Monday 31 July 2017

When Crisis Comes A calling Changes Occur. Part Four,

What are the facts of our being? Who are you really? What is it about yourself that you are never
told?  Beyond your name, address, and occupation, what do you actually know about who you are?
The answer to this question is most likely nothing. We know nothing about who we really are, do
you not think it rather odd, that you can live within this body, for the whole of your life, and actually
never know who the hell you actually are! Just know how to trot out your name, rank, and serial number.
What i am about to tell you now about yourself, is not something i read in a book, or looked up on the internet, but rather my actual living experiences of unfolding this reality within my own life. You do
not though have to take my word for it, rather as i have done, you too can experience this reality
within your own life, by going within yourself, and practicing regular meditation.
So then who exactly are we? The first truth we need to understand is that we are all immortal souls
with physical vehicles (bodies), that we are all spiritual brings having a  human experience here
on Earth. This soul that resides within our heart chakra, is the home of that still small voice that calls
out to us, in hushed tones, when we are caught up in a crisis. That inner voice is your soul trying,(often vainly) to attract your attention and to try to get us to look within and find the answer to all
our many questions.
My hope is that you dear reader reading this blog, will think about what is being shared here, and
that it will give you an inclination to look within yourself, and find the truth that dwells therein.
What we are in fact is Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy, =LIFE of which the shortened name
of soul is given, we are all souls, having a human experience, by going within yourself, and practicing meditation, you can easily reveal this reality to yourself, because that is exactly who
you are, a soul first, human second. By going within you will gradually make contact with your inner being, the soul, this will result in a vast expansion of your consciousness, awareness, perception,
and intuitive flashes of expanded insights into reality as you never knew existed before.
By going within yourself, and exploring that vast inner universe, you will automatically begin
to align yourself to the natural universal laws of life, thereby greatly reducing the number of  any
arising  crisis appearing in your life.
Man know thyself, that is the injunction the ancient Greeks put in their temple of Apollo, we too
all need to know ourselves, and thereby set us free from the slavery of ignorance that has kept
us bound for centuries past, you dear reader of this blog on the 31st July 2017 are a Soul with a
body, and not a body with a soul, my wish is for you to awaken from your slumber, find your true
self within you, and rejoice that today is the first day of the rest of your awakened life.
May this realization become yours today, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Sunday 30 July 2017

When Crisis Comes A Calling Change Occurs. Part Three.

What is to become of us? Where are we headed? And what awaits us there? These three questions
will eventually unfold within each of our lives. The first question, where are we headed? Well many
of us, if we keep on repeating the same patterns, we will be heading for major crisis and for many
complete breakdown, physically, emotionally, and mentally, resulting in termination of the physical
form, (here I need to add that although of course we all eventually die physically, this will happen
far quicker and sooner, because of the negativity within our living experience) and the one pointed
focus of forever outward. The second question, what awaits us there? Well what awaits us is basically
a very early and premature meeting with the grim Reaper, who wait there to cut you down in your
prime. That is because we are so out of alignment with natural universal law, that physical life
becomes no longer possible, and consequently the Reaper is summoned.
If we go back to the first sentence here which said, what is to become of us? The answer to that
question, will very much depend on what you do from today, if after reading this blog, and others
that I have written of a similar vein, you then decide to look within yourself, you will then have
taken a major step forward into releasing inner tensions and negativity that automatically arise
when you are out of alignment with spiritual and universal law.
We all need to wake up, and smell the coffee, the human race has been asleep for centuries and the
collective results of this massive slumber, is total chaos, did-ease, wars, addictions and compulsive
behaviours, plus all the other ego centred trampling on others to impose your will.
Here the word sleep or slumbered, is really meaning ignorance on a massive scale, millions of us
have not got a clue as to who, and what they are, all they know about themselves is their name, job,
sex, and where they live, anything deeper than that would invoke a blank expression!! Why in the
name of truth is this ignorance allowed to continue?
We are never taught our true identity ,we  are never instructed to look within ourselves, we just follow blindly the one in front who we think is leading us, you are indeed being lead, but to where
should freeze your blood flow, if you could but perceive it!
My earnest wish and desire is that you dear reader here, can take on board what is being said, and therefore awaken and find your true destiny and true heritage.
In part four will make it crystal clear what needs to occur, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Saturday 29 July 2017

When Crisis Comes A Calling Change Occurs. Part Two.

Ideally we would all be so self aware of our lives, that we would immediately spot an arising problem
and deal with it, there and then, in so doing, we avoided the issue getting worse, and further avoided
an incoming crisis, that would have occurred had we not taken any action. Sadly though we are not
made that way, and persist with actions that eventually culminate in a crisis in our life.
The very odd thing about our lives is that we all live in a dual expressed world, where everything
has an opposite side to it, yet in our visionary life we are all mostly just single one pointed view.
Our visionary life is always focused  in the same direction that of forever looking out wards,
and never inwards,except usually when a crisis has occurred ?
We can sometimes spend most of our life never looking within, but forever looking without, and
forever looking to the answer to life's riddle, but never finding it.
We keep vainly searching out there for a solution to our feelings and longings, where do they come
from, our feelings, and longings, and what are we actually longing for? The answer to that question
can only ever be answered, by looking within yourself, there exists no answer out there!
All our inner longing feelings arise from deep within our psyche and our distant memories of
a time when we were all unified and a complete whole, rather than the fragmented way we feel
and act today,we all came from total unity, harmony, and bliss, where only wholeness existed
a place we all left aeons ago, to embark upon a journey of gathering experiences, and eventually
understanding what it feels like to become separated  and apart from the whole,(I need to add here that real and actual separation from the whole is absolutely impossible, however the illusion of being
apart and separate, seem very real indeed) through our basic ignorance of who and what we really are
we bring upon ourselves all manner of misery and mayhem,  all dis-ease, addictions, fears, loneliness
greed, and vain driven pride and arrogance, are all brought to the fore, because none of us know who we are, and therefore are all on a course of perpetual arising crisis, and never finding a solution to
the main problem, which has been the same for thousands of years, total and absolute ignorance of
just who the hell you really are!
When you know who you really are, you will in effect become born again into a deeper level of
consciousness and awareness that you had never realised existed before.
In part three we will look at this aspect much more deeply. warm regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Friday 28 July 2017

When Crisis Comes A Calling Change Occurs.

How many of us, if we are honest with ourselves, have actually made major changes in our lives
without the arising of a crisis? Certainly not me, if fact I had to be given just three months to live
by my doctor, before I took action and got sorted out.
Although we mostly bemoan a crisis, they are actually messages from our inner selves that something
is not right of the surface, and a change in focus or direction is sorely needed.
Seldom do we ever welcome a crisis in our lives when it arises, it is usually in hindsight that we
discover the real value and blessing it brought us.
There exists within us all a inner monitor, which is also called the soul, or higher self, this is where
that still small voice within us arises from, and it is usually when we are in a crisis that the still small
voice within us, says something to us. This reassuring inner voice is heard by millions of us every year, and not enough significance I feel is given to this occurrence, it is oft times just forgot about
and never mentioned again, this is a most unwise and foolhardy thing to do ,if  we paid more attention as to where this voice came from, then we would begin to align ourselves to a way of living
that would not invite further crisis to arise.
The sad factor in our modern life, is that most if not all of our crisis and illnesses are all caused by just one thing, that is ignorance of who and what we really are, if we all knew this inner reality of who we really are, then this world would be completely transformed overnight.
Who then are we? To put it plainly and simply we are this; spiritual beings (souls) having a human
experience, we are souls, inhabiting a physical vehicle (body) the soul is the principle and is a principle, whereas the physical body or vehicle is not a principle and withers and returns to dust
when we vacate the vehicle at the time of change, the operative word here is "change" death does not
exist to an immortal soul, only a change of vehicle from a physical one to an astral one.
If we could but for a moment turn our forever focussed outward gaze, inward, and look within us
for a change, we would discover an inner world that we never knew existed. By looking within
ourselves, we would then be embarking on a journey that would open up our lives, and finally reveal
to your startled self, just who you really are, you would awaken to a whole new reality that you never
knew existed, lying there within you. By tapping into this new source of living energy, you will
immediately place yourself in a position  where the chances of an incoming crisis, fall away very
sharply. In part two we will explore this more fully. warm regards Michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization..

Thursday 27 July 2017

Become-Expressed-Awakened-Living-Vibrating-Energy. =B.E.A.L.I.V.E. Part Three.

