Friday 7 July 2017

Alchamy The Ancient Science Of Transformational Transmutation. Part Two.

When we live in a way that naturally aligns our being in harmony with universal natural law, we naturally and spontaneously begin to shed dense physical atoms, and begin to acquire finer and
much less dense etheric atoms into our vehicle matrix, this is part of a natural alchemical reaction
taking place.
Right living, as mentioned in Buddhism, what does it simply mean? It means conducting yourself
in a manner that is harmonious with your peers and all your contacts, being kind, loving and thoughtful ,if  you cannot find something positive to say about someone, then remain
no harm to anybody, or thing, practice humility rather than arrogance, this is simply what right
living means, then if you add to this equation the factor of practicing meditation and looking within
yourself, you are then truly in line with natural law, and the alchemical transformation will have
already begun within you.
The alchemist of old knew full well who we really are, like their modern day equivalent  the gurus and realized masters, they all know what lies beneath the physical body, they knew that we are all
spiritual beings, having a human experience, and through the process of many births and deaths
have become completely entangled in a web of illusion and despair, we have all forgotten who we
really are, and these alchemist, and modern day gurus, and realized masters, are here to show us all the way back to complete unity with the whole of BEING.
The modern expression used by those in quantum physics, that of "quantum entanglement " explains
it exactly what happens within the human family, although they would never admit or accept this principle, far too out there for science to accept.
Mankind to put it simply is lost, billions of lost souls all looking out there for an answer to life's
riddle, and the sad truth is that none of them will ever find it, and millions every year go to their graves never finding out who, or what they really are. As long as we look out there for the answer
we are doomed to misery and despair, because basically out there is bullshit, an illusion created
by our own lack of understanding, and ignorance of our true identity. It is only by going within
your self, that you actually open the door, that will lead you to ultimate freedom and joy.
In part three will try and put this altogether, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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