Sunday 2 July 2017

Consciousness Contains All Principles Within Its Embrace Part Three.

Awareness is being aware that you are conscious, this awareness is a "point" a point of awareness
within a infinite ocean of unconscious consciousness, we are that point of aware-ness you awaken
within this ocean, and find yourself enclosed within a physical body on a place called Earth.
First you awaken to the supposed fact that you are what is called a human being, you then after
many years here, face a major crisis, look within you, and then you have a second awakening,
where you see that in reality, you are a spiritual being, having a human experience!
We need to try and get our heads around the idea that all is consciousness, and then grasp what
exactly that means, it means that the entire universe is wholly consciousness, and that absolutely
nothing else exists, or will ever exist, we need to try a fully understand this, Spirit is consciousness,
God is consciousness, you are consciousness, energy is consciousness, a banana is consciousness
dogs poo is consciousness, and so on, I trust you get the picture.
Consciousness has two states of being, it is either off, or on, when it is on, we have what is called
the physical relative universe, of which we all our partially familiar with, and it can be off, when
it is off there is a state of complete motionlessness, and unconscious consciousness, but within
it lies infinite potential. When it is on, it bares from within itself the two principles that make a
physical universe possible that of duality, represented by the two main contenders in this relativity
universe that of Ying and Yang. These two twin forces are the creators of motion from motionlessness, they are spinning vortexes of unimaginable dimensions. If now we come back
to us as human beings, who later find out that we are actually spiritual beings having a human experience, and being what we are, we are also obviously consciousness ourselves, if we can
imagine if you will that not all consciousness is self aware, much of consciousness is actually
unconscious consciousness, but we are not in that category, we have self awareness, and within
your physical body where your heart chakra lies, is a point of knowingness, within you, that point
is called your soul, or higher self, this point of knowingness within you flashes out magnetic pulses
that in particular when you are in crisis will impinge upon your mind and will be heard and understood as that still small voice within you, that voice is your soul. We are all linked to
universal consciousness and our brothers and sisters on the inner spheres, from which we all come from. So if you want to connect with reality, rather than the bullshit that exists out there, look
within yourself, take up meditation, expand you consciousness, and perceptions, and awaken into
a consciousness centred universe where all is one, and one is ALL.
May your consciousness grow my dear readers, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

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