Thursday 28 February 2019

Mankind Is Actually Spirit Manifesting Soul. =M I A S M S Part two.

We are all universal beings, having a localised experience upon this planet Earth. This planet
is NOT your Home, rather it is just a school yard manifested to allow you to experience duality
and relativity,and the illusion of dis-unity and that of separateness. We need to experience these
feelings in order to correctly understand  and realise our eternal reality and identity.We have all
become hopelessly lost within the miasmic clouds of illusion and falsehoods, that teach us that
the vehicle (human body) is our only true reality and identity.The miasmic cloak and veil of
rampant materialism, coupled with lies and deceptions that we are taught by teachers who are
often more ignorant of reality that those they are supposed to be teaching.If you identified
yourself as the Ford car you drive to work in,you would either be laughed at as a "NUTCASE"
or you would be taken away by men in white coats for treatment for a psychotic episode!
But is that not EXACTLY what we all are DOING? When we affirm that our only real
identity is our physical bodies! Which is in truth and in REALITY JUST a VEHICLE for
the TRUE and REAL OCCUPIER, that being our immortal Divine SOUL?
Yet tens of millions of us all BUY INTO this utter absurdity and total nonsense, it seems like
the saying "bullshit baffles brains"! Really has some merit in the way we fail to comprehend
who the heck we really are.
We are all universal spirit, divinely non-locale,we "become" localised here on this ball of
compressed consciousness called earth, in order to "update" our expressed form into its
true nature, that lies within the cloak that acts like a sheath over the indwelling spirit, there
are several sheaths of expression covering the purity of spirit, here i am dealing with just
three for simplicity's sake, that of being first the sheath called the physical body, the physical
vehicle, then the soul, which is still physical, but raised in vibration to a point that is beyond
present day science comprehension and realisation.And when this sheath falls away and melts
back into the ether from which it came, therein the radiance of the spirit shines forth  and reveals
its glorious presence.This is what WE all OUR dear readers of this blog.You are an immortal soul
having what you term as a "human experience" here on this compressed ball of intentional thought
called commonly the Planet Earth.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Mankind Is Actually Spirit Manifesting Soul.=M I A S M S.

The expression of what we commonly call Mankind is manifested as a miasms overlaid by a
miasma. The word miasms comes from the Greek word meaning "contagious power" "stain or
defilement"guilt, which translates into the modern age as impure=unwhole,pure =wholeness.
The miasms are the ancient diseases and illnesses that have been within man for thousands of
years, and are still within mankind today, and millions die every year due to those diseases.These
are the internal miasms of all illnesses that affect the human race.Miasms live in the space between
the two worlds of energy and matter, and their far reaching tendrils influence our thoughts, our
intentions,our life choices, and the physical way in which we tell the story of our lives.
Miasms are the internal forces that create discordant jarring's within our bodies and minds.
The miasma is the external effect that casts over our vision, like a veiled blanket, deflecting us
from seeing the reality, behind the veil of miasmic illusion.Its like a dense fog or mist that distorts
our vision and blind us from the truth.
What then is the truth that we are blinded from seeing?Well that's a good question,the answer lies
in the full title of this current blog,Mankind-Is Actually-Spirit-Manifesting-Soul. That is basically
the sequence that we all are expressed within. We are first expressed at the lowest vibration as a
thing called humanity, which really is the name for the much more accurate description that of
being a vehicle, we are all a collection of vehicles, housed in the garage called planet Earth.
Our second expression is that of our eternal immortal soul, which uses the vehicle called the human body in order to gain purchase on this dense dark low vibration plane of existence called Earth.
The third and final phase of our being, is that of spirit, which uses the soul as a vehicle to become
expressed within a relative dual based temporal reality.
Our vehicles have become totally blinded to the reality of the inner world, we see only the illusions
cast up by ghosts and spectres conjured up by lies and vain egotistic melodramas supposingly
portraying the real world.
OUT-THERE is an illusion, it does not EXIST, nor has it EVER EXISTED, yet we all buy into
this lie and utter bullshit. Because we are blinded by the miamas and the contagious power that casts
a veil over our eyes.All life is CONNECTED into ONE WHOLE, there are no GAPS nor any SPACES, all life is TOUCHING ALL LIFE always.Yet instead of seeing the connections and the
unity within all life, we because we are stuck firmly forever looking OUT WARD looking constantly
into ONE VAST ILLUSION of OUT THERE ISM! When we need to look within ourselves.
In part two, will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Seek Life Inward Consciousness Expands.=S L I C E Part Two.

Continuing from part one of this blog,we need to go within ourselves in order to receive a
"slice of the cake"the word cake can be seen as meaning, Conscious-Awakening-Knowledge
-Expanded=CAKE.It is sometimes difficult to accept that many of us, and this number runs
into hundreds of millions of us, are basically unaware as regards our inner self aware reality.
We are operating within just two dimensions, rather than the three dimensions that we are all
immersed within, yet fail to recognise this fundamental reality of our full expressional mode.
Instead we mostly all operate within two dimensions, that of physical and mental, the third
dimension in which we are all firmly anchored within, that of the spiritual dimension, is
mostly operating in a semi atrophied state within us.
We fail to recognise the most basic fundamental reality of our expression here on Earth,we
fail to understand that we ALL ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS, there is NO SUCH thing as
TRYING to become more spiritual, the fact is that we ALL ARE spiritual souls dressed in
a vehicle called the human body. That's the reality of our being here,to learn just who and what
we really are, and we learn that through the experiencing the up and downs of daily life, the
pains and the pleasures, when we have lots of hard times, and we experience a major crisis
then we will often shift our gaze inward,instead of forever outward. Then we we look within
we begin the process of waking up from a very long slumber.
Our inner true and immortal nature, is hidden from view hiding behind our facade of form
which is the physical body, unless we seek and look within ourselves, we will never reveal
and uncover or true hidden inner nature.We are covered in many layers of MAYA these
coverings throw a veil over our eyes and senses, and unless we make an effort to search within
ourselves, we will remain ignorant as to our true identity.Being expressed within motion called
life, The very MOTION or rather MOVING through LIFE brings about what we call
experiences, and there life-ful experiences will teach us what we need to eventually KNOW
and understand.We can all refuse to look within ourselves, we can do this for a thousand
incarnations if we so wish,but eventually LIFE will force you to look within, because the pain
of not doing that was just so horribly unbearable.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 25 February 2019

Seek Life Inward Consciousness Expands.=S L I C E .