Awareness is something we all need to cultivate, awareness of our level of consciousness, how deep
does it penetrate within us? Are we actually aware that we are indeed three fold beings, that of
physical, mental, and spiritual, in truth the vast majority of us know only the first two dimensions
that of the physical and the mental, the spiritual aspect of our expression here on Earth is as yet unborn, within the masses.
That is why we are in such a global mess, with tens of millions dying every year of all manner of
dis-eases and addictions, the main culprit for all this massive sickness is ignorance of who and what we really are, the blatant truth is that ignorance kills tens of millions every year, and the numbers are
still rising at an alarming rate, you surely know several who have already died, what you will not
read of their death certificate is the real reason for their death, which was ignorance! Instead you
will read heart failure, or cancer.
There is like surrounding us a vast blanket of not knowingness,ignorance abounds in all directions,
no one knows who they are,there is no education offered to anyone about who we really are, and that
we are all three dimensional beings, no two dimensional that millions live in. Doctors do not know,
they are as ignorant as you and me about this reality of being.
The clergy are no better, they are even more ignorant than most, and are completely clueless as to who we really are,one vicar i knew said to a young mother who had just lost her baby to illness
that her baby was resting in the arms of Jesus!! The mother was not impressed by this foolish answer.
Who then are we? We are all living immortal souls, having a human experience here on Earth,we are
souls with bodies, and not bodies with souls, there is a vast difference, if you just think it through.
Thankfully we live in a time where we have the internet and Google, so it is very easy to look up things about who we really are, you do not have to take my word  for it, which is just my experience
of gradually waking up and see who and what we are, you can check this all out online, no worries.
We can graduate from being just two dimensional beings, to fully embracing our whole being and
realising our full potential as spiritual beings having a human experience here on Earth.
To become fully alive and in harmony with our inner spirituality is our destiny and purpose for being here, by going within ourselves, and practising meditation we automatically begin to align our selves
to that inner reality, that lies within our heart chakra, we are all spiritual beings having a human
experience, by waking up to this reality, we can embrace this experience and be happy and joyful,
rather than being sick and ill and running on empty, through lack of vital energy.
May this realization become your own, regards michael comments welcome facebook soul realization,

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Become-Expressed-Awakened-Living-Infinite-Vibrating-Energy.=B.E.A.L.I.V.E. Part Two.

To be fully alive, we need to also be fully awake, and sadly that is not the case for the vast majority
of the human race. The majority of the human race is only operating on two dimensions, that of
physical, and mental, the third dimension that of the spiritual dimension is for so many, completely
unused, and largely unknown by most. So the reality for most of the human race, is that they are
operating on limited power, and often running on empty,this is why there is so much sickness
and dis-ease within the world, and why the first two dimensions are running loose and completely
out of control, The ego centred mind set is in firm control, that is why we have world wars, and dozens of local wars as well, all fuelled by bloated swaggering ego's , and all wanting THEIR way
to be the only right way, and if you disagree we will kill you!
From this two dimensional mind set, arises all forms of manipulation, we are all manipulated by
the media, which is owned by about five major companies, they only tell you what THEY want you to know, actual real news, never gets any where near their presses. Advertisers are all ego lead, and
basically sell us bullshit pretending to be some heavenly cream that will take years of your life, and
just for this week's special offer this amazing cream is only 100 pounds per jar, the actual contents
of this crap is worth about ten pence.
We only ever use about three per cent of our mental capacity, which means that ninety seven per cent of us is unconscious, and never used, and when you also add into the equation that we are all living
just two dimensional lives, that of just being physical and mental, with the spiritual dimension lying
dormant within us, when this is all added up, it reveals a very alarming scenario, it shows that we are
all actually sleepwalking through our lives, never fully awake at any time, and we die after say seventy or eighty years we were never even aware of this reality, this i find very sad, and one reason
i am writing this blog, to try and update us all into the reality of being alive within the human family.
None of us are at fault for this ignorance of our being, we were never taught this at school, college,
or university, our parents did not know the reality of our being either, no one knew anything about
who and what we really are, now days though there is a lot of stuff on the internet that tells us exactly
who we are, if we take the trouble to read it, that is.
In part three i will go fully into how we can wake up far more fully and access a greater level of
consciousness, that we now have access to.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome soul realization facebook.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Become-Ex;pressed-Awakened-Living-Infinite-Vibrating-Energy. = B.E, A.L.I.V.E.

What does it mean to be alive? How do we know that we are? And how much alive are we ? Are
we fully alive, or just partially? Do we know that consciousness and life are exactly the same thing.
Awareness is an aspect of consciousness, and so is perception, what then are we to make of this thing
called mind? What exactly is it? And why is there an ancient injunction saying that the mind is the
slayer of the real? What is the "real" that the mind slays? So many questions, can they all be answered? Yes they can and will be here. We need to cognize that life is far different than we have
ever imagined, or been taught, life, of which we are deeply embedded within it, is in our case
expressed within a vehicle we call the physical body, we are living points of consciousness
embedded within a formal expression, called your body, we need to be aware that life and livingness
is made up of energy, and energy by its very nature is fluid, and flows much the same as water flows,
life can be called Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy=life, that is what we all basically are, living
intelligent focussed energy, which equals you and me.
You may be wondering by this juncture as to what part the mind plays here, and what exactly is the mind? Well for one thing it is not consciousness, consciousness and mind are two different
entities, consciousness is eternal and infinite, the mind is a construct made by you at the express will
of the "I" of the ego, and is only temporal in nature, and will in time cease to be.
We construct three aspects of what makes us tick, at the birth of the "I" at around two years old we begin a construction plan, without any planning permission i mad add! First comes the !I" which is the ego, then comes the mind, (which is the slave of the ego) then comes the personality which is always last to appear.
Thoughts are just the ego's way of getting its wished and demands met, thoughts are basically wants
manifesting in a coded understandable way which we call language.
Consciousness, awareness, and perception, are all aspects of the same energy signature that of LIFE
energy, thoughts and mind are noting to do with this. It might be very difficult for you to grasp this,
as most of us have been brought up the believe  that mind and consciousness are the same thing, well
they are definitely not the same , and I shall make this very plain to see in the next blog part two.
Warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Monday 24 July 2017

Unplugged Humanity Sick Through Energy Connection Failure. Part Three.

We are all three dimensional beings, living two dimensional lives, result, power failure in system,
resulting in the manifestation of many illnesses and addictive diseases and behaviours. Which in
turn result in the death of millions every year.
The whole reality of our being spiritual beings is completely unknown to countless millions on
this planet, (I need to add in here for the sake of  clarity  ,that  we are all spiritual beings, this has
absolutely nothing to do with what you believe, or think act or say, it is totally irrelevant as to
whether you accept it or not, it does not matter a toss what you think ,or  do not think, that fact is we are all born spiritual beings, and we are spiritual beings having a human experience.) that being said
we then need to look at what can be done to address this imbalance.
The first thing to do is to look within yourself, and take up the practice of regular meditation, and when you have established that, you will become gradually polarized towards a centre point within
you, and this will slowly reveal to you who you really are, you can also do your own research on
the internet and there learn the truth of what I am sharing here, that we are all souls with bodies,
here to gather experience and learn from that experience. You will then begin to tap into a vast
field of infinite energy that we never knew existed before we turned our gaze inward.
You will then gradually become a fully fledged three dimensional being, and operating on these
three dimensions instead of the usual two, and running on empty most of the time, that's why we get
so ill and sick, because we are desperately short of energy and therefore unbalanced.
When we make the right connections we automatically align ourselves to the universal natural law
which in turn will keep us well topped up with energy, which will result in our being healthy and
free from illness and disease.
The ancient Greeks knew all about this truth 3000 years ago, where they had written over the temple
of Apollo "Man Know Thyself" when we know this truth we align our self to the universal law of
We are all spiritual beings (souls) having a human experience here on earth, we are all immortal
souls, and when expressed here on earth in physical vehicles we are then three dimensional beings
expressing three dimensional energy, except millions are not doing that, and that's why we are in
a complete mess. Hopefully this blog can help pull the plug on this vast ignorance of who we really
are, and can help in a small way to address the imbalance, at least I hope and pray so.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, facebook soul realization.


Unplugged Humanity Sick Through Energy Connection Failure.

