Wednesday 2 September 2020

Universal Nothing Is Truly You. U N I T Y .

What is nothing? Does anybody know? Well we are all made out of this nothing,so then are we
not then something made out of nothing? Well the answer to that is yes we all are indeed something
made out of nothing, what we need to define is what exactly nothing actually is, if anything at all!
Well firstly the word nothing is actually composed of two word not one, the word is NO-THING
to become something that transcends the relative duality based universe that we all appear to
live in, it must therefore become Absolute and incomprehensible to a mortal based mind.NO-
THING relates directly to that which is Absolute, and that this Absolute no-thing contains all
the relative "other things" that exist within this universe.All things that we each distinguish as
that of being this or that,are all relative temporal terms,and therefore just and ONLY describe
relative things, that which is Absolute is NO-THING and is beyond the ability to describe as
a thing.
We are all functioning with the matrix of no-thing and fail to see or even understand what
that means. We were never MADE or ever CREATED because we are all immortal eternal
beings,none of us have ever experienced such a thing as a beginning,nor will we ever experience
the illusion of any ending either.
What we are all in the core of our being, is something that does not basically exist within this
universe,I will explain this clearly in a moment, what exists within this universe is what we are
all vaguely familiar with which is life,what we are not fully understanding though is that this
entire physical relative backdrop universe,is totally and wholly alive,and that includes all the
uncountable quadrillions of atoms that exist within this temporal  relative universe.
The core of our being does not exist within this universe,because this universe is relative and
therefore temporal, deep within us lies the home of what we all our,and that HOME exists solely
within the ABSOLUTE, and not within this universe. We are all one ABSOLUTE WHOLE
BEING, which is that of SPIRIT,and being that of spirit it is absolutely PURE, and therefore
can never touch or directly come into contact with the impurity of gross matter, This is where the
soul comes into play,the soul acts like a cover for the spirit and protects it from the contamination
of gross matter,if we can imagine a plastic coating for the copper wiring,we then are the plastic
coating covering many layers of expression,the physical being the lowest,a finer coating is applied
around the astral body.
In part two will explore this further.        warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

1 comment:

  1. WE are all NOTHING and nothing is ALL, so we all have the fullness of NOTHING which then translates as that of ALL!
