Monday 24 July 2017

Unplugged Humanity Sick Through Energy Connection Failure.

Lack of power is our dilemma, and the additional factor of ignorance from whence this power hails
from! We only know of the physical power, of which we generate the energy from the food and drink
we consume, which in turn fuels our mind and thought processes. We indeed live in a dualistic universe, however within this dualism, there is also the phenomena of a trinity based power outlets
of which we are one of. We all are trinity based beings, and our physical, mental, and spiritual beings
and energy when in a balanced and positive mode flows freely through all the three dimensions that
we exist within. However, because of our gross ignorance of who and what we really are, there is only ever a flow of two dimensional energy, rather than the balanced three fold energy, and in that
unbalanced state that the vast majority of mankind is in, therein, arises all manner of ills and sicknesses, that are the scourge of mankind, that is why tens of millions die needlessly every year,
the real reason they die, is energy failure?  We cannot live fully on two dimensional energy, when
we are three dimensional beings, we are literally starving to death? Not of food and water, but rather
a complete absence of spiritual energy, which is also called "food of the soul"?  The ignorance of
who we truly are, make the depths of the pacific ocean seem like a mere puddle in comparison, we all
are that ignorant! And that ignorance is killing millions of us every year, the "Grim Reaper" is working overtime and his sickle is red hot keeping up with it all
What then is the answer to this vast ignorance that befalls mankind? The answer is education into
who you really are, that surely must come first. Who then are we? We are all spiritual beings, having a human experience, here on Earth. We are ALL souls with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls, there is a vast difference, if you think about it for a while. We all have wrongly been taught since birth to
look without for all the answers you will ever need, and so we all have spent our entire lives looking
forever out there for the answer to our life and why we are here, and of course you have never found
the answer to that question, because it can only ever be fully answered by looking deeply within yourself. Our one and major problem is that we are all three dimensional beings living two dimensional lives, that is the root problem that causes all the woes and sicknesses that occur to
mankind  today, The only way out of this dilemma is to go within, in part three we will explore
this avenue fully and unite it all together in one composite whole.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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