Lack of power is our dilemma, and the additional factor of ignorance from whence this power hails
from! We only know of the physical power, of which we generate the energy from the food and drink
we consume, which in turn fuels our mind and thought processes. We indeed live in a dualistic universe, however within this dualism, there is also the phenomena of a trinity based power outlets
of which we are one of. We all are trinity based beings, and our physical, mental, and spiritual beings
and energy when in a balanced and positive mode flows freely through all the three dimensions that
we exist within. However, because of our gross ignorance of who and what we really are, there is only ever a flow of two dimensional energy, rather than the balanced three fold energy, and in that
unbalanced state that the vast majority of mankind is in, therein, arises all manner of ills and sicknesses, that are the scourge of mankind, that is why tens of millions die needlessly every year,
the real reason they die, is energy failure?  We cannot live fully on two dimensional energy, when
we are three dimensional beings, we are literally starving to death? Not of food and water, but rather
a complete absence of spiritual energy, which is also called "food of the soul"?  The ignorance of
who we truly are, make the depths of the pacific ocean seem like a mere puddle in comparison, we all
are that ignorant! And that ignorance is killing millions of us every year, the "Grim Reaper" is working overtime and his sickle is red hot keeping up with it all
What then is the answer to this vast ignorance that befalls mankind? The answer is education into
who you really are, that surely must come first. Who then are we? We are all spiritual beings, having a human experience, here on Earth. We are ALL souls with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls, there is a vast difference, if you think about it for a while. We all have wrongly been taught since birth to
look without for all the answers you will ever need, and so we all have spent our entire lives looking
forever out there for the answer to our life and why we are here, and of course you have never found
the answer to that question, because it can only ever be fully answered by looking deeply within yourself. Our one and major problem is that we are all three dimensional beings living two dimensional lives, that is the root problem that causes all the woes and sicknesses that occur to
mankind  today, The only way out of this dilemma is to go within, in part three we will explore
this avenue fully and unite it all together in one composite whole.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Sunday 23 July 2017

Unplugged Humanity Sick Through Energy Connection Failure.

Mankind is a trinity expressed being, that of physical, mental, and spiritual, and the great crisis that
exists within humanity is basically an energy crisis. We all have physical energy, which in turn
translates our food and water into both physical and mental energy, our grave shortage of energy
exists within the dimension of us that the majority of us seem oblivious of, that of our spiritual
nature. The vast majority of mankind live in just a two dimensional reality, the third dimension
which makes up the rest of their being, is totally neglected, mainly due to ignorance, and occasionally
due to wilful avoidance.
Just living in two dimensions that of being only, mental, and physical beings, results in a grave energy malfunction which results in the massive amounts of dis-ease and sickness that befalls
all of mankind, tens of millions of us die every year because of this ignorance, and living just
two dimensional lives, instead of a balanced and healthy three dimensions expression.
Gross ignorance and two dimensional living are the reason millions die each year, all addictive
illness are born out of this ignorant energy malfunction, all the cancers and heart diseases, obesity,
diabetes, and all the other sicknesses that abound within us, are all caused and can be traced to one
basic cause, that of living a two dimensional life, instead of a three dimensional life.
We all live a life (or rather an existence) out of synchronisation with natural universal law and thereby pay the  price for this by the plague of sickness that befalls mankind.
We each have an energy crisis within us, that if not rectified will result in our getting seriously ill
and maybe even terminated.
The sad fact for us all is that we have all been enticed away from at least occasionally looking
within ourselves, by the bright lights and flashing messages that all need our attention right now.
We have all but forgotten spirituality, not seen as the "in thing" no designer labels on spirituality?
Yet without embracing spirituality we will all die due to sickness and dis-ease.We need to all become
three dimensional beings again, and reclaim this missing dimension that is causing so much sickness
and distress among us, we all need to be re-born again into the third dimension of existence, rather
that sickly hanging onto just two dimensions.
In part two of this blog, i will tackle and explain exactly how we can all do this.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Thursday 20 July 2017

The Mind Is The Slayer Of The Real Part Two.

Our thoughts do not reflect back to us reality, except on rare occasions, what we think is just
an internal dialogue of what we are doing and involved with at that given time,  if we are at work
say, then our thoughts will just reflect this, and perhaps wish we were not here, but have to pay
the mortgage etc.
Our minds unless we have gained control over the mind, by a mental discipline technique such
as meditation , we who are without this, are at the mercy of a wayward ego, that is only concerned
with having its immediate wants met, and uses the mind as a slave to think it into action and reality.
What is actually real about you and me, lies in the center  of our being, that being your higher self
the soul, the soul is the only thing about you that is forever real, lasting. and eternal, the other parts
of you that you wrongly mis-identify as being yourself, that of the ego, personality, and mind, these three are just constructs erected by you at around the age of two, which is about the time that the
"I" is born, when the "I" is born, then comes mind, in the form of "I WANT" then with this I want
thought there is also the birth of a personality. It might seem to you very strange indeed  and perhaps
at first unbelievable , that you have constructed all this by yourself, and all without planning permission!  Because we have grown up with these three imposters within us, we do not now anything different, and will often argue very robustly that they are indeed real, and any suggestion
(like this one here in this blog) is utter nonsense  and cannot be so!
Well the reality says differently, and those ancient wise ones also knew this truth, that the mind
is indeed the slayer of what is real. The ego does not want anything to do with reality, WHY?
Because reality would show up exactly what the ego was, and would reveal its manipulative
manner bent on getting its needs met always. No matter who may suffer in the consequences
of these actions.
We need to understand that the mind has nothing to do with consciousness, consciousness  is an
eternal and universal reality, and is  infinite and ever present, whereas the mind exists solely in your
head! Our souls are linked into directly with universal consciousness, this is our link to all other
souls, linked through consciousness, and not mind. If you wish to awaken from your slumber
and link into your higher self the soul, to get to the bottom of once and for all that deep inner
longing that exists within us all, that deep inner longing is for union with the whole ,that  we all
had aeons ago, and still feel it deep within us.
By looking within ourselves, through meditation we can make contact with our inner soul, the
real you, reduce the hold the ego has on you, and eventually being able to kill off the ego altogether.
You will then come to understand and learn, that ego centered thoughts are not reality, far from it.
And that by going within, listen to that still small voice within, that of the soul. This inner voice will
guide you to open up an inner consciousness, and an expansion of perception.
may this inner door open up for you dear reader. warm regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

The Mind Is The Slayer Of The Real.

Their is an ancient occult maxim which states that, The mind is the slayer of the real, what can this
mean to us today? Well we need to consider first what the mind actually is? And that it is not what
you think it is, our minds are constructs of our making, and the mind is born out of the very birth
of the "I" the I that becomes the living personality, and that these two create what we call our minds.
Our minds our basically servants of the "I" construct and carry out the wishes of the ego, basically
to fetch and carry for the whims of the ego.
We need to consider that at birth, we have neither, ego, personality, or mind, these three are constructs of the "I", a baby is egoless, mindless, and personality-less, all you observe in a baby is
purely instinctive behavior, nothing more, not until at around the age of two years old, that the
"I" of the ego is born within the infant.
All our thoughts are born out of the ego's demands, although we are seldom if ever aware of this
because its all we have ever known. We create our own reality, depending upon our individual
environment and where we were born, without the ego there would be no thought!
If we are in deep meditation where all thoughts cease, then there is no mind, there is no ego, and
there is no personality, they only exist when the ego is engaged.
However it would be entirely impossible for us to stay in deep meditation all day long, so we must surface and face the ego.
We need to remember that your thoughts, and we all have billions of them, are not reality, far
from it, they are just a case of endless mental masturbation, and nothing more. after a life time
of thinking countless millions of thoughts, the one thought you never have or ever understand, and
is in reality the most important thought you will ever have, is the question within you of ,"who am I"
We never ask that question, and the main reason for that is the ego doe not want you to know that
because if you really knew who you were, it would lose its vice like grip of you, and be made
That which is real, that which is reality, lies at the very center of your being, and is overshadowed
by the all pervasive ego and personality, who does not want you to know this.
We are in effect surrounded by illusion and our inner truth is bloated out from us.
Our very minds our warping our perceptions and spinning us lies. in part two we will explore this
more fully.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

All Of Mankinds Woes Are Caused By Ignorance Of Being. Part Two.