Life is what we actually are, we as human beings are all the embodiment of the life principle.
The LIFE principle is immutable and absolute within its inner SILENCE and motionlessness.
Expressed it becomes motion and sound,which resonates within all expressed life, and is called
vibration. When life is motionless and silently still,it is unrealised potentiality and is Absolute.
When motion is born and expressed within the INTENTIONAL IDEA, it becomes relative
and is therefore expressed in a duality based expression.
We as human-doings rather than beings, we do things, rather than just being, are all expressed
within a physical vehicle(which we all call ourselves) outwardly we are all steeped very deeply
within this duality based relative physical appearance of a relative universe. But inwardly at the
very core of our being, we are all absolute, and are spirit which is basically LIFE-ABSOLUTE.
We are outwardly physical animated relative expressions of the life principle, and inwardly we
That principle is called the SELF, some distinguish this with the idea of a lower self, which is
ego centred, and then the higher SELF, which is SOUL CENTRED. When we can take the
decision to alter our gaze from outward to inward, then we are beginning to make the correct
connections, that will bring about an expansion of conscious awareness and perception, and we
will have taken the first positive steps that will lead us away from self-ignorance into the position
of acquiring self-knowledge and real SELF and SOUL awareness.
The root of life,lies in the darkness of total silence, like plants that begin and germinate in the
darkness of the soil, then reach for the sunlight, when the motion of the root has stirred far enough
to burst through the soil.For us to find the inner sun, we need to look within, when we do this, we
will be bathed in the inner light that shines in wisdom and insightful intuition that flashes into our
consciousness from our higher self the soul. This inner wisdom/knowledge and intuition are exact
correlations of the sunlight effecting growth within the plant, our sunlight is expanded consciousness
perception and insightful wisdom flashing into our awareness from conscious contact with out souls.
In part two we will see that if we want a SLICE of the CAKE, we need to look within ourselves.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed.Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 24 February 2019

We Are Nothing Expunging Something.=W A N E S Part Two.

Our true inner nature is mostly completely unknown to the vast majority of the Human race
all we seem to understand is the physical body the vehicle.Therefore it is hardly surprising that
we all are aiming to make SOMETHING out of our lives, little realising the irony of this idea
of making something when indeed we really need to make no-thing out of our life, in order to
fully understand who and what we really are.
What we our is LIFE and this life that we are living within  our framework of consciousness
is called humanity, our livingness as human beings is LIFE calling itself humanity, LIFE is a
universal eternal composite WHOLE and exists universally and is ubiquitous in its nature.
The other reality about LIFE is that it is just ONE SINGULAR THING, there is no (S) on
the end of the word LIFE(S) just the singular LIFE. If we ponder deeply on this FACT for make
no mistake it is indeed a FACT, what then can we all conclude from this?
The SOMETHING that we all need to EXPUNGE from our awareness and shallow level
consciousness, is the ignorance and falsehoods that we have all swallowed about who we really
are. First thing is the illusion that all you are is a human being, and realise that the idea and
concept that humans represent reality, is just a joke and an outrageous absurdity, all we ARE
is VEHICLES, NOTHING MORE WHATSOEVER! Would you ever consider your CAR
as the embodiment of REALITY???
There are over seven billion human vehicles upon this planet, which then corresponds to seven
billion souls, who animate these vehicles we think is really us, these seven billion souls will all
condense into ONE LIFE eventually. Because there is but ONE LIFE existing within this universe.
Some of us may ask, what is the point in life? The answer is there there is NO POINT in LIFE
whatsoever, LIFE transcends the ILLUSION OF POINTS, LIFE JUST is an eternal constant
reality. We live in an illusory world, where we believe the bullshit that says "POINTS mean PRIZES"
There are no points in reality,and there are no prizes either. What there is though is a removal of the
blinkers from our eyes ears and consciousness, by going within ourselves, and penetrating into the
interior of our inner selves, wherein we will discover our true identity, and then realise that you are
an immortal divine soul, who will eventually dissolve back into your real BEING which is SPIRIT
which is ABSOLUTE REALITY, which just IS.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 23 February 2019

