Wednesday 9 September 2020

Thoughts Are Things Truly Expressing Reality Sequentially T A T T E R S Part Two.

If any of us ever find that our life is in tatters,then we need to look very carefully about what
we have been thinking and doing with ourselves that lead up to this crisis in our lives. If we
can look upon a visiting crisis as an opportunity to bring about a change in our way of thinking
we will then have turned a very important corner in our lives,and have changed a negative
crisis into something positive and life enhancing.
Our lives are all expressed sequentially via the content of our arising thought patterns, if we
are balanced and fairly positive in our outlook,then our lives will reflect this state.
Thoughts and intentions are one of the most powerful forces within this universe, this whole
relative universe is basically and most assuredly the product of Absolute Thought-Intention
even quantum science is beginning to realise this most ancient truth,this whole universe
operates within immutable laws and perfection of sequential mechanics and harmonic
tones that balance every dimensional octave with perfect synchronisation and harmonic
balance. Behind these immutable exact eternal laws lies Infinite Intelligence, which soon
all science will accept as fact,then science and religion will therefore build a bridge and find
common ground to agree upon. The ancient wisdom has known this truth fro thousands of
years, science is just starting to catch up.
For us in general it is about realising the great importance of thought,and how it can make our
life happy and constructive, or it can tear us into shreds with madness and emotional turmoil.
The choice is always ours, we are in control of our thinking, if you think you are not in control
of your thinking, then seek professional help immediately,and therefore get your life back on
track. We need to be the captain of our own ship,your physical body,do not make excuses or
blame others for your mess which you created. If we take full responsibility for all our thoughts,
actions, and deeds, we will then be on track to take back control of our lives, and our thinking.
If you can look into yourself, take control of your thoughts, perhaps take up meditation and
therefore learn how to quieten down the mind, sharpen those thoughts so they crystallise into
new healthy patterns in your life.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisatiom.
If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thoughts Are Things Truly Expressing Reality Sequentially. T A T T E R S .

Whenever we see and admire a beautiful cathedral or some other magnificent building, do we
ever consider that all these works of architecture, were all originally found only within the mind
of the architect,who thought about a cathedral or some magnificent building first, the drew it out
in a plan of action . Then gathered all the materials from various sources  and eventually created
a magnificent work of architecture.
It may come as a surprise to many reading this blog today in knowing that we all are products
of thought by the Absolute Architect of all including this relative universe. We are all products
of thought,thoughts manifested as THINGS, we are all the THINGS,and are called collectively
as that of humanity. Some of us would deny the Absolute  having the ability to think us all into
form and shape,yet we can actually give a human architect credit for building a magnificent
cathedral, are our minds so closed that we cannot see what is there before us all?
Could it not be that when we find our lives and experiences in tatters,that this has arisen as a
product of our prolonged thinking?
It we do not feel worthy within ourselves. if we feel that we are failures in life, then these
thoughts will bring into fruition exactly the way you have negatively constructed them. In other
words you will fail in all you do,and you will never feel worthy,no matter what praise you may
receive from others, because deep down you feel that you are not worthy, if others really knew
who I was, they would either sack me, or disown me.
The very ancient adage of that "thoughts are Things" is absolutely correct and visibly true,if we
have but eyes to see.
This entire universe is a product of thought, and the THINGS that are in this universe are all
constructed from that one Primordial Thought Wave. Space is the entity that carries the thought
the primordial IDEA, and the manifested THINGS,like you and me,all OCCUPY this medium
called SPACE and are all PRESENTED within this space as THINGS?
Each of us is a cathedral or a magnificent  temple, the human body is way beyond the
comprehension of any human architect to assemble and build, and the quadrillion of tiny atomic
lives that all cooperate together in an intelligent way so that our physical temple can be
constructed, is indeed a marvel of infinite wisdom, we all fail to see or even conceive that amount
of service that is rendered to each of us, so that we get to obtain a viable human body, trillions of
atoms align themselves in order to give us the substance we need in order to have experiences here
upon the Earth plane, if we really understood this vast service rendered unto us by these little lives
we would all fall to our knees in gratitude and profound thanks.
In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation
If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 8 September 2020

