Saturday 8 July 2017

Alchemy The Ancient Science Of Transformation And Transmutation. Part Three.

Within each one of us, is the power to transform ourselves from human animal, to human being, then
arise into a fully fledged spiritual being. This energy exists within us, and has always been there
latent, awaiting a call to arise within you. The call must come from you, we are entirely responsible
for all our actions, and state of being. No motion toward spiritual advancement can be made without
your acceptance and willingness to grow, if you are happy and fully content with your life and being,
then so be it, the inner fire will not become ignited.
If however you are not happy and content with your life, and have been through many crisis, then you
may be ready to ignite that internal fire, and begin to open up as a flower does in the morning sun.
The alchemy of transformation that ultimately leads to the transmutation of gross physical atoms into
finer etheric atoms and a great expansion of consciousness, begins with an inner restlessness, and a
feeling of being empty and unfulfilled, an inner longing for unity and atonement. Every human being
has this longing feeling within them, this feeling arises from within our inner core the soul.
Once we embark upon a venture within ourselves, we begin to make connections that we were completely unaware of before, the best way i know how to go within is through meditation, or yoga
if you know of other ways that's great, then main thing to remember is that transformation can only
occur from within, there is no outside in reality, only within. If you are not sure of where to start and
what to do, here is a simple way to begin, sit quietly, legs crossed or just ankles, start with say ten minutes, sit still and close your eyes, look straight ahead to the point where your eyelids meet, focus on that point, then just observe your breathing, let go of all arising thoughts, this gets easier as you practice it, then ask yourself the question, Who am I? Keep on asking that question until you get a full answer. be patient it takes time. If you do this regular and extend the meditation as it gets easier for you, then you will have begun a process that will eventually totally transform your life for the
better, you will find an inner joy, and peace, and that aching longing and emptiness you had will
gradually disappear, all this awaits you if you really want it, alchemy is alive and well in this modern
day, and its beautiful natural process of transforming a tight little bud, into a blooming fragrant
flower is happening all over this world today, may this day dear reader be YOUR DAY TO
May this realization become yours warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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