Monday 3 July 2017

What Is Real ?

What then is real? Well life is real, what then is life? Life is not basically as you think you know it,
in fact life is vastly different than what you think it is. It might seem strange to you but no one on
this planet has ever seen life, and certainly not you dear reader of this blog, life by its very nature
is invisible, what we call life is actually animated physical bodies, animated by the life force within
but the animated body is not life itself.
If we look intently within the word  LIFE it reveals its inner nature, and its inner nature reveals the
break down of the word to be this; Living Intelligent Focussed Energy, =LIFE, that is what we all
are, humanity is basically a collection of living intelligent focussed energy, going about its business
completely unaware of who or what they really are.
The other thing about life is that is does not have an opposite, life is what could be called a singular
reality, in fact it is the only reality at base level realization, consciousness and life are basically the
same thing. Now you might be at this point thinking, wait a minute, the opposite of life is death!
Well the answer to that is no it is not, the word death is a misnomer, in reality it is a completely
meaningless word, the correct word that needs to be used instead of death is change, changes occur
all the while in a relative universe, in the absolute change cannot happen, when a human being
as it were dies (changes) what changes is the beings focussed awareness, when in physical form
the focus was in the physical body and using the biological computer the brain, when the physical
body cannot contain the life energy anymore, it releases its hold on the physical body ,and then the physical begins to decay, but the life force that animated that physical body has just moved into a new body of focus, that of the astral body, there it carries on gathering experiences until it decides
to animate another physical body.
Death is an illusion, all there has ever been since Adam and Eve is billions of changes taking place
as they are every day on earth, millions change (die) every year, but all of them are still very much alive, its just that now they are alive in the astral realm, whereas before they were residing here.
To recap on part one there is no such thing as outside, how can you be outside of LIFE?
And secondly there is no such thing as death, only change. What then is real? Will attempt to
piece it all together in part three.warmest regards Michael, comments welcome,facebook soul realization comment on there.

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