All Theories Of Motion Incomplete Contention-Stillness Enfolds Everything Reality.-A T O M I C S E E R .P "

It may be very difficult if not impossible to conceive of the idea, that 'we' collectively have
never left EDEN (a place of absolute stillness) In fact 'we' are all still there. The first thing to
remember is that this collective 'we' is in fact just ONE BEING ,which is the Absolute Spirit
in whom we all live and move and have our being within. None of us are who we think we are
these are just illusions conjured up by our shadows existence,plus a fertile imagination coupled
with gross ignorance of our real BEING STATE. The truth is that there is no such a thing as
humanity as we understand it,anywhere in absolute reality. humanity only 'SEEMS' to exist
within a very limited relative context. Humanity is the Absolute Spirit fragmented into 7.7
billion vehicles which are all facets, jewels of the ONE BEING.
Pure spirit cannot enter into relativity which equates directly with perpetual motion,without
being clothed in a protected enfolded covering, the purity of spirit cannot come into contact
with gross matter. The first sheath that enfolds the spirit is that which is called the SOUL
then in our case we have the additional physical body, we have several other bodies like the
astral body etc,but I have mentioned them before in other blogs.
Like a worker in the sewage plant, we all 'go through the motions' which equates directly
with that of gathering experiences, we spend many incarnations here in the class room Earth
learning through our experiences which will eventually reveal to YOU just who EXACTLY
you really are.When we remember the old maxim that 'thoughts are things' we can then begin
to realise that 'we' are ALL THE PRODUCT of THOUGHT! IT is only the evolving thought
that EVER MOVES, you the REAL YOU, have never moved one inch in a trillion years.
When you are Absolute and ubiquitous all motion does not EXIST for you. Motion only dwells
within the RHYTHM of arising intention. And arising intentions only seems to exist within a
relative universe.
This relative universe in which we all outwardly seem to dwell within,is one of perpetual
motion, this motions carrier wave is the original thought wave intention of the Absolute
all this motion leads to a final resolution billions of years after it was first THOUGHT OF
which is what we are now all engaged with, all our billions of experiences, many encountered
unconsciously have lead up to this point in our evolution,where we are arriving at the place
where the FACET or JEWEL awakens into full realisation of just who and what you really
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader please pass it onto your family and friends,Thanks.

Monday 7 September 2020

All Theories Of Motion Incomplete Contention- Stillness Enfolds Everything Truly. A T O M I C - S E E R

This entire relative universe rests within the bosom of the Absolute, totally contained within its
Absolute grasp. All motion universally is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one, as Einstein
once remarked! Motion 'seems' to exist, but just like the ground that contains a quicksand can
seem solid, it is however not so, motion only seems to exist within our very limited
understanding of absolute reality. Relatively speaking motion seems to exist, but absolutely it
most certainly does not exist.
This whole relative universe is only temporal, and here the word temporal means billions of
years, which according to Vedic Text is but a blink in the eye of Brahman. All that we take for
granted as real falls away as illusion when confronted by the ABSOLUTE, time and space are
illusions, light and darkness are illusions,everything within the absolute is eternal and omnipresent
ubiquitous, which then automatically cancels out motion, because what is motion when examined
deeply? why has any thing have a need to move? The arrive at a destination maybe? But if you are
everywhere eternally simultaneously, any idea of moving or motion would become completely
and totally absurd.When you are absolute you are everywhere without any need of motion.
When we come to the question what is LIFE and what does it stand for? Living-Intelligent
Focused-Energy, that is what life is when it is being expressed,and being expressed equates
directly with that of MOTION,which in turn equates directly to that of becoming relative.
When life is not being expressed or having atomic motion,it therefore ceases to being life,it then
dissolves back into its natural motionlessness state, and thereby becomes its true natureless
state,which is ABSOLUTE SPIRIT.
Spirit resides within a dimensionless void which is absolute,and contains within its absolute
stateless state this physical relative temporal universe, we are completely surrounded by the
void, nowhere to run and hide! This is the home of NOTHING which is in FACT =ALL.
Within INTENTION lies the roots of ALL MOTION, Without INTENTION NO-THING
moves, when the Absolute ceases INTENDING, this relative universe will flash out of existence
as though it had never been.
In part two will explore this motion further.         Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you then please share it with your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 6 September 2020

What Happens Every Night ? W H E N ! Part Two.

