Tuesday 4 July 2017

The (W)hole Of The Story Human Fragmentation. Part Two.

Advertising psychologists have concluded that we have about a two second attention span, slightly
less than a goldfish I may add, therefore they make sure their adverts flash on and off every two seconds in order for you to remain focussed on their product, brainwashing the public for sure.
Well i have no flashing lights or rapid motions on this blog, i hope i can keep your attention!
Human beings have a seven fold expression, the physical being the lowest in vibrational rate,
then there is the etheric body which completely encloses the physical body, and the astral body
comes after that, the other four expressions will not bother about them at the moment, these three
bodies or expressions are also often out of alignment along with the physical, yet because most of us know absolutely nothing about theses bodies, it is not surprising. Our entire education system is
failed to educate us into the reality of what you actually ARE, but again that too is hardly surprising
as the educators are also completely ignorant of the reality of what a human being actually IS.
They fill our heads with mostly bullshit dressed up as having intellectual value, and you then have to
remember it long enough to pass your exams, then you can flush that crap away ,as  you will no longer need it.
We are all fragmented on many levels and none of these are being addressed due to ignorance, and while this continues, the sickness of mankind grow ever more severe every year. Millions every
year die through addictions, like drugs, alcoholism, obesity, then there is the mental breakdown
of millions again, all due to an inner emptiness, a gaping chasm within the psyche a hole that is aching to be filled. Then alongside that utter sickness and despair, you have millions of ego
centred individuals who are destroying the planet , in order to make profits for the shareholders.
There is hardly any wholeness in the world, but billions of hole-ness, we are all responsible for
ourselves, we need to take responsibility for yourself and educate yourself into the reality of what
you actually are, you are not just a human being, born here and die here, and in between make a life
for yourself, how could you possibly do that when you do not know what life actually is? If our
educators are wholly ignorant of reality, it does not mean that we cannot do something about it
ourselves, we can educate our self into what we need to know in order to  begin to seal up all those
fragmented parts of our being, in that way we are beginning to awaken and see what's  real   at last.
In part three will try and tie up loose ends, warmest regards Michael,
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome facebook soul realization

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