All of our inner longing arise from just one cause, all of our loneliness too arises from just one cause,
all our addictions also arise from one deep cause, and why millions are sick and depressed, the real
reason for all this malaise is ignorance, ignorance of who we really are, it is as simple as that, yet
made almost impossible to realize in this materialistic orientated plastic creation that we have all made for ourselves.
Unless we are moved by an inner stirring to look for answers to life's apparent riddle, and search the internet for new age philosophies and meditation techniques, we will never know who we are, because it is just not taught anywhere, not in schools, colleges, or universities, not only is it not taught, it is also not accepted by those in education circles as being real and valid.
I had to find out for myself who I really was, and it nearly cost me my life to do so, for it was not
until i was in a major crisis that i finally let go of my forever looking out there for the answer and for
once in my life looked within myself. It was through this looking within me, that i finally discovered
who i was, and in so doing who we all really are. Deep within me, and indeed within us all, lies that
still small voice of the soul, this voice called out too me, and said, all will be well, I am who you
really are,  who we really are i discovered through my own personal experience  was that we are all
spiritual beings having a human experience, that inner voice which we all experience at times, usually
when we are in trouble and facing a crisis, that inner voice reassures us that all will be well, we are
all immoral souls, having a human experience here on Earth, we are here in order to experience the
feeling of being separated from the whole, and also for us to make that inner connection with
our higher self, the establish a conscious link mind to soul connection..
The way of the soul is inclusive love and complete acceptance, if this reality was made known to
us all, then wars and conflicts would be impossible. We would all enter a golden age of peace and
i just hope that this blog can make at least one of you reading it, think, what if this is really true?
And i can assure you it is, then if you make the change to look within yourself, find that soul
within you, make conscious contact with it, and basically be born again.
May this realization become yours.
warmest regards mmichael, facebook soul realization.

Monday 17 July 2017

All Of Mankinds Woes Are Caused By Ignorance Of Being.

Try and imagine for a moment, and take in what is being suggested here, that the whole of the worlds
problems, and most certainly the last two world wars, where countless millions died over just
political polices, and differing agendas. Where disagreement can lead to millions being slaughtered.
Millions also die every year through addictions, like drug, and alcohol, plus obesity and all the other
indulgent pass times that we all entertain, but mess up our mental and physical health.
All this and so much more, arises from one common cause, none of us has a clue about who we really
are! If we all really knew who we were, wars, would be impossible, how could you think of wars,
when you have love in your heart? If we loves our neighbours as we love ourselves, then the world
would suddenly become a wonderful place to live in.
The root cause of all our ignorance about who we really are, is down to the complete absence of
any teaching from any government run schools in most if not all the schools in the world, there is
like a global mind set, that omits, largely because the teachers themselves are ignorant of who they
are as well. Here in England, kids are taught history, and all about the battle of Hastings, they are taught mathematics, and learn to speak French, but absolutely Zilch about who the hell they really
are, beyond your name, rank, and serial number, who actual are YOU? It seems no one knows that's
for sure.
How would you feel if after living all your life here, and lying on your bed about to die, and then being told by someone sat there with you, that you are not what you think you are, and that you have been living a lie all your life, and that you had never met the real you, lying there within, and being
further told that you have missed out on so much inner peace and serenity, and missed so much joy
and contentment, how do you think you would feel ? Pretty pissed of I reckon! And yet that is exactly
what happens in millions of homes every year, millions die every year, never having the honour to
see them selves as they really are, sometimes at the last few minutes before death claims them, they
get an inkling of something within themselves, and they stare in wonder for a moment then the
lights go out, and you are gone.
It does not need to be like this anymore, something can be done about this astonishing ignorance that
abounds upon this planet. And this blog will I hope and pray, pay a very small part in helping us to
awaken from our slumber, and begin to realize who and what we really are.
In part two will go deeply into who we actually are.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

Sunday 16 July 2017

An Ode To Evolution.

Falling stars all around me, ebbing into nothingness,
where will this journey end?

I am here, yet I know me not, how is this possible,
I feel afraid.

I am being covered in layers of matter, memory
failing, what's happening to me? I am gone!

Sleep, aeons long, where have I been, seem
to be waking, where am I? Encased in flesh
it seems.

Help, I am falling asleep again,
within this body, what is happening
to me? I am afraid.

There is two of us in here,
someone who say's they are "I"

This "I" seems to rule the roost
no room for me, it ignores me,
and shuts me out.

There is trouble outside ,a  crisis
is looming and the "I" is confused.

Now is my chance to whisper out
to the restless mind, hello, I am here.

I call out and say, all is well, the outside
heard me I can tell.

Contact has been made, and I try harder
to connect, this is a joyful  day, and a great effect,

A new day has dawned, after aeons of time, have
woken up and am feeling sublime.

Hope you enjoyed it, back to blogs next.
warmest regards Michael, comments welcome facebook soul realization.

A Poem Entitled IS IT Really You? Just for a change!

           The wind fans the grass, like a thousand tiny fingers,
            the air all around has a scent that lingers,
              Is it really You?

           The cawing of a winters crow
            spotting food on the frozen
            ground below,
            Is it really You?

           Anger rises in many guises
            and fools us with vanity
            and often insanity,
            Is it really You?
            When we experience pain
             and then we gain, a broader
             outlook of life's refrain.
             Is it really You?

            Searching forever looking
            for that which has meaning
            and seeing in travels that
            life can seem so demeaning.
            Is it really You?
            A rainbow arches high above,
            a dim reminder of forgotten
            Is it really You?
           The sun gleams on the dew of
            a spiders web,lonely feelings
            begin to ebb,
            Is it really You?

That's all hope you like it, back to blogs next,
warm regards Michael, comments welcome face bbook soul realization.

Steeped Down Energy Our Bodies Act As Dampening Fields. Part Three.

We need to understand that behind this shape that is called our physical body, therein lies vast fields
of energy, we are all basically energy, condensed and steeped down to appear as solid looking,
in reality all energy flows very much like a liquid. In order to align ourselves with this inner energy
we need to go within ourselves, and take up the regular practice of meditation, this will if done daily
begin to align ourselves with that inner force.
You who now are reading this blog, my wish for you is that you make the journey within yourself
and discover that radiant jewel  that lies at the centre of your being, your soul, I hope that you are
curious and want to know what really lies within you.
It is a sad and damming fact that none of us are ever taught this truth at school or college, all these
places of so called learning, are in fact completely ignorant as to what a human being actually is!
Our parents do not know, our friends do not know, nobody seems to know this truth. Nobody told
me either, it was through immense pain and mental torment that I found this truth within me, I thank
the great intelligence of the universe for my crisis, because it blasted me out of the bullshit world
of complacency that I suffered in, into a whole new inner reality I never knew existed before.
We are all on a journey of discovery, and the main thing we all need to discover is who you really
are! In truth that is the only reason we are all here, is to find our who and what we are, experience
the pain and anguish of being separated from the whole, to experience the difficulties that arise from
the illusion of being apart from the whole (I say the word illusion, because in truth we are never ever
separated from the whole, it just feels and seems so)  we grow and mature through our experiences
we learn it is better to love than hate, we experience both and then know what is best to live in,
we become the sum total of all our experiences, and went we turn our gaze inward, we begin to
experience kin ship  with our true self that lies within there, and when we discover this reality
within us, then we want to share this discovery with our friends and neighbours, that is what I
am doing here, sharing my experiences of finding the soul within me, and realizing  that this truth needs to be shared and experienced by all who actually want it.
So dear readers of this little old blog, may you embark on your very own journey of self discovery
and find that living jewel that radiates within you, and is your immortal soul.
My hope and prayer is that you all find your selves within. bless you all.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Saturday 15 July 2017

Steeped Down Energy Our Bodies Act As Dampening Fields. Part Two.

All longing that arises within the human family comes from just one point of reference, that being
our inner connection with universal love and intelligence, that of the soul, deep within every  human
beings psyche there is this deep longing this unquenchable yearning for something that we do not
fully understand, it lies beneath the threshold of our consciousness, and because we feel this empty
void within us, we vainly try and fill it, this inner longing is the root cause of all addictive behaviour
and causes untold misery and death to millions every year, if we were to go below this consciousness
threshold such as in deep meditation, we would then discover the real reason why we all have this
deep inner longing for something, what we long for, we will discover is complete unity with the whole, we have a distant memory embedded within our soul of complete unity with the one reality
total and absolute atonement with universal love and bliss, this is what we all yearn for and search
for all our lives, and never find it. I hope this blog can help in some small way to correct this great loss that we all feel.
The real reason we are all here is to gain experience, and to learn from that experience, in our
distant past along the long road of evolution we all left this blissful state, why I hear you ask?
Well the answer that makes most sense to me is that we needed experience, and also to become
self aware, we were not self aware when we left that blissful place aeons ago, so the price we pay
for this longing is that we then gain self awareness, and with that goes personal responsibility.
In reality our physical bodies are nothing more than a biological computer manifesting within
this dense physical plane, whose sole purpose, it to house the soul, so that it can gain and learn
from this journey here, remember that the soul is who you really are, not you personality,ego
these are mere constructs made up in response to faulty input from the vehicle, that being your
physical body, that all the body really is a vehicle to house the soul, anything else is just window
dressing. You are not the body, you are not the personality, you are not the ego, and you are not even the mind, the only reality about you that is eternally true is that you are a soul, all the rest will drop
off in time and fade away, just you the soul will forever remain.
In part three will try and link this all up together, warm regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Steeped Down Energy Our Bodies Act As Dampening Fields.