We are all denizens of two worlds, one where we are conscious and awake within the day time
which we are all very consciously familiar with, this is basically the waking dream state.
Then there is the world that we all visit in the sleep state,this can also be called the sleeping
dream state of partial consciousness.A great majority of our lives is spent asleep, years in fact
pass by while we are all sleeping.Are all these years sleeping therefore wasted?  Although few of
us remember our journeys in the astral plane, we have all our visits there firmly fixed within our
unconsciousness state of mind.We can with training as I mentioned in yesterdays blog we can all
gradually build up a picture of what we all have been doing there while asleep, and who if anyone
we are meeting there.When we die(shed the physical vehicle) we therefore regain full memory
of our many visits to the astral plane,which is your other home,we need to be mindful of this fact.
In sleep we are only there for a few hours at a time ,when we die ,we then become more semi permanent residents there.
I would at this juncture like to mention the vast difference between here on earth and within the
astral realms,which within is several dimensions is also infinite in its expanse. I would also like
at this juncture to address many fears that some have of being in the astral realm,and having to
confront someone who say abused you sexually or physically,or who was violent and hurt you
while on Earth, This can never occur within the astral realm, if there is no zero affinity with a
being you will never see them again,the old saying of'birds of a feather flock together' holds
good here, if there is no affinity between you,you will never met the being again, this can and
does occur on Earth because here the universal laws of affinity are not automatically active,as
they are in the astral realm, there you cannot have vastly different beings who we would term
evil of deviant standing together with ordinary decent living loving souls, it cannot happen there.
I hope this reassures those who may have personal fears of ever meeting these predators and
deviants when they pass over.
I would further like to reassure any soul who is worried about dying and what will happen to me?
All that will happen to you is that you will automatically slip out of your physical body, and
effortlessly slip into your astral body, which you have been doing all your life here every night
but you have forgotten about, the only difference this time is that the silver cord which you have
been attached to all your life,will snap off, and when that occurs you cannot then re enter the
physical body, you instead become a longer staying resident there in the astral realm, until such
time as you need to return here to Earth,to add to your gathering of experiences, If any of you
reading this have any burning questions about this blog, I am very happy to reply to them,Thanks
My email address is below.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation
If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 5 September 2020

What Happens Every Night ? W H E N !

Humanity exists within two very distinct dimensions,the first one we are all very familiar
with and each consciously live within its dimensional confines every day. The other dimension
we all live in and visit every night is the Astral realm, the realm where we will all live in full
time when we all exit our vehicles (die), but this dimension is hardly known of,and many of
us have never even heard of this place called the Astral plane or realm, even though we visit
this place every night of our life here on Earth! The reason we know so little about this place
is because the very moment we awaken in the morning a veil comes down upon our self aware
consciousness,and within roughly three minutes from waking all memory of your adventures
is erased from our conscious mind. There is a way though that you can train yourself to begin
remembering your adventures within the astral plane, what you need to do is this,and by the
way this method does work because I have personally tried it and found it very interesting and
also very informative.What you need is a note book and pen right next to your bed,and when
you awake you immediately pick up the pen and paper and start writing down everything
that your are aware of at that time all your thoughts write them down as quickly as is humanly
possible,because all you have is a window of not more that three minutes from waking,after
that the veil comes down,and all memory is gone forever,you must do this before you leave the
bed,you cannot even visit the loo first,otherwise all memory will be lost. If you practice this
daily you will begin to build up a very real and composite picture of what you are doing in your
sleep state. We need to be mindful of the fact that if we never awoke from our dreams we would
NEVER KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.! When we die, we then live just in the one dimension
which is the astral realm. Sleep has be called very wisely as that of 'first cousin of death'
because nature in her infinite wisdom has decreed  that sleep is a gradual rehearsal for the real
thing which is death,where the silver cord that attaches us to both the physical body and the astral
body is snapped of or severed at death.
Each night we all die in the physical world and awaken within the astral domain, and in the
morning we die in the astral domain,and awaken back into the physical world.
In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Friday 4 September 2020

Zeropoint Energy Nothing Is The Host. Z E N I T H .