We Are Nothing Expunging Something.=W A N E S

"What is man that you are mindful of him?" This was the question raised by King David  in
the Psalms.That question was raised by King David many many centuries ago,are we any
closer to answering that question today? Do you dear reader of this blog, know exactly  who
you really are?
As the title of this blog says, We-Are-Nothing-Expunging-Something. What then is this
some-thing that needs expunging in order to reveal that which lies beneath the "facade
of form?"We need first to see that we are all"in-formed Beings" (informed=formed from within)
we have a physical shape(informed) that is called the human body, and we are called human
beings, do we ever ask what this term human beings actually means? We are all LIFE which
stands for,Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, and energy as science will tell us is formless
and invisible,much like we are, if we remove the facade of form that overlays the real occupier.
The word nothing really means (No-Thing present Anywhere) Rather, no-thing is present
everywhere  and is Absolute in reality. NO-Thing is not RELATIVE,only ever absolute, which
also is what "we" all our, when all the veils are lifted from our bewildered eyes, and then "all
merge back into ALL" There is not many , or even a few,there is in truth just ONE LIFE!
And "WE" are IT! When we can know that we are truly NO-THING, then we will become
ALL in ALL, we will then become Something from Nothing!  Some-Thing is the ALL THING
the only THING in EXISTENCE. All else is just an elaborate illusion conjured up by our
limited understanding of how it really IS. We see rainbows, when there is really just REIGN
bows, and that "REIGN" bow is supreme and Absolute.
When we bow our heads in respect, we are showing (unbeknown to us) recognition of our true
estate to each "other" as in absolute truth there is no such a thing as "OTHERS". the word BOW
can mean Blessed-OUR-WE, so when you nod or bow to another, subconsciously we are giving
a blessing to the DIVINITY that lies within the centre of all our selves.
We seem to be in an age, where we are all told that we need to become SOMETHING, make
something out of your life, we are all told.In truth the exact opposite is needed, to become no-thing
is then to become all. Unless we know ourselves, we in effect know SOMETHING, but that something is basically WORTHLESS, when opposed to knowing who you really are, and revealing
your true and eternal IDENTITY.
In part two will go more into this.          Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 22 February 2019

Mankind Is Numen Consciousness Expressing Duality. =M I N C E D part Two.

Because we do not understand what consciousness is, we are therefore unaware of our true
and lasting nature. We are unaware for instance that all of our thoughts are "spiritual", now many
of you will be saying that this is totally ridiculous and wholly preposterous.But before we go there
we need to really understand who and WHAT we really ARE!  "mankind"is FIRST a SPIRIT
from which the word spiritual  came from,and secondly we all  are divine immortal souls.
Consciousness is the infinite ocean or unified field that connects all expressed life into one
composite wholeness, whereby all life is universally connected and interconnected to each other.
It is because of our vast ignorance of our true and lasting nature, that instead of seeing total unity
and a universal ONENESS, we instead just see what we think is fragmentation and differences.
Thoughts arise within this unified field, and then "happen"to become localised  within "your head"
which is really an illusion, one that we all seem to buy into. Because we are all Divine by NATURE
and all our SPIRIT by nature, clothed within physical vehicles, any "thought" that arises  within
you, is basically SPIRITUAL BECAUSE that is what YOU ARE-SPIRIT "wrapped in FORM"
It could not possibly be otherwise! The nature of our thoughts, depend proportionally onto what
we allow to become attracted into our "aura field space" whether we are very negative, or very positive, the ancient law of "like attracts like" and "birds of a feather flock together" come to mind
here. Thoughts are really packets of intent focused or unfocused, the more focused the intent, the
more energy it carries within its "intentional matrix", the less intense the focus the less power within
the intention.Reality by its nature is universal and ubiquitous, that is what consciousness is universal
there is no such thing as MY consciousness, or even my thoughts, these are all illusions cast before
our dual vision. We all own absolutely zero,there is no such thing in existence as anybodies personal
consciousness, there is no (MY) anything anywhere in existence, except within the delusion existing
within our heads. Thoughts arise within the mind the we created through our memories and experiences since birth, and the arising ego which likes to imagine that he or she is really something
rather special, which again is false, we are all the same within one family unit. Within us all lies the answers to all the so called riddles of life, we have but to venture within there, and find out for ourselves. We are all a singularity that of being SPIRIT, which by nature is ABSOLUTE and not
relative at all,have what could be termed as a relative experience here on Earth, where the ONE 
SPIRIT has manifested many relative facets of itself, like individual drops within the great OCEAN
of LIFE.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 21 February 2019

Mankind Is Numen Consciousness Expressing Duality.=M I N C E D .

Within all duality lies the shapes of distortion, giving the illusion of integrity and "realness"
yet forever hiding the reality, that within lies an invisible universal presence. We as this collection
of forms, known  as humanity are all deeply steeped into this duality based illusion and distorted
We seem to grope and stumble,"strain on a gnat,and swallow a camel",we go about our daily
business which could be working in an office, coal mine,shop, or just begging for food, and slowly
dying of hunger. Each of us in our own "bubble of existence" experiencing our own daily life,
pleasant or painful as it may be. Our thoughts are often focused upon our current place of reference
and what we are doing. If we are dying of hunger or thirst then our thoughts will be acutely focused
on looking for that which will bring us relief from that thirst or hunger. Others will be musing over
their electronic gadgets. Masses of thought creating a miasma of conflicting energy patterns, and
all these conflicting energies will impact upon us, if we are receptive to that vibration level that
these miasmas flourish in.
The ancient wisdom states that,"thoughts are things" and that how you think, you will eventually become! If we can fully understand this most deeply important injunction, we will begin to watch
our thinking, and if we have nothing positive and life affirming to say, then we will remain silent.
Mankind's true name is that of a VEHICLE or a Spacesuit for the soul, the name MANKIND has
arisen from that of ignorance of the "reality of physical expression, and also because of only
recognising duality as the truth of life. We all talk about ourselves as beings belonging to this
thing called humanity, or mankind, this "illusion posing as reality" has blinded us all to what
reality and truth actually CONSIST OF.  What we actually are is SPIRIT, which is NOT DUAL
and is absolute and NOT RELATIVE TO ANYTHING. We are all NUMEN which is the LATIN
name for spirit, that is exactly what we ALL OUR NOW! We are all absolute spirit, having a relative
experience here on a planet called EARTH, and cloaked first in a VEHICLE called the SOUL, and
then further cloaked in another vehicle called BY US as a human being.
If we can open our minds and hearts, and look within ourselves with honesty and integrity, expand
our current level of consciousness and go deeper into that infinite ocean of awareness, that lies beneath the surficial level of our every day consciousness, there we will find answers to who we really are.
In part two will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael/ any feedback welcomed facebook Soulrealization.