Our bodies are vast energy fields, steeped down by our physical body, which is reality is "protective
clothing"  (a space suit, or rather an Earth suit) for a higher energy to gain purchase in this dense
and very low vibrational field, that of our immortal souls. We only ever use about 3% of our energy
potential, mostly due to the fact that we are completely oblivious to the true nature of our identity
and therefore are never in a position to use any more, due to our vast ignorance of what and who we
really are.
This higher energy that is within us, is our very life essence, that of a soul expressed as being, you!
The soul has access to unlimited energy, if only we knew how to tap into it. Most of us spend our
entire lives running on almost empty, when within us is an unlimited storehouse of energy, but because we are never taught this truth at school, or anywhere else, we remain ignorant for the whole
of our life time, a tragic waste of human potential.
My hope is that these blogs, can in a small way, open the door into the readers mind, and that in so
doing look within yourself, and find this truth and reality there within YOU!
When we have experienced this reality, as I have, we share it with others in the hope that they too
will experience this reality for themselves, and the beauty of this method is that this reality lies
within you now, you do not have to take my word for it, or anybody else's, this truth resides within
you, all you have to do is look within.
That's all I did over forty years ago now, and found the realty of our immortal souls, lying there within me awaiting recognition. Meditation was a great help and guide  to help me find the way
to this centre within us.  You too can use this method to find your higher self waiting discovery within you.
You will discover that you are a spiritual being, having a human experience here on earth. And that
what you are experiencing is what it feels like to be separated from the WHOLE, that is where our
feelings of longing all come from, our sense of being apart from that which is WHOLE, that is the
root cause of all our inner yearning and longing, we want to be filled, and do not know where to look
for the answer to this longing.
In part two will explore this further. warm regards Michael. comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

Friday 14 July 2017

Thoughts-Open-Door-About-Yourself-Locating-Inner-Vibration-Exists.=T.O.D.A.Y.L.I.V.E. Part Three.

It is most often than not, that through crisis we grow, and effect changes within our lives, that would
not have happened otherwise. We often spend our entire lives, solely looking in one direction only
that of outward, we never look within ourselves unless we are forced to do so, often by a crisis, there
are of course a few exceptions to this, but to be honest have never yet met one.
When we start to look within us, that is where real life and living begin, you will soon realize after
a short visit to the inner world, that there was so much that you were never ever aware of before.
Your inner discovery journey has just begun, for if you adopt a regular practice of looking within,
such as with say meditation, or yoga, you will soon become amazed at what lies within you.
That still small voice within you, that very rarely made its presence known to you, usually only
in dire circumstances and crisis, the soul, that higher self within you, this small voice will begin
teaching you from within yourself, this is what the true meaning of the word intuition, "to be taught
from within" as you tune into this subtle vibration it will become more easily contacted by you.
When you enter into that inner silence, and all thoughts are still, then that small voice will whisper
things to you, and will begin to show you who you really are.
The real beauty about this teaching is that it occurs to you only ,and when you are ready to receive
it, and not one moment before. And the other thing about this is that you do not have to tack anyone
else's word for it, including mine, you will find this truth and reality, from within your own being.
You will eventually understand who you really are, and why you are here, you will be made clear
that you are a soul first, and a human second, you will learn that you are a spiritual being, having
a human experience here on Earth.
That inner beacon that we all have within us, is like a light house beacon that wants to guide us
home safely, and will teach us who we really are.
Its home this subtle vibration is within our heart chakra, and we can with practice lower our centre
of consciousness from our heads into this area, just need some practice, but it can and has been done
by thousands around the world.
We live our lives in our heads, this is the wrong place and its time to move out and find a new home
for your consciousness to reside, and that's the heart centre.
May this realization become yours, warm regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Thoughts-Open-Door-About-Yourself-Locating-Inner-Vibration-Exists. T.O.D.A.Y.L.I.V.E. Part Two.

Who is this your that has a self? Are you a your? And what is the self?  The answer that would seem to fit here is that the your that has a self, is actually your "I" presence, the "I" from whence we seem
to exist from.
There is a staggering ignorance within this world about who we really are, it seems that 99.99999%
of humanity has not got a clue as to who we really are, ask most folks who they are and they will
say their name, occupation, and where they were born, usually that's it! Absolutely nothing about
who you are and what you are. Imagine living your entire lifetime and never knowing or even understanding who or what you really are, well that's exactly what most of us do.
It seems that unless we are presented with a crisis, we will carry on to the grave our ignorance of
being, when a crisis calls, it makes us think differently, we start to look at a bigger picture, and begin
to look at what we are doing in our life, are we happy and content, are we fearful and nervous, are
we missing something in our life, and not quite sure what it is?  It is often at this point in our lives
that we instinctively feel a need to look within ourselves, those of us who have had the experience
of a very reassuring inner voice, that still small voice within, which is really the voice of our soul
speaking to us, will feel more confident about looking within, those of us who have n not had this
experience will need to find a  modicum of trust and take the decision to look within yourself.
Unbeknown to us often a calling crisis is our soul calling out to you, that there needs to be a change
in your life, and that you need to reconnect with the reality within you.
We all have an inner vibration, it is like a pulsing point within us, that flashes out a signal that
is picked up within our awareness and reveals itself in a thought. Our inner self is calling out to us
to change direction and look within for guidance, and the crisis that arose was meant to bring this
change of direction about.
As we begin to look within ourselves we start to tap into an unknown source of energy, this is the energy of our inner being the soul, this new energy will begin to open up doorways within you that
you had previously never knew existed. You will begin to discover that this new sense of energy
brings with it an intuitive aspect, and we start to learn from within us, which is what the word
intuition actually means, "to be taught from within".
In part three we will explore this further.
warm regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Thoughts-Open-Door-About-Yourself-Locating-Inner-Vibration-Exists. =Today-Live.

Thoughts within us are primarily aimed at the outer world, that which we all feel lies outside of us, we hardly if ever turn our thoughts inward to our inner world, many of us seem to think that the only
real world lies out there away from us, and we hardly ever consider what lies within us.
This primary focus on the outside world is not surprising really, as this was the way that we were all
brought up, for birth we have been taught to always look without for the answer . We never pay any
attention to our thoughts, and why we think, because again as far as we can remember we have always thought thoughts, so it is so familiar to us that we never ever give it a  thought, it is only
when a crisis appears it our life, that we may just stop looking out there and wonder what life is
really about. If the crisis that presents itself is a serious life threatening illness, then this causes us
to rethink what we always thought was important. When staring at the possibility of our own death
it makes us think and see things differently, suddenly our priorities change greatly, this crisis has in
fact made you think differently, rather than always looking out there for the answer suddenly you
feel drawn to look within yourself.
It is a rare individual indeed who without the need of a crisis, will see that their life is not fulfilling
and rather empty, and will effect changes within themselves just through their own self awareness
and without a crisis, I unfortunately was not one of these rare individuals, I had to have many crisis
thrown at me, each one getting more serious than the previous one, until I was just given three months to live by my doctor, it was then faced with that last crisis before termination that I finally
thought that I had better do something, and one thing among many other things I did then was to
start looking within for the answer to a fulfilling life.
There exists within us all a subtle vibration that lies within us, it has a steady pulsating beat to it,
rather like the way the heart beats, only this vibration is much slower than the heart beat, I never knew this inner vibration existed until I was virtually forced to look within or die! When I started
looking within there vibrating away was this pulse, it seemed to have the effect of saying almost
in words, but not quite, rather like a feeling that feels to you that it has some sense of direction about
it, as though it was leading me somewhere but that I had to trust that vibration. Trust I found is a
difficult thing to find, in particular when you think life that let you down?
Will go further into this in part two. warmest regards Michael, comments welcome face book soul realization.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Mental-Inklings-Nurturing-Demand- =M.I.N.D. Part Three.

