Twin suns exist within the orbit of mankind, the outward sun is golden or yellow looking
and our physical bodies are made up from the elements that exist within the solar sun. We
need be ever mindful that our physical sun is actually a star, the closest one to this planet,
and from which all physical life on earth depends on. Without the physical star called our sun
no life could exist here,(not life that we would recognise anyway). Deep within mankind there
exists a spiritual sun, and this sun radiates an icy blue colour . This is the universal spiritual sun,
that lies within the inner consciousness or soul of mankind. Mankind outwardly is dominated by
the physical sun, and his outward life and health depend upon this solar energy. PRANA
emanates from within the physical sun, and we all need PRANA (life force) in order to remain
healthy. The son of man (us)remain within the singular influence of the outward physical sun,
until such a time as perhaps a grave crisis arises within our life, when this occurs, it can have
the effect of directing our gaze inwards, rather than forever outward, when this happens , and by
going within ourselves, we discover an inner reality that we never knew existed.
The journey from lower son which stands for SOUL-OPENNESS-NEGATED, to the higher
sun = SPIRIT-UNITED-NUMINOUS is a very long and painful experience, spanning often
many life times.
Man is BURIED DEEP within his own ignorance, and it takes time, and many experiences ,
many of them painful and highly emotional , before by circumstances arising within him
(usually severe crisis) he eventually starts the process, that will in later time , illumine his
inner consciousness and free him from his prison, the physical body!
When this happens man being born of the solar physical sun , is inwardly baptised by the
fire which is an icy cold crystal clear blue SUN, which is the inner universal spiritual sun
which can only ever been known by deeply going within ourselves.
When the sequence finely "locks into place" the man who was human and born of the
physical golden sun, is at that point reborn within his BEING and then becomes a SUN
of the infinite Father or SELF, who radiates universally through the central spiritual SUN
Which is BLUE. which stands for BEING-LIFE-UNITED-ETERNAL.
Man is then REBORN by the FIRE of SPIRIT and is then cooled by the inner SUN and
warmed bt the outer sun, perfect balance has been established , and duality expressed in
two suns co-joined and transforming man into a real and WHOLE SON of the SUN!
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.
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