Sunday 9 July 2017

The River Of Life Flows Through Our Being.

The entire universe is an infinite ocean of fluid dynamics, all energy and consciousness are by their
very nature fluid, life is liquid, the living waters of life are the truth encapsulated within a sound or
concept, an idea. We as human beings are within a river of life, that will eventually lead us into
the ocean, where we will become again at one with the ocean of life. But before that can happen
we all need to experience the experiences of being here and fully understand the message written
within that experience?
So before we can merge back into the ocean of life, and enjoy perfect bliss, we have to learn the lessons of separation from the whole being, and that includes many trips back and forth here, in
order to do so. Our evolution is a very long one, and for much of it we have been totally asleep
spiritually, and just operating on a two dimensional level, that of being just physical and mental,
the spiritual dimension was unawake, and in embryo form. Our lives all flow within a river of our
own making, the experiences we experience in our river are created by the way we think, act, and
do, some will find themselves in a position where their thoughts fire rapidly through their head,
like a machine gun firing, this is where you are shooting the rapids, and have lost control of your
self and thinking. This can be a very scary place to be in, i know that from my own personal experience of shooting the rapids, in this place we need help, many will see their doctor and
get pills to slow down the brain, i did that for a while. Then there is the other place where we find
ourselves for ever going around in circles, repeating the same old stuff, time and time again, when
we are in this place we are caught up in an eddy, in this place we are out of the flow of the river
of life, and caught up in a back water that is endlessly circling around itself, i too have been in this place, getting nowhere fast! Usually the only way out of this eddy is for a crisis to come  and visit
us. When this happens it can actually blast us out of that place, and we can get back into the flow
We  need to learn to go with the flow of life, that way we create little friction and lesson any problems that often arise. If we put up resistance we cause disturbance in the flow of life and this
can seriously impact upon us, we can feel like we are actually drowning, going under with the
strain of it all.
In part two will explore this more, warm regards Michael comments welcome face book soul soul realization.

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