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Personally Recognising Inner Spiritual Manifestation.=P R I S M Part Two.

In truth we are all universal beings, having what could be called a localised experience here on
a planet called Earth. The word uni-verse actually means a reality turning around on ONE
THING! The wholeness of what we call the universe is turning around on ONE THING, this
one thing is basically what we would term as a SINGULARITY and this singularity is
absolutely motionlessness,and from that POINT we all live, MOVE/MOTION and have our
being.The uni means ONE, and the VERSE is the tune, the music of  all life expressed into
motion and this musical life tone is the OM which stands for( Omnipotent Motion).
From the absolute primary white light  of eternal stillness, is born into motion by the primary
thought wave INTENTION, and that then becomes relative, no longer absolute,and relativity
brings in its train what could be termed as spectral fragmentation, which results in the form of many colours representing energy and light vibrational frequencies.
We as souls embedded within a vehicle called the physical human body,are all belonging to a
ray of light-wave that is our race family signature colour.
Mankind is a child of the spectrum of light rays that have all passed through the prism of
spectral fragmentation, and have become the seven families or races of mankind.
We are all here to as souls, who have become lost within the physical matter congealed light
body, and need to personally recognise our inner spiritual reality, by going within ourselves
and finding the real BEING that LIVES within the shell/vehicle/ physical body.
Our prison or prism? Is the vehicle we need to gain a full understanding of our unified oneness
within LIFE, we need to observe the illusion of separation, realise the falseness of this mirage
see the unity within ALL APPARENT DIVERSITY, then when we have understood that truth
we will then see that we are all in truth one family, a universal wholeness of the many flowing
back into the ONE.Our incarnations here upon the Earth plane, are for each of us, to experience
the fullness of every kind of experience we can imagine, then as we journey through this field
of experiences, we begin to gain insight, and recognise patterns of behaviour, and begin embracing
those patterns that bring comfort and peace of mind, and let go of those that bring pain and despair.
dear reader of this blog, when you begin that self knowing journey.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Personally Recognising Inner Spiritual Manifestation. =P R I S M

All life is motion, manifesting energy which is also light refracted into many varying vibrations
which represent the frequency and vibration of each particular colour. Mankind is known to be
represented seven basic colours, the seven races of mankind, each race has its own vibrational
frequency. Life stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, and this energy which is also
consciousness, reveals itself in varying vibrational frequencies of light. We could all be called
the "children of the seven rays!". All expressed life is expressed within what could be termed
a "prismatic vibrational refraction sequence" each expression having its own colour vibrational
signature. mankind is no different, and expresses all seven colours of the physical solar sun
spectrum, and this further radiates into the inner spiritual central sun spectrum which radiates
from within our primary soul matrix.
We are all children of the inner primary ray, white is absolute purity represented by an
absolute WHITE RAY, this Absolute white Ray that emanates from the Absolute Infinite
Intelligent Spirit, this RAY cannot be fragmented into seven colours like that of the physical
sun, This white light is Absolute PURITY and CANNOT be broken down because it is the SOURCE
and absolute. Modern day science would say that this light would not be possible, and would hold
that all light can be refracted into other differing vibrations/colours. But because science has not
yet personally experienced this reality, they can only relate to the light from our solar sun, and
know absolutely nothing about the central SUN from which ALL life came from.
It is only when the absolute spirit is tarnished by the unveiling of the illusion of relativity and
further manifesting the other illusions of duality and motion, that the purity of SOURCE LIGHT
which is WHITE LIGHT comes into play and therefore appears to dilute its absolute purity
 which existed within a motionlessness state, and therefore start MOVING/motion, once motion
is born it expanded into an infinite expression of countless vibrations, each having its own signature
light tune frequency. Then prismatic refraction was born into a relative universe, and we are all the
refracted energy sequences congealed into a physical form, and called HUMANITY.
When we can go within ourselves we(the inner being) move away from the influence of the solar
sun, and begin heading inwards to where the central spiritual sun abodes, it lies deeply within us all
we have but to make the effort to refocus our gaze from forever looking outward, to instead taking
the initiative to look within and find out our true identity.
In part two will look further into this.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 18 February 2019

Silver Salamanders. POEM.

Silver salamanders crossed my path
Echo's of an ancient wrath.

Furious fires of emblazened eyes
looking into me and recognise.

Need to move now very fast
or this moment will be my last.

The yellow eyes, filled with fire
rob me of motion,and all desire.

Remember when you were here
the silver one says,a dim recognition
rises in mind,why have I been so blind.

My journey has been aeons long
been formed within many skins
the salamanders day just here to say
we will be YOU, one bright day.

Perfection Is Present Everywhere.=P I P E Part Two.

