Thursday 13 July 2017

Thoughts-Open-Door-About-Yourself-Locating-Inner-Vibration-Exists. =Today-Live.

Thoughts within us are primarily aimed at the outer world, that which we all feel lies outside of us, we hardly if ever turn our thoughts inward to our inner world, many of us seem to think that the only
real world lies out there away from us, and we hardly ever consider what lies within us.
This primary focus on the outside world is not surprising really, as this was the way that we were all
brought up, for birth we have been taught to always look without for the answer . We never pay any
attention to our thoughts, and why we think, because again as far as we can remember we have always thought thoughts, so it is so familiar to us that we never ever give it a  thought, it is only
when a crisis appears it our life, that we may just stop looking out there and wonder what life is
really about. If the crisis that presents itself is a serious life threatening illness, then this causes us
to rethink what we always thought was important. When staring at the possibility of our own death
it makes us think and see things differently, suddenly our priorities change greatly, this crisis has in
fact made you think differently, rather than always looking out there for the answer suddenly you
feel drawn to look within yourself.
It is a rare individual indeed who without the need of a crisis, will see that their life is not fulfilling
and rather empty, and will effect changes within themselves just through their own self awareness
and without a crisis, I unfortunately was not one of these rare individuals, I had to have many crisis
thrown at me, each one getting more serious than the previous one, until I was just given three months to live by my doctor, it was then faced with that last crisis before termination that I finally
thought that I had better do something, and one thing among many other things I did then was to
start looking within for the answer to a fulfilling life.
There exists within us all a subtle vibration that lies within us, it has a steady pulsating beat to it,
rather like the way the heart beats, only this vibration is much slower than the heart beat, I never knew this inner vibration existed until I was virtually forced to look within or die! When I started
looking within there vibrating away was this pulse, it seemed to have the effect of saying almost
in words, but not quite, rather like a feeling that feels to you that it has some sense of direction about
it, as though it was leading me somewhere but that I had to trust that vibration. Trust I found is a
difficult thing to find, in particular when you think life that let you down?
Will go further into this in part two. warmest regards Michael, comments welcome face book soul realization.

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