Friday 14 July 2017

Thoughts-Open-Door-About-Yourself-Locating-Inner-Vibration-Exists. T.O.D.A.Y.L.I.V.E. Part Two.

Who is this your that has a self? Are you a your? And what is the self?  The answer that would seem to fit here is that the your that has a self, is actually your "I" presence, the "I" from whence we seem
to exist from.
There is a staggering ignorance within this world about who we really are, it seems that 99.99999%
of humanity has not got a clue as to who we really are, ask most folks who they are and they will
say their name, occupation, and where they were born, usually that's it! Absolutely nothing about
who you are and what you are. Imagine living your entire lifetime and never knowing or even understanding who or what you really are, well that's exactly what most of us do.
It seems that unless we are presented with a crisis, we will carry on to the grave our ignorance of
being, when a crisis calls, it makes us think differently, we start to look at a bigger picture, and begin
to look at what we are doing in our life, are we happy and content, are we fearful and nervous, are
we missing something in our life, and not quite sure what it is?  It is often at this point in our lives
that we instinctively feel a need to look within ourselves, those of us who have had the experience
of a very reassuring inner voice, that still small voice within, which is really the voice of our soul
speaking to us, will feel more confident about looking within, those of us who have n not had this
experience will need to find a  modicum of trust and take the decision to look within yourself.
Unbeknown to us often a calling crisis is our soul calling out to you, that there needs to be a change
in your life, and that you need to reconnect with the reality within you.
We all have an inner vibration, it is like a pulsing point within us, that flashes out a signal that
is picked up within our awareness and reveals itself in a thought. Our inner self is calling out to us
to change direction and look within for guidance, and the crisis that arose was meant to bring this
change of direction about.
As we begin to look within ourselves we start to tap into an unknown source of energy, this is the energy of our inner being the soul, this new energy will begin to open up doorways within you that
you had previously never knew existed. You will begin to discover that this new sense of energy
brings with it an intuitive aspect, and we start to learn from within us, which is what the word
intuition actually means, "to be taught from within".
In part three we will explore this further.
warm regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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