Perfection and Life are both co-joined, they are the very same thing, how could it possibly be
otherwise? We only see these two words as different, because that is the way we have all been
taught, and lead to believe. Life is perfection, and perfection is Life, that is how reality presents
itself to us all. Yet because of our seeing dimly through a darkened veil of ignorance, we see
only what we have all been taught to see, since our childhood.
If we really opened our eyes we would see the beauty and majesty of life and therefore see the
perfection radiating out from it.
There is an old occult saying which states that, "Truth and reality are hidden in plain sight, and
we see it not", we could add to that too, that perfection is also hidden in PLAIN SIGHT and we
SEE IT NOT! We could trip over it on a bright sunny day, and never make that most vital
connection, that we have just stumbled onto perfection.
Because we only ever see the outer projection of an invisible inner reality,  no man or woman
has ever seen the real BEING behind the outer form. We only EVER SEE the VEHICLE and
because the vehicle may "appear" damaged (aged/sick/ill/scared/deformed/obese/) etc we think
that this projection into physical relativity(the human vehicle) is somewhat far from being what we
would call a perfect man/woman, if he was built like the mythical Greek Adonis, and she was like
a fairy tale beautiful princess, we might then reflect that they indeed our perfect.
The fact of the matter though is far different than our opinions and jaded observations,all life is
perfect and that includes all of us, in the human race. It could not be otherwise, if it was, then this
entire universe would collapse within a microsecond, and all the universal laws which are immutable
would do the impossible and that is they too would fade into oblivion in a microsecond. And we
would have never existed. Thankfully though this is not the case, and we indeed do all exist, and will
continue existing for eternity. Behind our physical form (the vehicle) stands eternal life in the manner
of our immortal soul/spirit, this is the perfection which IS LIFE and comes from that Absolute SOURCE of ALL LIFE, that of the Infinite Mind of the Absolute, or GOD for short.
We are all the reflections of perfection and have no need of correction, just look into ourselves and
find the source within us, that will be our RESURRECTION!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 17 February 2019

Perfection Is Present Everywhere. P I P E .

The word perfection implies the singular mode of expression, we do not say perfection's as in
the plural meaning, rather we seem to regard the word perfection as singular so that just one
thing is thereby perfection. So suppose this one thing we call perfection, is really just another
word actually meaning LIFE?  After all we would hardly call a "dead" thing perfect would we?
The word LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is what we all consist of 
energy/spirit that is focused and intelligent. The word LIFE too is singular,there is no plural
to LIFE, there is NO SUCH THING as LIFE'S! Only life.So the  word life and perfection
are both singular words in their expression, could they not be really one of the same thing? Is
not life perfect, and perfection is life?
If we can accept that life and perfection are in fact one of the same thing,we can then perhaps get a clearer picture of our understandings of our human experiences. We all seem to think that no one
on this planet is perfect, except maybe Jesus and Buddha! If you told your friends or family that
you thought you were perfect, what do you think their response would be?  Would they call for some
men in white coats, to take you away to a place of safety?!
If we knew who and what we really were and are, this question would NEVER ARISE, but because
we are all appallingly ignorant as to our real and lasting identity, we therefore imagine all manner
of things that have absolutely NO BARING on reality. Are we not all alive? Are we not all made
of intelligent energy? And does not science tell us that energy is eternal and cannot ever be destroyed
only converted/changed? Therefore if we all our eternal immortal intelligent energy/spirit/
consciousness,being expressed here and now, as human beings,when will the time arrive for us to
become perfected? If life and perfection are in fact the very same thing, then that day is today, that
we are all perfect and expressing LIFE perfectly! We are completely surrounded by perfection/life
and we all fail to SEE IT! Because we wrongly imagine an IDEA of what we think perfection actually is, and that is more often the idea of a impossible goal which we create in our minds and
then shrink away from that IDEA as though that was something you could never become in a million
years! Perfection is simply what YOU ARE, YES YOU READING THIS BLOG RIGHT NOW
you are ALIVE are you NOT, and if you answer YES, then you are also PERFECT as well. In part
two will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 16 February 2019

Destination Earth Again To Harmonise Self. =D E A T H S part Two.

One of the biggest delusions and falsehoods that we have all often bought into, is this concept
called death.The lie and falsehood of these teachings about what death means, have been fostered
by religious heirarchies for thousands of years. We have all been indoctrinated into this idea of
Heaven and Hell. Where if you believe in this doctrine you will go to Heaven and therefore sing
Hallelujah praise God for eternity! Would you really want to do that? And does God really demand
that all his children sing his praises for countless billions of years? Or if you don't abide by this
doctrine, you will then go to HELL fire and Brimstone, where you will shovel hot coals for all
eternity, or even LONGER!!!!!
The word DEATH actually means Detaching-Earthly-Anchor-To Harmonise-SELF.The word DIED
actually means,Destination-INWARD-Exposing-DIVINITY=DIED.
We who call ourselves Humanity are ALL ETERNAL BEINGS that is a UNIVERSAL "FACT
of REALITY" all seven and a half billion souls on Earth are ALL eternal immortal souls, having
what is termed a human experience.This reality is an immutable fact, it matters not ONE JOT
whether you are a rampant atheist,a saintly worshipper, or are just an ordinary Joe or Jane, we are
ALL IMMORTAL beings, by Divine universal  LAW which is ABSOLUTE and IMMUTABLE
in its DIVINE INTENTION.What we think,feel, accept, or reject about this reality, does NOT AFFECT its ACTIONS, it actions will always occur, whatever we think, say, or do.
Nothing has EVER DIED in this universe EVER,that is if we take the word death to mean complete
annihilation and extinction of existence, this cannot and has NEVER occurred EVER. The more
correct and much more appropriate name for death is CHANGE, when we die (change) we  "EXIT
OUR VEHICLES" (the physical body) and move FULLY into our ASTRAL BODY, and then carry
on living as before, I used the word FULLY into our astral bodies, because each night when we sleep
we go of into adventures into the astral realm, then promptly forget about this when we wake up.
We visit this astral realm every night in our astral body, while the physical vehicle lies sleeping in
the bed,and are attached by what is commonly called the "silver cord". This cord SNAPS at the time
of our CHANGE(death) and we then no longer can animate the physical body, we then move on to
pastures different from here.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, email me if you have any questions
Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 15 February 2019

Destination Earth Again To Harmonise Self.= D E A T H S .

