Wednesday 12 July 2017

Mental-Inklings-Nurturing-Demand- =M.I.N.D. Part Three.

In part one and two on this trilogy on mind and it  creation through the birth of the "I"  and how
this gives birth to the ego, mind, and personality, I have tried to lay out the way it occurs and affects
our everyday existence. Am also well aware of what i am suggesting here is not the usual explanation
of how we work! In fact the idea that we have actually created our, ego's, mind, and personality seem
very much bizarre and impossible.
I can very much identify with that feeling, for i too felt that way for many years, until differing
experiences suggested a very different explanation of how we are actually made up.
If any of you are practiced in the science of meditation, you will then discover that if in meditation
deep, when all thoughts have ceased, and there is just utter silence and stillness, just an awareness
of being, without any thought, it that state, there is no mind, no ego, and no personality either, just
pure awareness, which is consciousness, and we need to understand that consciousness is not mind!
Consciousness is universal energy, it is the life principle operating through form and substance,
absolutely nothing to do with mind.
With the birth of the "I"  this "I" acts like a central point within you, and from this point comes the
creation of ego, mind, and personality, these three, which i call the unholy trinity circle around this
central point within us, like three dogs on a leash they all run circles around each other, making sure that their demands are met. And you dear reader are at the centre of all this action going on within you, have you got control of it all?
"I" gives birth to "ME" me wants something, so the ego is born, then the ego needs a servant to obey
its demands so it creates the mind to do its bidding, what then evolves out of this is what is called your personality, and we each have differing personalities, depending on our early experiences.
In ancient wisdom the mind was called "The Slayer Of The Real" they knew this truth thousands of
years ago, and it got lost in the mists of time, now is the time for resurrection and to bring this truth
bang up to date, this is why this blog is mentioning it today.
Now we all know that we cannot stay in a state of deep meditation all day long, and that we have to
get on with our lives, but if you understand this truth, for truth it surely is, you can begin to see things
differently ,to  begin and see that  you are far more that you ever imagined, and that if you look within yourself and take up meditation, you can begin a journey that will reveal the real you.
And then you will then know the truth of this blog. May this realization dawn upon you all.
Warmest regards Michael. soul realization face book.comments welcome.

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