards from the 

centreless centre, which then become the ALL SEQUENCE (motion was born aloft that primal

first causeless cause) and we are all the shakers and movers of that original THOUGHT in a 

place where ALL MOTION was born.

That which is everything is then in fact the All-Thing which we call God/Self/Brahman/Allah/

or any name that may seem appropriate to you personally.

If we look deeply into motion what will we find? The answer is simply motionlessness, or 

that of rather perfect stillness, perfect stillness is WHERE we all began to MOVE, and

all the moving you do every day of your life is for ONE PURPOSE ONLY, and that purpose

is for YOU to BECOME STILL and KNOW that YOU are GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

How many of us have heard the phrase of "going through the motions"??? Can we see and

understand what this really  means at a VERY DEEP level?

Your everyday experiences are all in effects MOTIONS, and ultimately these motions which

are in effect accumulated experiences over many many incarnations here on Earth, will all

eventually lead each soul into the place of full and lasting realization of just who and what

you truly are, when that wondrous day arrives for you dear reader of this blog, you can then

if you wish STEP OUT of the ALL SEQUENCE and enter into perfect stillness.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. YOU are the ALL SEQUENCE in MOTION through your physical expression moving through endless experiences searching for YOUR-SELF?
