Wednesday 19 July 2017

The Mind Is The Slayer Of The Real.

Their is an ancient occult maxim which states that, The mind is the slayer of the real, what can this
mean to us today? Well we need to consider first what the mind actually is? And that it is not what
you think it is, our minds are constructs of our making, and the mind is born out of the very birth
of the "I" the I that becomes the living personality, and that these two create what we call our minds.
Our minds our basically servants of the "I" construct and carry out the wishes of the ego, basically
to fetch and carry for the whims of the ego.
We need to consider that at birth, we have neither, ego, personality, or mind, these three are constructs of the "I", a baby is egoless, mindless, and personality-less, all you observe in a baby is
purely instinctive behavior, nothing more, not until at around the age of two years old, that the
"I" of the ego is born within the infant.
All our thoughts are born out of the ego's demands, although we are seldom if ever aware of this
because its all we have ever known. We create our own reality, depending upon our individual
environment and where we were born, without the ego there would be no thought!
If we are in deep meditation where all thoughts cease, then there is no mind, there is no ego, and
there is no personality, they only exist when the ego is engaged.
However it would be entirely impossible for us to stay in deep meditation all day long, so we must surface and face the ego.
We need to remember that your thoughts, and we all have billions of them, are not reality, far
from it, they are just a case of endless mental masturbation, and nothing more. after a life time
of thinking countless millions of thoughts, the one thought you never have or ever understand, and
is in reality the most important thought you will ever have, is the question within you of ,"who am I"
We never ask that question, and the main reason for that is the ego doe not want you to know that
because if you really knew who you were, it would lose its vice like grip of you, and be made
That which is real, that which is reality, lies at the very center of your being, and is overshadowed
by the all pervasive ego and personality, who does not want you to know this.
We are in effect surrounded by illusion and our inner truth is bloated out from us.
Our very minds our warping our perceptions and spinning us lies. in part two we will explore this
more fully.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

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