Tuesday 11 July 2017

Mental-Inklings-Nurturing-Demand. =M.I.N.D. Part Two.

Because we have self awareness, we have an ego, personality, and mind, which all arise up out from
the birth of the "I" within us, no other creatures have this self awareness, they have only instincts
and behaviours arising from those instincts, even apes, which are close relatives to us, have not got
this "I" of ego within them. Are we cursed of blessed by this "I," guess the answer to that would depend upon the quality of your life today.
The unholy trinity that exists within us, that of the ego, the personality, and the mind, all are born within the arising "I" thought, we become aware of ourselves ,we  then become aware of what we want, and that we want it now! Immediately if not sooner! This becoming aware of want you want
is the birth place of all thinking, most often our first conscious thought is "I" WANT, and will cry
if I don't get is pronto! Our personalities are formed around our "I" concept, some personalities are
more demanding than others. We start in our thinking life in a very small and needful way, just
gut thoughts about our needs food, and drink, and toileting, we then begin to branch out as we become more independent and can get around on our own. This is where the real thinking starts.
We are not born with an ego, personality, or mind, a new born baby has no ego, mind, or personality,
all it has is the same as animals, just instinctual behaviours and mannerisms, it is not until the birth of the "I" that all these other additions are constructed by us, we are all creators of our own lives here on earth, we create the ego, I WANT, this gives birth to mind, then born out of that duality comes the
birth of your individual personality. Most human beings spend their entire life completely unaware
of the fact, hopefully dear reader, you will not be one of them!
We create and construct our whole inner life here, all without planning permission, I may add! And
we do this mostly without ever knowing about the reality of what we have brought about within us.
How then do we know if we have built on stable foundations or on sand and unstable foundations?
Some of you might be saying at this juncture that how can the mind be a creation of our making,
surely the mind has always been there! Well the answer to that is no, it was not there when you
were born, the only thing there then was pure instinctual behaviour, nothing else, not mind there
at all, the mind was born, when the concept of the "I" was born, we need to understand that the brain
was there at birth, but the brain is not the mind! The brain is a biological computer, and it controls
among many other things, instinctual behaviour.
In part three will try and marry this all together, warmest regards Michael.
kirkkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome facebook soul realization

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