Sunday 2 July 2017

Consciousness Contains All Principles Within Its Embrace.

What actually is a distinction? A difference, contrast, from all the varying words from all the different languages on this planet, lets say for argument sake that there are fifty billion different
words that are being used as of today, unbeknown by us every one of those fifty billion words
all actually mean the same thing, that of consciousness, we are all caught up in the illusionary
world of making distinctions, as though there were lots of different things! There is not lots of
different things, there is only one thing, and one thing only that exists, and that is consciousness.
If you know this basic universal reality, you can then answer a seemingly impossibly question.
The question is this, how many forms of life are there in the universe? The answer is actually
very simple, there is only one life force in the universe, and it is expressed in an infinite number
of ways! You could further answer that there is only one thing within this universe and that one
thing is consciousness, and that consciousness is expressed within an infinite number of ways.
It is written in the book of LIFE that all NAMES belong to me, the Absolute, and that all names
resolve back to their primary reality and that is consciousness. We are all caught up within a nightmare of distinctions, that we play games with words like a game of mental masturbation
and all missing the point, the point is this, if you trace any word back into its first utterance
follow it back to its root, there you will find consciousness. What is energy? What is a cabbage?
What are you reading this now? The answer is consciousness, because aught else exists.
Consciousness is absolute, it is the singular, there is no plurality in reality, that is in absolute
reality that is correct, however we seem to find ourselves stationed in what we call a relative
dualistic universe, and for the sake of our evolutionary cycle we are all on, plurality seems to exist
and that consciousness then tales on the appearance of duality by creating two forces we call Ying
and Yang, these two forces (which are still consciousness by the way) enable a dual relative
universe to appear before our startled eyes.  All the universal principles including that of gravity
all arise from within consciousness.
in part three will try and link this all together.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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