Saturday 1 July 2017

What Do You Actually Know ? Part Three.

Well over a thousand years ago at the temple of Apollo in Delphi it was written "Man know thyself,
the ancient Greeks knew about the need to look within to find the reality therein.
It has also been said for ages past, that if we know ourselves, fully, then all other things will be known.
What then do we really know? Imagine that you spend your entire life leaning about all manner of things, you have accumulated vast knowledge, (well you think you have) and then just before you
die someone asks you, with all your vast knowledge accumulated over many years, please tell me who you actually are? All of a sudden it dawns on you, that you just do not know the answer to that
very simple yet profound question.
How many of you reading this now, actually know who you really are? Think about this question for
a moment, what we are actually beginning to realize is this, that we have lived our entire life living
within this physical body, without ever knowing who was that being within me? If you ask yourself
the question, who am I? What is the answer that comes back? You might reply it is ME? Who then
is this ME that replied? If you keep asking and then eventually say, I do not know! That is good,
because as soon as we recognise our ignorance the door to understanding opens up. My guess is
that all of you reading this will have at least had one experience of an inner voice within you, saying
something reassuring to you in a time of crisis, or grave illness, we all have within us that still small
voice, that speaks to us in times of trouble, it has actually saved the lives of many souls, some of which I know personally, that still small voice is the voice of your soul, we all have one, it matters not if you believe it or not, it is just a universal fact of human evolution and natural law.
If we take the trouble to look within ourselves, we will then eventually find out this truth for our selves, it cannot ever escape you, it is you, all you have to do is go within and meet the source of your
life force and essence, the reality of what we all are is this, we are spiritual beings having a human
experience, the primal reality of who you are is soul being primary, physical vehicle is secondary.
We are spirit we a body, and NOT a body with a spirit! And the beautiful reality of this truth, is that
you do not have to take my word for it, try it for yourself, go within your being, practice meditation
and find out for yourself the truth of this matter.
May this realization dawn within you. warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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