The word death conjurers up many feelings within us all, many of us fear it, and ignore it as best
we can,until at some point in our life it begins to make its presence felt as it seeps into our
awareness. What will become of me? We often may think, and perhaps look for some reassurance
from friends/family/clergy etc.
What we all often fail to realise is that none of us are strangers to this regular drama, it has
occurred within our personal experiences, countless number of times its just that we forget
at the start of each "new" lifetime, a veil comes down and shuts out all memory, so that we
start with a clean slate so to speak. However later in that life time, many are having experiences
where they remember parts of other life times, and this is growing more evident as great changes
are taking place within and upon this Earth plane,a great wave of conscious awareness and inner
knowingness is sweeping across this planet, many souls are awakening into a higher and deeper
level of consciousness perception.
The reason we fear death is because of our ignorance as to what it actually IS!  Many seem to
think that death means total annihilation and extinction of what YOU ARE, that is absolutely
impossible because YOU are LIFE which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy,and
all LIFE by its very nature of being-alive means that it is eternal and absolute.A more correct
and much more accurate word to use instead of death is the word CHANGE, when we reach a
point in our present incarnation where we have acquired all we need in these present set of
experiences, we EXIT THE VEHICLE, which is the physical body, the physical body is NOT
who you ARE, the physical body is just a vehicle your soul uses in order to experience a presence
and uses the low vibration rate of the vehicle (human body) as a anchor  and weight so that it can
function here.
The truth is far stranger than any fiction, the reality is that we have NEVER been BORN and
have always been in existence,we have never had a beginning nor will we ever experience an
 both these concepts are entirely false and have no place in reality. this idea functions SOLELY because of our great depth of ignorance as to what LIFE actually MEANS!
We come to this planet again and again, in order to be able to harmonise ourselves into the
full understanding of what YOU ARE, when you fully understand that, then this stage of experiences
upon earth will be complete, you will have by then thoroughly learned all your lines for this role
time to exit stage left?
In part two will look further into this.       Warmest regards Michael. Any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 14 February 2019

Inner Luminosity Knowingness. =I L K Part Two.

What we are is being, we call ourselves human beings if we remove the word human from this
equation we are left with the word being. We are all BEINGS, the trouble with this though is
that we are never actually ever just BEING instead we are always "doing" something or the other
and we are never just BEING-"ourselves"! We are not beings at all, we are instead DOINGS.
Our doings begin at when we wake up, and continue throughout the day, we constantly almost
frantically move from one doing to the other doing.
Our gaze and focus is forever looking outside of yourself, never ever looking within.How can we
learn and understand our self by forever looking outward, the simple answer is we cannot.
If we take up meditation or yoga, we are ever keen on what we actually need to do, again we are
focusing on doing-something, when in fact all you really need to do is NOTHING WHATSOEVER, just sit or lay there and BE, when you sit there and just BE, you will begin
a process that will begin aligning you to the core and central home of your self. The word BE
stands for BILLOWING ENERGY, that is what we all are billowing energy that needs to
become focused and cohered into a laser like sharp focus of deepening consciousness and
perceptual awareness. This can be achieved by you doing absolutely nothing at all, zero point
not doing anything-NESS!
Meditation is not about doing anything, its about just being your SELF, and sinking into that
point of your self that is just there within you,all you need to DO, is to sit down, close your eyes
release all thought, and enter into your BE-ING, and as you continue doing this, your billowing
energy signature will begin rewriting itself, into a new more coherent energy pattern and this will
lead you into a greater understanding of your true and lasting nature and identity.
We are all living intelligent Energy revealing its self as spiritual consciousness, sadly for millions
this is not known or even made aware to them, and their lives are just basically two dimensional
that of being physical and mental beings, but the third dimension of the spirit is not awakened yet
within their present consciousness.Being translates as Billowing Energy- Invoking-Numinosity
-Gateway.By going within ourselves, our billowing dis-coherent energy signature is narrowed into
a coherent laser like focus, that opens up a great depth of inner consciousness, and reveals that we
are all divine immortal souls.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Inner Luminosity Knowingness.= I L K

We grovel in the dark, while being bathed in the light, and we comprehend it not, we look outside
of ourselves for direction, without ever realising that we each have an inbuilt director within us.
We look for joy and union among fragmented outer illusions.Not realising that joy and union
exist solely within us, and do not exist outside of us, because there is no such thing as outside
outside of what precisely? The solar system,? Just your back yard? There can be no outside, we
are ALL contained within this planet, solar system, and universe. There is no existence outside
it is an illusion we all seem to buy into.
Knowledge, light, and wisdom, are all found within us, all we need to do is to refocus our attention
from looking outward through our physical eyes, to instead sitting quietly and closing our physical
eyes, and opening our awareness to the centre of our being, there we will find who we are, we will
find peace and serenity,we will find the director the master who resides within us.We we encounter
the inner light, that comes not from the physical star/sun, rather this inner light comes from who
and what you really are, we all our self luminous, yet the majority of us are completely unaware
of this fact.
By going within us, we first become aware of an inner knowledge, and with this awareness comes
that knowledge without the accompanying wisdom leads to fragmentation and disunity, which is
why this planet is in such a mess at the moment with wars,famine/ disease/all due to bloated
egotism, and greed, with massive amounts of knowledge but with zero amount of wisdom.
The reality is this, if we do not look within ourselves, then we will be forever totally ignorant as
to whom we really are, you and I are not just a label called John Bill or Mary, we are not just a
plumber or an actress, we are not living at so and so address,you are much more that a plumber
or an actress,that just what you DO Its NOT who you ARE, your college or university you went to
is not addressing who you are, take away your name, your job, your location on this planet,your sex
whether male or female, take away all the trappings that you wrongly think of as YOU, and what
then is left? The answer is NOTHING, what you thought it was, and EVERYTHING that you never
You will further realise that you are NOT even the physical body which you have been using since
you were born, you will realise that this body you inhabit, is NOT YOU! Or ever has been, then
perhaps your mind will reel in dismay and wonder of it all.
Will go further into this in part two.         Warmest regards Michael. Any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Matter Is Numinosity Emerging Spirit.=M I N E S Part Two.