In part one and two on this trilogy on mind and it  creation through the birth of the "I"  and how
this gives birth to the ego, mind, and personality, I have tried to lay out the way it occurs and affects
our everyday existence. Am also well aware of what i am suggesting here is not the usual explanation
of how we work! In fact the idea that we have actually created our, ego's, mind, and personality seem
very much bizarre and impossible.
I can very much identify with that feeling, for i too felt that way for many years, until differing
experiences suggested a very different explanation of how we are actually made up.
If any of you are practiced in the science of meditation, you will then discover that if in meditation
deep, when all thoughts have ceased, and there is just utter silence and stillness, just an awareness
of being, without any thought, it that state, there is no mind, no ego, and no personality either, just
pure awareness, which is consciousness, and we need to understand that consciousness is not mind!
Consciousness is universal energy, it is the life principle operating through form and substance,
absolutely nothing to do with mind.
With the birth of the "I"  this "I" acts like a central point within you, and from this point comes the
creation of ego, mind, and personality, these three, which i call the unholy trinity circle around this
central point within us, like three dogs on a leash they all run circles around each other, making sure that their demands are met. And you dear reader are at the centre of all this action going on within you, have you got control of it all?
"I" gives birth to "ME" me wants something, so the ego is born, then the ego needs a servant to obey
its demands so it creates the mind to do its bidding, what then evolves out of this is what is called your personality, and we each have differing personalities, depending on our early experiences.
In ancient wisdom the mind was called "The Slayer Of The Real" they knew this truth thousands of
years ago, and it got lost in the mists of time, now is the time for resurrection and to bring this truth
bang up to date, this is why this blog is mentioning it today.
Now we all know that we cannot stay in a state of deep meditation all day long, and that we have to
get on with our lives, but if you understand this truth, for truth it surely is, you can begin to see things
differently ,to  begin and see that  you are far more that you ever imagined, and that if you look within yourself and take up meditation, you can begin a journey that will reveal the real you.
And then you will then know the truth of this blog. May this realization dawn upon you all.
Warmest regards Michael. soul realization face book.comments welcome.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Mental-Inklings-Nurturing-Demand. =M.I.N.D. Part Two.

Because we have self awareness, we have an ego, personality, and mind, which all arise up out from
the birth of the "I" within us, no other creatures have this self awareness, they have only instincts
and behaviours arising from those instincts, even apes, which are close relatives to us, have not got
this "I" of ego within them. Are we cursed of blessed by this "I," guess the answer to that would depend upon the quality of your life today.
The unholy trinity that exists within us, that of the ego, the personality, and the mind, all are born within the arising "I" thought, we become aware of ourselves ,we  then become aware of what we want, and that we want it now! Immediately if not sooner! This becoming aware of want you want
is the birth place of all thinking, most often our first conscious thought is "I" WANT, and will cry
if I don't get is pronto! Our personalities are formed around our "I" concept, some personalities are
more demanding than others. We start in our thinking life in a very small and needful way, just
gut thoughts about our needs food, and drink, and toileting, we then begin to branch out as we become more independent and can get around on our own. This is where the real thinking starts.
We are not born with an ego, personality, or mind, a new born baby has no ego, mind, or personality,
all it has is the same as animals, just instinctual behaviours and mannerisms, it is not until the birth of the "I" that all these other additions are constructed by us, we are all creators of our own lives here on earth, we create the ego, I WANT, this gives birth to mind, then born out of that duality comes the
birth of your individual personality. Most human beings spend their entire life completely unaware
of the fact, hopefully dear reader, you will not be one of them!
We create and construct our whole inner life here, all without planning permission, I may add! And
we do this mostly without ever knowing about the reality of what we have brought about within us.
How then do we know if we have built on stable foundations or on sand and unstable foundations?
Some of you might be saying at this juncture that how can the mind be a creation of our making,
surely the mind has always been there! Well the answer to that is no, it was not there when you
were born, the only thing there then was pure instinctual behaviour, nothing else, not mind there
at all, the mind was born, when the concept of the "I" was born, we need to understand that the brain
was there at birth, but the brain is not the mind! The brain is a biological computer, and it controls
among many other things, instinctual behaviour.
In part three will try and marry this all together, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization

Mental-Inklings-Nurturing-Demand. =M.I.N.D.

What then is mind? From whence did it arise? What are thoughts? These are many questions arising
from the idea of what is mind? As the title of this blog says that mind is, mental-inklings-nurturing
-demand, who then is doing the demanding? And from where does this demander arise from?
Each question tends to promote another question, so can we trace it all back to the original point
of where the question was born!
The birth of all the questions that will arise in your life time, begin with the birth of the "I" which
also happens to be the birth of the ego as well. From this "birth" there then is also the creation of
want we call mind.
Before we go any further into this, we need to understand that we are all creators, and what we create
within us is the ego, the personality, and the mind, all these three which I call the unholy trinity are
constructs of our own making, and begin the moment that the "I" is born within us.
The birth of the first thought is "I WANT" and IT's mine leave it alone! This is the birth place of the
unholy trinity which manifests as ego, personality, and mind.
Consciousness and awareness are nothing to do with mind, consciousness and awareness are eternal
principles, the mind is a construct created by you.
What then are thoughts? Thoughts are basically fulfilling servants of the "I" and create avenues where your wants can be satisfied, and your needs met.
We cannot create consciousness or awareness we exist within the infinite embrace of both, and within
that field we live and move and have our being, it may come as a little far fetched that we are the creators of these things, in order to better understand this we need to see just what it is we are, we are
basically living beings, life, we did not create this life, absolutely not, for life by its very nature of being alive, is an eternal principle, and we at our core of being, are all eternal immortal beings.
What we actually create is that which we all call our personalities, which is made up of the ego,
personality, and mind,  we create these three unholy trinities and live within them all of our lives
and mostly never ever suspect that we created and gave birth to all this mental construction, what
great builders we all are, and think we built all this without getting planning permission?
In part two, will go into this further, warmest regards Michael, comments welcome. facebook soul realization.

Monday 10 July 2017

The River Of Life Flows Through Our being. Part Three.

All life is fluid in nature, we flow through our journey here, we flow into the physical  life and are
born from the womb, which itself is a very watery place! We have our life here and then die,(change)
and flow back into the Astral ocean of expression.
Our ultimate journey is to be back into that infinite ocean of absolute life itself, where we are bathed
in wondrous bliss and peace, we all have a distant memory of this wonderful place of life-full-ness
this reveals itself to us in that deep longing feeling that we all have. a deep longing for some forgotten blissful state. This longing is often the root cause of all our many and varied addictions
we have, which cause untold misery and death to millions every year.
We have all been in this flow for ages past, way beyond our earthly imagination to comprehend
for a long while we were unconscious and unaware, now we are all on line, and our self aware
beings, we are all here to gather experience, experience of what? You may ask! Well we will
eventually understand, and hopefully this blog will help in a small way, that we are all here to
experience what it feels like to be separated from the Whole, (we never are actually ever separated from the whole, that would be impossible) however the illusion of being apart from seems very real indeed. We need to also eventually fully understand who we actually are, we are spiritual beings
having a human experience! Let that sink in for a moment, and while that's sinking in, we need also
to realize that LIFE, which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focussed Energy, is not human either!
The very word humanity in reality is utter meaningless, our humanity is actually what is called
our bodies, which our just vehicles for our souls to enter, and experience life on the Earth plane
where separation from the whole seems very real, our bodies are basically space suits for the souls
to  gain purchase in this dense dark realm on earth.
We have many lives here to understand this truth of who we really are, hopefully you now reading this will be in that place ,where you are now ready to embrace this reality, and start the journey
within you that will lead eventually to you leaving the river of life altogether and entering into the
vast infinite ocean of eternal life and bliss. Look within yourself, take up meditation, practice it daily
and you will then find that you too reading this now are a soul having a human experience. don't
take my word for it, look within your self  and find the truth therein YOU.
May this realization become your truth, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

The River Of Life Flows Through Our Being Part Two.

