Monday 31 July 2017

When Crisis Comes A calling Changes Occur. Part Four,

What are the facts of our being? Who are you really? What is it about yourself that you are never
told?  Beyond your name, address, and occupation, what do you actually know about who you are?
The answer to this question is most likely nothing. We know nothing about who we really are, do
you not think it rather odd, that you can live within this body, for the whole of your life, and actually
never know who the hell you actually are! Just know how to trot out your name, rank, and serial number.
What i am about to tell you now about yourself, is not something i read in a book, or looked up on the internet, but rather my actual living experiences of unfolding this reality within my own life. You do
not though have to take my word for it, rather as i have done, you too can experience this reality
within your own life, by going within yourself, and practicing regular meditation.
So then who exactly are we? The first truth we need to understand is that we are all immortal souls
with physical vehicles (bodies), that we are all spiritual brings having a  human experience here
on Earth. This soul that resides within our heart chakra, is the home of that still small voice that calls
out to us, in hushed tones, when we are caught up in a crisis. That inner voice is your soul trying,(often vainly) to attract your attention and to try to get us to look within and find the answer to all
our many questions.
My hope is that you dear reader reading this blog, will think about what is being shared here, and
that it will give you an inclination to look within yourself, and find the truth that dwells therein.
What we are in fact is Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy, =LIFE of which the shortened name
of soul is given, we are all souls, having a human experience, by going within yourself, and practicing meditation, you can easily reveal this reality to yourself, because that is exactly who
you are, a soul first, human second. By going within you will gradually make contact with your inner being, the soul, this will result in a vast expansion of your consciousness, awareness, perception,
and intuitive flashes of expanded insights into reality as you never knew existed before.
By going within yourself, and exploring that vast inner universe, you will automatically begin
to align yourself to the natural universal laws of life, thereby greatly reducing the number of  any
arising  crisis appearing in your life.
Man know thyself, that is the injunction the ancient Greeks put in their temple of Apollo, we too
all need to know ourselves, and thereby set us free from the slavery of ignorance that has kept
us bound for centuries past, you dear reader of this blog on the 31st July 2017 are a Soul with a
body, and not a body with a soul, my wish is for you to awaken from your slumber, find your true
self within you, and rejoice that today is the first day of the rest of your awakened life.
May this realization become yours today, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

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