Question, where does zero-point energy come from? The ZENITH POINT EUREKA moment
will arrive when we realise that zero-point energy  is actually the ground state UNIFIED FIELD
which emerges from within the consciousness matrix. arising from within the Primordial 
thought wave of INTENTION , that arose within the Absolute Mind of the Absolute infinite
Intelligence which is the centre of all that is manifest within this temporal relative universe, in
fact this universe is actually contained within the centre of the Absolute matrix of Infinity.
As mentioned in this blogs title nothing is the host of zero-point energy, and that nothing
is basically the most POWERFUL FORCE in this universe.We must first fully understand and
fully comprehend that nothing has more power than nothing! NOTHING equates with
ABSOLUTE POWER,What then lies within nothing that gives it absolute infinite POWER?
Nothing is basically an Absolute immutable principle, one that totally transcends this relative
universe, being immutable is is therefore absolute and eternal.
Within nothing lies ALL!  Spirit, consciousness, intention,LIFE,stillness, motion,all energy,
in other words NOTHING is the PRIMORDIAL STATE from with all REALITY EMERGES.
Zero-point energy is basically the power of nothing moving ALL!  All that moves within this
universe is powered by nothing, which we can also call zero-point energy.
Consciousness can therefore be seen as the carrier wave for all energy,zero-point included,without
consciousness there would be no MOTION, and without motion, there would be no universe.
We often seem to get confused with the looking for where things arise from, we ask questions like
where did life come from? Where did all this energy come from? Where did we all come from?
So many questions, but what we all seem to fail to notice or understand is that all these questions
presuppose a beginning! Without realising that life and energy and where we came from are
all answered in the answer of nothing,we all are nothing in particular,but something in reality
and that is eternal immortal life/spirit. None of us have come from anywhere, we have always
been here, and whats more we will all eternally remain here,our zenith point will arrive when we
reach a point of comprehension within ourselves where we will know fully and totally just who
and what we really are,that will be our zero-point and zenith point of our evolution.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 3 September 2020

Universal Nothing Is Truly You. U N I T Y Part Two.

In order to try to fully understand what nothing actually is, if anything at all! We first need to
understand the full sequence of emergence from stillness into motion, which literally means
from absoluteness which is motionlessness, into relativity which equals motion. Stillness
equates with that of Spirit,which is forever still,it has no need of any motion because it is
ubiquitous absolute and present everywhere universally simultaneously.When spirit leaves it
absolute domain and enters into relativity which equates exactly with that of motion, it thereby
undergoes a sequence that clothes it into a relative formless form and therefore becomes what we
all term as LIFE,life equals spirit clothed in a soul garment, and from this one soul life filled
garment an infinite diversified number of shapes and sizes universally all representing the one
infinite life principle displaying multiple diversifications of the one principle.
We start with spirit which then condenses into life which then condenses into matter,of which
we as human beings are fully involved within this principle, as we ascend the arc of expression
which we commonly call evolution, we therefore gradually begin shedding our dense exterior
this process is called enlightenment, which really means that the outer parts of our gross material
bodies are beginning to dissolve back into their primal state. As we ascend the frequencies of life
expression we literally begin to dissolve from the outside in.Our ultimate destiny is to rejoin our
inner real SELF back into its PRIMAL ETERNAL STATE which is that of SPIRIT.
So then what exactly is NO THING? The simple answer is that nothing equals SPIRIT and that
Spirit is the ONE and ONLY THING that EXISTS ANYWHERE in REALITY. All relative
THINGS ultimately dissolve back into the PRIMAL ONE THING which is Spirit.
Reality is SINGULAR there is no such a thing as the existence of THINGS plural, we all fool
ourselves by either ignorance or blindness as imagining an endless supply of things, we fail to
notice that all these supposed things will all eventually dissolve back into where they came from
which is Spirit. There is no S after spirit or is there a presence of an S after LIFE life is singular
and does not exist within and plurality. All PLURALITIES exist solely within the relative domain
and do not exist within the absolute.
We as human beings are all made out of nothing, and because of that fact we are in truth therefore
the ALL of NOTHING and that means we are all eternal spirit, and we are just experiencing an
adventure called life here upon this planet earth.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation,
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Universal Nothing Is Truly You. U N I T Y .