The singularity belongs within the ONE, which is absolute in being. Duality belongs within
that which is called relative, and appears as a multitude of many things. Any number more
than one is universally representing what we call duality. We all think we see many "apparently"
different "things", however this is a mirage and an illusion. Quantum science now says that the
universe consists of just ONE THING and they call that one thing ENERGY. By understanding
this basic reality, we are in effect beginning to move our consciousness out of the duality based
relative world of illusory THINGS, into the reality of the singularity and there just being the
ONE BEING, ONE THING, plurals only exist within the illusion of the MANY, many
belongs to the dream world we have all been dwelling in for ages past, we are all now on the
CUSP of a great awakening into the realisation of our true and lasting identity. There are NOT
seven and a half billion LIFE'S upon this earth plane, there is BUT ONE LIFE! There are NO
Consciousness-Has-Risen-Into-Self-Thinking=C H R I S T , when we look deeply within our being
and ask the most basic question we can ever ask of our self, that of "who am "I"? We will then
be motioning toward uncovering who we really are, which is the SELF, uncovering is what we
will all be doing sooner or later,because we already are the SELF, and have been eternally so, its
just that we have all been lost within the dream world of duality and things, plus the illusion of
us all being separate entities, apart from each other, this is absolutely FALSE and an illusion
and has NO baring on REALITY!
All matter, which science tells us is energy, is also spirit  manifesting its numinosity within the
universe, our "physical bodies" too are entirely made out of and our SPIRIT, it appears as what
we call matter, and seemingly having a low frequency vibration, but that too is an illusion, when
we fully awaken our inner self will merge with the outer self and our so called flesh(which is
energy/spirit) will ascend to the frequency of its true state, which will be a lighted body we all
our self luminous, its just that our physical eyes cannot yet see that inner GLOW, some
sensitives see a partial emanation of that inner light of spirit, which is termed to be our AURA
but this aura is a very pale and dim emanation from the full light of the LIGHTED BODY,
which is the appearance of brilliant white light within a billowing golden hue, like sunlight
sparkling upon a frosted dew laden grass.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 11 February 2019

Matter Is Numinosity Emerging Spirit.=M I N E S

Science is gradually becoming aware of the idea that this universe is basically SELF AWARE
and that the immutable laws that govern and regulate this perfect symmetry of all motion, can
only really be explained by the very real PRESENCE of INTELLIGENCE. Science is beginning
to recognise that we all live within an intelligent universe. Behind intelligence lies consciousness
and the ability to manifest INTENTFUL IDEAS  from which must emanate from within an
ULTIMATE SOURCE and that source is Absolute Intelligence or GOD for short!
What we call matter is in fact SPIRIT the divine numinosity "taking shape" and condensing
its stillness into a low vibrational mode of expression.We see many "things", but in truth there
is but ONE THING,and that one THING is spirit/GOD. A human being is just really another
name for GOD.In truth and in reality there is no such thing as HUMANITY, it has never really
ever existed, except in our dream world delusional fantasy. The basic belief and basic teachings
of all religions (within the drama divine)is that we are now separate from GOD, that GOD is
spirit, but we are mortals of humanity, LIGHT reveals that we are NOT humans or mortals, that
there is no mortal to be regenerated, no body in need of healing (or ascension) and no world that
can be destroyed.LIGHT reveals that we were NEVER separated from GOD!
If we look within the being and reveal that which dwells there, which is the SELF/SOUL, SELF
IDENTIFICATION simultaneously cancels the sense of separateness and duality, the same as
waking simultaneously brings an end to sleep and the dream.
Numinosity is a just another way of saying that ALL is SPIRIT and SPIRIT is ALL, and that is
exactly what "we" all actually are! ALL NAMES, all forces, all things,all energy, all LIFE, this
By going within we will find the truth and reality of our true and lasting identity, and the beauty
of this reality is that you do not have to take my word for this,or any others word for this, you can
find out for YOUR SELF by going within yourself and seeing if there is really ANYBODY HOME!
We  are all connected to each other by the eternal bond of spirit, we are all brother and sister,
belonging to one family, when we can all realise this truth, wars, hunger and hatred will vanish
as though it has never been!
In part two will explore this more,  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 10 February 2019

Spirit Eternal Locally Focused.= S E L F Part Two.

We are absolute Being (spirit/God) having a relative experience here on the planet called Earth.
That is exactly what "we"all OUR =Omnipotent-Universal-Reality, we are SELF, and this self
is being expressed in "vehicles" called the soul, and further expressed within another vehicle
called the human body. There are over seven and a half billion souls on Earth, but there is only
ONE SELF! If we ponder deeply on this fact, we will begin to understand the real nature of
reality. Our physical relative dual natured universe is basically an "overlay" a veil/curtain that
hides the reality of the absolute.
Our world is basically an illusion a mirage cast over our bewildered gaze, when we wake, and
begin to see through the illusion as it really is, then our bewilderment is "TRANCE-ENDED"
Transcended and we see ourselves as we truly are.
By looking within ourselves we open the door way that will reveal the inner light of wisdom
and universal knowledge, we will see the lighted body which is SELF Luminous , this is who
YOU reading this now actually ARE!
We are ALL perfect eternal SPIRIT(GOD) (yet we know it NOT, having a relative experience
upon this planet Earth, cloaked down vastly in vibration, and further cloaked within a vehicle
which we call the physical body, and further cloaked within another body called the SOUL.
In absolute truth there is no such a thing as a HUMAN BEING it does not exist within REALITY
the "idea" exists solely within the illusion of our temporal relative false idea of what we think of
as reality.
As the Charles Dickens character Ebenezer Scrooge would say Bah HUMBUG =Human Being
We are "all" focused here upon this Earth, we are ALL connected to Source, because we ARE
Source,We all are fully CONNECTED to the ALL, because we are the ALL (and we know it
not) OUR thoughts do not have to TRAVEL ANYWHERE, our thoughts are ALREADY 
THERE! The whole idea of time/space and distance are all illusions, and cannot and DO NOT
exist in REALITY!!! If we think a thought, that thought is arising into your Extended reality
the one you are not aware of having! It does not travel anywhere, because thought is everywhere
and eternal, there is NOWHERE for it to go, because it is already HOME! We just need to realise
this fact, and open ourselves to expose the reality that lies beneath our DREAM WORLD thinking.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 9 February 2019

