Monday 10 July 2017

The River Of Life Flows Through Our being. Part Three.

All life is fluid in nature, we flow through our journey here, we flow into the physical  life and are
born from the womb, which itself is a very watery place! We have our life here and then die,(change)
and flow back into the Astral ocean of expression.
Our ultimate journey is to be back into that infinite ocean of absolute life itself, where we are bathed
in wondrous bliss and peace, we all have a distant memory of this wonderful place of life-full-ness
this reveals itself to us in that deep longing feeling that we all have. a deep longing for some forgotten blissful state. This longing is often the root cause of all our many and varied addictions
we have, which cause untold misery and death to millions every year.
We have all been in this flow for ages past, way beyond our earthly imagination to comprehend
for a long while we were unconscious and unaware, now we are all on line, and our self aware
beings, we are all here to gather experience, experience of what? You may ask! Well we will
eventually understand, and hopefully this blog will help in a small way, that we are all here to
experience what it feels like to be separated from the Whole, (we never are actually ever separated from the whole, that would be impossible) however the illusion of being apart from seems very real indeed. We need to also eventually fully understand who we actually are, we are spiritual beings
having a human experience! Let that sink in for a moment, and while that's sinking in, we need also
to realize that LIFE, which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focussed Energy, is not human either!
The very word humanity in reality is utter meaningless, our humanity is actually what is called
our bodies, which our just vehicles for our souls to enter, and experience life on the Earth plane
where separation from the whole seems very real, our bodies are basically space suits for the souls
to  gain purchase in this dense dark realm on earth.
We have many lives here to understand this truth of who we really are, hopefully you now reading this will be in that place ,where you are now ready to embrace this reality, and start the journey
within you that will lead eventually to you leaving the river of life altogether and entering into the
vast infinite ocean of eternal life and bliss. Look within yourself, take up meditation, practice it daily
and you will then find that you too reading this now are a soul having a human experience. don't
take my word for it, look within your self  and find the truth therein YOU.
May this realization become your truth, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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