What is nothing? Does anybody know? Well we are all made out of this nothing,so then are we
not then something made out of nothing? Well the answer to that is yes we all are indeed something
made out of nothing, what we need to define is what exactly nothing actually is, if anything at all!
Well firstly the word nothing is actually composed of two word not one, the word is NO-THING
to become something that transcends the relative duality based universe that we all appear to
live in, it must therefore become Absolute and incomprehensible to a mortal based mind.NO-
THING relates directly to that which is Absolute, and that this Absolute no-thing contains all
the relative "other things" that exist within this universe.All things that we each distinguish as
that of being this or that,are all relative temporal terms,and therefore just and ONLY describe
relative things, that which is Absolute is NO-THING and is beyond the ability to describe as
a thing.
We are all functioning with the matrix of no-thing and fail to see or even understand what
that means. We were never MADE or ever CREATED because we are all immortal eternal
beings,none of us have ever experienced such a thing as a beginning,nor will we ever experience
the illusion of any ending either.
What we are all in the core of our being, is something that does not basically exist within this
universe,I will explain this clearly in a moment, what exists within this universe is what we are
all vaguely familiar with which is life,what we are not fully understanding though is that this
entire physical relative backdrop universe,is totally and wholly alive,and that includes all the
uncountable quadrillions of atoms that exist within this temporal  relative universe.
The core of our being does not exist within this universe,because this universe is relative and
therefore temporal, deep within us lies the home of what we all our,and that HOME exists solely
within the ABSOLUTE, and not within this universe. We are all one ABSOLUTE WHOLE
BEING, which is that of SPIRIT,and being that of spirit it is absolutely PURE, and therefore
can never touch or directly come into contact with the impurity of gross matter, This is where the
soul comes into play,the soul acts like a cover for the spirit and protects it from the contamination
of gross matter,if we can imagine a plastic coating for the copper wiring,we then are the plastic
coating covering many layers of expression,the physical being the lowest,a finer coating is applied
around the astral body.
In part two will explore this further.        warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Consciousness Occult Nature Seeks Presence In Relative Expression. C O N S P I R E Part Two.

All life in its purest formless state is absolute and universally omnipresent ubiquitous in
nature,which in quantum science speak means that life in essence is non locale, but when
life takes on a shape and form it immediately becomes localised and therefore relative.
'WE' as that of being human beings, have thereby localised the essence of life and have
further condensed this essence into a singularity vortex that spins with unimaginable
fury around the coalescing I AM self aware Consciousness. This I am self aware
consciousness, is the aware state that we each learn to identify as who we are,when we
awaken our newly birthed ego at around the time of reaching 2/3 years old.
Why do our consciousness seek out the presence within relative expression? Why not remain
in Absolute perfection in perfect bliss where no-thing ever happens or ever occurs? The
simplest answer to that question is just that of curiosity,and the other answer is that of bringing
animated matter,in our case a flesh and blood body into a point of awareness that begins to
perceive that there is a continuation of life beyond the proverbial grave.By us as pure spirit which
is and becomes life when expressed (meaning that it gains MOTION from perpetual stillness)
When we take on form,we our in affect acting as "raising agents" to the unevolved material
life matter, by clothing ourselves within its matrix,we effectively raise up its vibrations and it therefore moves upon a ascension arc because of this association with spirit.
Being intangible invisible motionless life essence,which is then Spirit, although we are in absolute
bliss and perfection, we have none of the senses that we as human beings all take for granted,like
sight,taste, touch, smell, eat, feel, hear,sing and dance, feel the wind blowing onto your physical
body, all these things are totally absent when you are an intangible spirit, so long ago curiosity
arose within the stillness of perfect silence, and this curiosity is why you dear reader of this blog
are here reading this today, long long after that first stirring occurred.
We have all been on a very long journey of gradual discovery and awakening into our divine
heritage, one by one we are all gradually waking up and beginning to see our connection with
all other life, we realise fully that we are all totally connected and interconnected to each other
we are all ONE PART of ONE Absolute WHOLENESS>.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you please then pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.