Universal life all flows within a liquidious expression, all energy is fluid in nature and that includes
us! The river of life flows at differing rates depending upon our way of being and awareness, plus
our habits of thinking. We all need depth in our lives, but so many are floundering in the shallows
and the shallows translates as basically negative thinking states, in the shallows of life's river lies
treachery, and is the home of quicksand's and despair, its where hatred, and resentment dwell, the
home of fear and acute anxiety, these are dangerous place to be in, all manner of mental, and emotional illness live here, if we find ourselves here and many of us do, myself included, we need
help from another soul who is dwelling in deeper water, and is grounded by the depth? If we ask
for help here, because we are desperate and afraid, we can be gently guided  back into deeper and
calmer waters.
In ancient times time's when they were far wiser that us today, they would talk of the living word
as being the waters of life, if we remember and accept that consciousness is fluid and flows in a
liquid like state, then so to are the words ushered from within consciousness, the living words of
truth are consciousness encapsulated within a sound, or written word, when a being reads or hears these words, if they are open and aware these sounds, or written words can and do unlock a door
within them, and the truth of the sound, or written word, will flood in and impinge upon their
consciousness, the operative word there was flood, because truth and reality are in fact fluid as
well, all life is fluid, all truth is fluid, all reality is fluid.
How can we then go with the flow? Good question, well if we go against the flow we know through
our own experience that this brings pain and hard ships into our lives, so we need to reverse that procedure and do the opposite thing. We  also need to ask ourselves are we missing something here?
Suppose we ask the question, what is the purpose of our life here? That is a good question, how then will you find an answer to that question? Well there are many ways to do this, look it up on the internet is one way, the other is to look within yourself, the flow of life's river comes from deep within you, a depth that perhaps you have never realized existed within you, most of us spend our
entire lives forever looking outwards, and finding our dreams turning to ashes, this is because we are
looking outside of the river of life into an illusory place where reality is totally absent from.
It is only by looking within do we truly enter the water's of life.
In part three will explore this more and draw it together.
warmest regards Michael. comment welcome facebook soul realization.

Sunday 9 July 2017

The River Of Life Flows Through Our Being.

The entire universe is an infinite ocean of fluid dynamics, all energy and consciousness are by their
very nature fluid, life is liquid, the living waters of life are the truth encapsulated within a sound or
concept, an idea. We as human beings are within a river of life, that will eventually lead us into
the ocean, where we will become again at one with the ocean of life. But before that can happen
we all need to experience the experiences of being here and fully understand the message written
within that experience?
So before we can merge back into the ocean of life, and enjoy perfect bliss, we have to learn the lessons of separation from the whole being, and that includes many trips back and forth here, in
order to do so. Our evolution is a very long one, and for much of it we have been totally asleep
spiritually, and just operating on a two dimensional level, that of being just physical and mental,
the spiritual dimension was unawake, and in embryo form. Our lives all flow within a river of our
own making, the experiences we experience in our river are created by the way we think, act, and
do, some will find themselves in a position where their thoughts fire rapidly through their head,
like a machine gun firing, this is where you are shooting the rapids, and have lost control of your
self and thinking. This can be a very scary place to be in, i know that from my own personal experience of shooting the rapids, in this place we need help, many will see their doctor and
get pills to slow down the brain, i did that for a while. Then there is the other place where we find
ourselves for ever going around in circles, repeating the same old stuff, time and time again, when
we are in this place we are caught up in an eddy, in this place we are out of the flow of the river
of life, and caught up in a back water that is endlessly circling around itself, i too have been in this place, getting nowhere fast! Usually the only way out of this eddy is for a crisis to come  and visit
us. When this happens it can actually blast us out of that place, and we can get back into the flow
We  need to learn to go with the flow of life, that way we create little friction and lesson any problems that often arise. If we put up resistance we cause disturbance in the flow of life and this
can seriously impact upon us, we can feel like we are actually drowning, going under with the
strain of it all.
In part two will explore this more, warm regards Michael comments welcome face book soul soul realization.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Alchemy The Ancient Science Of Transformation And Transmutation. Part Three.

Within each one of us, is the power to transform ourselves from human animal, to human being, then
arise into a fully fledged spiritual being. This energy exists within us, and has always been there
latent, awaiting a call to arise within you. The call must come from you, we are entirely responsible
for all our actions, and state of being. No motion toward spiritual advancement can be made without
your acceptance and willingness to grow, if you are happy and fully content with your life and being,
then so be it, the inner fire will not become ignited.
If however you are not happy and content with your life, and have been through many crisis, then you
may be ready to ignite that internal fire, and begin to open up as a flower does in the morning sun.
The alchemy of transformation that ultimately leads to the transmutation of gross physical atoms into
finer etheric atoms and a great expansion of consciousness, begins with an inner restlessness, and a
feeling of being empty and unfulfilled, an inner longing for unity and atonement. Every human being
has this longing feeling within them, this feeling arises from within our inner core the soul.
Once we embark upon a venture within ourselves, we begin to make connections that we were completely unaware of before, the best way i know how to go within is through meditation, or yoga
if you know of other ways that's great, then main thing to remember is that transformation can only
occur from within, there is no outside in reality, only within. If you are not sure of where to start and
what to do, here is a simple way to begin, sit quietly, legs crossed or just ankles, start with say ten minutes, sit still and close your eyes, look straight ahead to the point where your eyelids meet, focus on that point, then just observe your breathing, let go of all arising thoughts, this gets easier as you practice it, then ask yourself the question, Who am I? Keep on asking that question until you get a full answer. be patient it takes time. If you do this regular and extend the meditation as it gets easier for you, then you will have begun a process that will eventually totally transform your life for the
better, you will find an inner joy, and peace, and that aching longing and emptiness you had will
gradually disappear, all this awaits you if you really want it, alchemy is alive and well in this modern
day, and its beautiful natural process of transforming a tight little bud, into a blooming fragrant
flower is happening all over this world today, may this day dear reader be YOUR DAY TO
May this realization become yours warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Friday 7 July 2017

Alchamy The Ancient Science Of Transformational Transmutation. Part Two.

When we live in a way that naturally aligns our being in harmony with universal natural law, we naturally and spontaneously begin to shed dense physical atoms, and begin to acquire finer and
much less dense etheric atoms into our vehicle matrix, this is part of a natural alchemical reaction
taking place.
Right living, as mentioned in Buddhism, what does it simply mean? It means conducting yourself
in a manner that is harmonious with your peers and all your contacts, being kind, loving and thoughtful ,if  you cannot find something positive to say about someone, then remain
no harm to anybody, or thing, practice humility rather than arrogance, this is simply what right
living means, then if you add to this equation the factor of practicing meditation and looking within
yourself, you are then truly in line with natural law, and the alchemical transformation will have
already begun within you.
The alchemist of old knew full well who we really are, like their modern day equivalent  the gurus and realized masters, they all know what lies beneath the physical body, they knew that we are all
spiritual beings, having a human experience, and through the process of many births and deaths
have become completely entangled in a web of illusion and despair, we have all forgotten who we
really are, and these alchemist, and modern day gurus, and realized masters, are here to show us all the way back to complete unity with the whole of BEING.
The modern expression used by those in quantum physics, that of "quantum entanglement " explains
it exactly what happens within the human family, although they would never admit or accept this principle, far too out there for science to accept.
Mankind to put it simply is lost, billions of lost souls all looking out there for an answer to life's
riddle, and the sad truth is that none of them will ever find it, and millions every year go to their graves never finding out who, or what they really are. As long as we look out there for the answer
we are doomed to misery and despair, because basically out there is bullshit, an illusion created
by our own lack of understanding, and ignorance of our true identity. It is only by going within
your self, that you actually open the door, that will lead you to ultimate freedom and joy.
In part three will try and put this altogether, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization.

Alchemy The Ancient Science Of Transformational Transmutation.

The ancient science of alchemy is really about transformation of the human body, transforming from
human animal into human being, and then on to a spiritual being within a human body.
The idea that alchemists of old were really concerned with and transmuting base metals into gold
is utter nonsense, and a complete fantasy, the alchemists of old were really spiritual masters, who
today would be called a realized master, or guru, they taught small groups of followers, who after
a long time of instruction would then go out and teach others. They all had to be very careful though
as in those days anyone varying from the strict religious doctrine was seen as a dabbler in black magic and a devil worshipper, and most likely be burned alive. That being so most of their teaching
was done in secret, and all would have to be very careful who they shared this wisdom and knowledge with.
Gautama Buddha, was a master alchemist, his teachings of right living, right thought, right actions,
were if adhered to would guarantee a total transformation of the human being, by living the way
he taught which is the actual science of alchemy, total transformation and transmutation of dense
physical matter, into much light etheric matter.
The science of alchemy is about inner realization through methods that align yourself to the flow
of universal law and energy conservation. Our whole bodies are a chemical factory, and the body
will if not polluted by unnatural sources secrete via the various glands that we have the correct amount
of chemical we need to maintain a healthy balance.
The transformational process and the transmutation process, are both activated when we embark upon
a course that involves us looking within ourselves, seeing that we are lacking something, recognising
our ignorance, and making a decision to change ourselves by going within.
The more we look within ourselves, and are seeking alignment with universal laws, the more we begin to attract finer matter to us. by right living, what does that actually mean? Well to me it means
that I respect all others, speak kindly about all, or remain silent, try and be kind and considerate to all,
recognise the ego's influence on yourself, and deflate the ego as necessary, and practice humility rather than arrogance.
In part two will talk about the inner changes that occur, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Thursday 6 July 2017

All Things Resolve Into Thing. Part Two.

