Wednesday 5 July 2017

Creation Is A Myth And The Word Creation Is Meaningless.

Let me start with what science says about energy, energy cannot be destroyed only converted, that is
what science says, well we all are energy, so then according to science we cannot be destroyed !
only converted, and what's converted our physical body is converted into an astral body. Science
says so, so it must be right?
The whole idea of creation is utterly meaningless, when you understand the basic nature of reality,
reality is an eternal constant, and can never change .The  Absolute Life force that is the only reality
there is, cannot create anything, why? Well just think about the nature of the question, the Absolute
life force wants to do something, it wants to make something? To make something you then need to
gather the things you need in order to create this thing, that then is where the first problem starts, there is nothing in existence outside of the Absolute, so there is no reality out there where it could obtain anything, can you begin to see the utter nonsense of this very idea of creating. It cannot happen, period.
What then are we ,i hear you ask? Well a quite well known realized being was asked this question;
what is the difference between you and me master? The master replied, the difference between you and me is this; I am god and know that I am, and you are god and do not know that you are, that is
the difference between you and I.
We are all living beings, we need to try and understand what that actually means, we are all eternal
immortal beings, we are absolute beings, having a relative experience? We are embryonic gods
awaiting to become realized into this reality, when that happens, is down to you, it depends on how
much you invest in understanding who and what you actually are, or you can just continue looking
out there in illusion and basically treading water until the day of drowning occurs?
We are begotten not made, so it is said, indeed we are all seeds or encapsulated drops from within
the infinite ocean of Spirit of Life, they are exactly the same thing, we have all been on a very long journey, much of it unconscious, now we are awake, and self aware, what will we do with this self awareness? Something or nothing? That depends on you dear reader, will we be so distracted by our mobile phones and other electronic gadgetry, that we fail to look within us for direction? We can always postpone advancing in consciousness and awareness for another life time, as we are so
fascinated by what we see here!
In part two will try and bring this together, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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