Friday 7 July 2017

Alchemy The Ancient Science Of Transformational Transmutation.

The ancient science of alchemy is really about transformation of the human body, transforming from
human animal into human being, and then on to a spiritual being within a human body.
The idea that alchemists of old were really concerned with and transmuting base metals into gold
is utter nonsense, and a complete fantasy, the alchemists of old were really spiritual masters, who
today would be called a realized master, or guru, they taught small groups of followers, who after
a long time of instruction would then go out and teach others. They all had to be very careful though
as in those days anyone varying from the strict religious doctrine was seen as a dabbler in black magic and a devil worshipper, and most likely be burned alive. That being so most of their teaching
was done in secret, and all would have to be very careful who they shared this wisdom and knowledge with.
Gautama Buddha, was a master alchemist, his teachings of right living, right thought, right actions,
were if adhered to would guarantee a total transformation of the human being, by living the way
he taught which is the actual science of alchemy, total transformation and transmutation of dense
physical matter, into much light etheric matter.
The science of alchemy is about inner realization through methods that align yourself to the flow
of universal law and energy conservation. Our whole bodies are a chemical factory, and the body
will if not polluted by unnatural sources secrete via the various glands that we have the correct amount
of chemical we need to maintain a healthy balance.
The transformational process and the transmutation process, are both activated when we embark upon
a course that involves us looking within ourselves, seeing that we are lacking something, recognising
our ignorance, and making a decision to change ourselves by going within.
The more we look within ourselves, and are seeking alignment with universal laws, the more we begin to attract finer matter to us. by right living, what does that actually mean? Well to me it means
that I respect all others, speak kindly about all, or remain silent, try and be kind and considerate to all,
recognise the ego's influence on yourself, and deflate the ego as necessary, and practice humility rather than arrogance.
In part two will talk about the inner changes that occur, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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