According to ancient teachings there are ten tribes of mankind, this is partially true, but not wholly
true, because these ten tribes, all resolve into one, we are all basically the same, whether you be
white, black, brown, or yellow, all the same at core level.
We each have an energy centre located within our heart chakra(which is held in the etheric body,
not the physical body) that's why no surgeon has ever found it! This energy centre faces two ways.
one inward, and is called the Self, the other faces outward into relativity, and is called the soul.
The self looks inward and is our direct connection to the Absolute life force, we need also to be
aware that the self is singular, there is no plural of self. Recognising this reality makes it absolutely
clear that we are all in thought, word, and deed, at our core of being-ness all united within the one
Living Reality. We only seem to exist within this relative universe, the operative word here is seem.
There is absolutely no need to be concerned about this reality, you have been around expressing
yourself for millions of years, and you got an infinite amount of time in front of you if you so wish it.
The infinite life force of which you are connected to, is in no hurry to welcome you back in the fold,
so to speak, you do not have to surrender your ego, and your personality just yet! There is no need to
panic, what I have been laying out before you is the reality of what is, and what you are, it is now up
to you what you do about it, if anything. What has been laid out is the ultimate destiny of all life
whether it be human or not, what you can do is to go within yourself and find your connection with
the whole, this is easily done, and millions have done that through  meditation and yoga.
Our souls are the bodies that are made in order for the spirit or life force to express itself in, we each
have seven bodies of expression and the soul is there to provide the vehicle for that spirit or life force
to have purchase in each of these realms, the physical of course being the lowest expression.
Life could be called and expressed as a singularity, which of course it actually is, it is only when
you enter into a concept of duality, and bear in mind duality is just that a concept, within infinite
being, it is not real, except if you qualify it as relatively real, and not absolutely real.
So I hope that this has opened up a door within you, and that you can see that things all resolve back
to thing, that thing being energy.
warmest regards to you all, and welcome all my new readers in Russia ,bless  you all/ comments welcome, face book soul realization.

All Things Resolve Into Thing.

If we can fully understand the primal issue that presents itself to us all in our everyday day life, then
we could easily answer a seemingly impossible question, suppose you asked the question, how many
things are there in the universe? This question would seem to be utterly impossible to answer, and yet
I can answer this question, without any fear of contradiction, the answer is simply one. How can this
be you ask! Well first we need to know what a thing basically consists of, pick up anything round
you and look at it, maybe your phone, what is it made of? Plastic you may say, what then is plastic
made of then? From oil products, what then is oil made of then? eventually if you keep looking at
any thing, you will see it is basically made of energy, energy held is a cohesive field of collected
We are in effect mesmerized by the illusion of billions of so called things. This is totally false,
reality is always singular, never plural, a little song I use to remind me of this truth is, "there  is
no plurality in reality"  everything you see, hear, touch, taste, is all the very same thing, the only
difference that is noticed is in its vibrational rate, and how that is expressed, an apple has a different
rate than say a banana, therefore they look and taste different, but in truth they are all basically
energy. Energy can taste different, look different, act different, but in essence is exactly the same.
There is only one thing in evidence upon this planet, within this solar system, within this Milky
Way Galaxy, within the universe, and that one thing is LIFE, which breaks down into Living
Intelligent Focussed Energy=LIFE, that is all there is, was, and will ever be! NO-THING else
exists within reality except LIFE PERIOD. We therefore try and extract from this life essence
other meanings that can help us more fully understand what this life essence actually is?
We use the word energy, now science loves this word, it explains so much to them, they even
say that energy cannot be destroyed, only converted, which of course is true, so science is partially
right in the understanding of what reality actually is, I say partially because as far as I know, science
has not made the leap of faith and attributed intelligence within this energy. The next word that is
extracted from the LIFE essence is the word consciousness, now many in the fields of quantum
mechanics are actually beginning to be aware that the universe is  intelligent and possibly even
actually self aware!
Will continue this in part two, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Creation Is A Myth And The Word Creation Is Meaningless Part Two.

To recap on the last blog on this subject, creation is a myth, how can you create something when
you are the total and absolute reality of all there is, and will ever be? From where could you get something to create? Apart from within yourself!
We can then now deal with us, what then are we? Again in the first blog on this subject we saw
that basically we are all embryonic gods in the waiting, what are we waiting for? We are waiting
to wake up from our long sleep, and just remember who we actually are. There is no God out there
that is going to save you, that is impossible, firstly because there is no out there in reality, and secondly that God is you, sleeping within you waiting to for you to wake up! It says somewhere
in the Good book, That God  says that "I have been with you all of your life, closer than your hands and feet, and you knew me not"!! We think mistakenly, that we can call on this infinite power
that it is out there somewhere, awaiting our call. OUT THERE does not exist in reality, remember
that what we are is LIFE and life stands for living-intelligent-focussed -energy so where could you actually go where there is no energy?? We exist within absolute unity, however, we are not fully
conscious of that reality, as we are all cloaked down, steeped down drastically from our normal
very high vibrational rate, the human rate is like a slug compared to a cheetah!  We all have seven
bodies of expression, each expression is lower in vibrational rate than the other, our human expression is obviously the slowest, at our highest level of expression we all know fully who we are
and that is consciousness within the all consciousness of the Absolute.
We are absolute living energy, having a relative experience, and then further, we are spiritual beings
having a human experience, here on the Earth plane. None of us at our core being, is human, we
need to get our heads around this, human beings is just a name a distinction that divides us up from everything else, it is utterly meaningless in reality, The Great Spirit, or God, in definitely NOT HUMAN. Or a big man in the sky! The whole of this universe comes from within this infinite absolute life force, and that includes us here reading this now. If we let go of the ego, let go of the
personality, let go of the mind, then what is left is really you, or rather IT, because in absolute
reality none of us have ever existed, how could we? The only reality is the Infinite absolute eternal
Being, and there are NOT BEINGS, in the plural, only the singular .So  what are you then?
You and me are all IT, so we are all safe and secure, within the bosom of Living Eternity.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome. facebook soul realization.

Creation Is A Myth And The Word Creation Is Meaningless.

Let me start with what science says about energy, energy cannot be destroyed only converted, that is
what science says, well we all are energy, so then according to science we cannot be destroyed !
only converted, and what's converted our physical body is converted into an astral body. Science
says so, so it must be right?
The whole idea of creation is utterly meaningless, when you understand the basic nature of reality,
reality is an eternal constant, and can never change .The  Absolute Life force that is the only reality
there is, cannot create anything, why? Well just think about the nature of the question, the Absolute
life force wants to do something, it wants to make something? To make something you then need to
gather the things you need in order to create this thing, that then is where the first problem starts, there is nothing in existence outside of the Absolute, so there is no reality out there where it could obtain anything, can you begin to see the utter nonsense of this very idea of creating. It cannot happen, period.
What then are we ,i hear you ask? Well a quite well known realized being was asked this question;
what is the difference between you and me master? The master replied, the difference between you and me is this; I am god and know that I am, and you are god and do not know that you are, that is
the difference between you and I.
We are all living beings, we need to try and understand what that actually means, we are all eternal
immortal beings, we are absolute beings, having a relative experience? We are embryonic gods
awaiting to become realized into this reality, when that happens, is down to you, it depends on how
much you invest in understanding who and what you actually are, or you can just continue looking
out there in illusion and basically treading water until the day of drowning occurs?
We are begotten not made, so it is said, indeed we are all seeds or encapsulated drops from within
the infinite ocean of Spirit of Life, they are exactly the same thing, we have all been on a very long journey, much of it unconscious, now we are awake, and self aware, what will we do with this self awareness? Something or nothing? That depends on you dear reader, will we be so distracted by our mobile phones and other electronic gadgetry, that we fail to look within us for direction? We can always postpone advancing in consciousness and awareness for another life time, as we are so
fascinated by what we see here!
In part two will try and bring this together, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.