Spirit Eternal Locally Focused.=S E L F

The eternal absolute spirit which is localised here upon the planet Earth is revealed as YOU and
ME! The SELF is the eternal absolute spirit, which is present everywhere within this universe
simultaneously, or as quantum physics would put it,spirit is quantum-non-locality, that is its
universally expressed ubiquitous in nature.However, it can and does become localised, and we are
proof of this fact.Spirit in its absolute purity cannot come into contact with matter, therefore is
manifests out of its self a vehicle, which acts as a cloak or garment/sheath, this vehicle can then
embrace the substance of matter, and this sheath/garment is called the soul,the soul is the vehicle
that covers the spirit and allows it to function within this illusory relative physical universe.
The soul is expressed within seven vehicles of expression, each expression is lower in vibration
than the one prior to it, and the lowest expression and vibration of all the seven, is this one on
the Earth plane.On the Earth plane it presents itself as what we term  the human race, mankind,
the word mankind or humanity is only a relative term we give each other. In absolute reality
mankind or humanity does not exist,or ever has existed! The word we use is actually describing
a vehicle of expression, we call the vehicle a human being, and your car which is also just a
vehicle, you call it a Ford or perhaps a Range Rover! If you suggested to your friends that you were in fact a Range Rover or a Ford transit van, how long do you think it would take before you were
forcibly removed to a "place of safety"?
If we could all put down our "smart phones" and all the other plastic gadgets that are designed to
keep you firmly focused on forever looking OUT THERE to the answers to your life's purpose
and instead, take some time to look WITHIN yourSELF and make the effort to reveal to you,
who you actually ARE. OUR sole purpose for being here, is for us to reveal and therefore KNOW
what and who you actually are, we are all here to eventually know and reveal our true and eternal
nature, to fully understand our lasting immortal IDENTITY. We do this by gathering and participating in numerous experiences, which will make us sad and angry,feel mad and bad,cry
and laugh,feel ill and healthy,feel pain and suffering,all these varied experiences over many lives
will bring about a point wherein you will ask yourself, is this all there is? Or what's the point to my
life? When we have experienced enough crisis and heartache, we will instinctively want to look
within us for answers. When we do this, we will have placed our feet firmly upon the road that will
eventually reveal your true and lasting nature and immortal identity.
In part two will go further into this.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 8 February 2019

Realization Of Self Expressed.=R O S E Part Two.

When you look into the mirror who do you see? Most of us would say, I see myself, the question
then is who is this my that has a self? You could also perhaps say that the reflection in the mirror
is ME! What then does this ME actually consist of? ME actually can stand for manifested energy
and that precisely is what we all are, manifested energy, formed and shaped into what we call a
human body.
What exactly is the process of realisation? If indeed there actually is one. What do we have to do
in order to become realised, and know who and what we really are? The answer is in truth that
we need to do absolutely nothing at all to become realised, because we already are realised, but
we all failed to see this fact, because our ego and mind, tell us that we are just mere mortals and
that we are all separate individual beings, that have a beginning/birth, and an end /death. This is
untrue and an illusion that has cast its spell over our true vision of self. We are lead to believe
and our told by various religious leaders that only a few "special" souls are realised and
enlightened, who become GOD MEN, but this too is a lie, and has no baring whatsoever on
reality,the fact is that we all are GOD MEN and WOMEN, we are all realised and enlightened
its just that, we have all bought into the lie spun out to us from our ego's and its offspring the
concrete mind, that feeds us lies about us being separate from SPIRIT/GOD, and being separate
from each other, and tells us that we begin at birth, and finish at death,this too is all lies and
totally false. We are all immortal divine beings, all unified into one composite wholeness,WE
and this WE means your SPIRIT is ETERNAL, it has NEVER been BORN and it can NEVER
DIE, we are all immortal beings,often cowering in fear of dying, what will become of ME, we
cry out in despair! The answer is that nothing will become of you, because you are an eternal
being! All life is eternal,  how could it possibly be otherwise! We do not need to pay 200 dollars
or pounds, to any self styled guru who promises you enlightenment "or your money back" all
we need to do, is realise we already are enlightened, within us lies all universal wisdom and knowledge, the answer to all your questions lies within  YOU dear reader of this blog. The ROSE
that spells out the title of this blog, is that fragrant FLOWER that will blossom in your heart when
you go within yourself, ask yourself the question, WHO AM "I"? The answer is that you are SELF
you are a immortal divine soul, having a human experience on a planet called EARTH.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 7 February 2019

Realization Of Self Expressed. R O S E

The greatest and most fundamental question any human being can ask themselves is, who am "I"?
Sadly this is often the very last question we ask, usually only when we have encountered crisis
in our lives. Many of us will often ask what will happen to me when I die, not realising that we
are asking a question about what will happen to us when we die,when we do not even know who
or what we actually are while still alive!!
To really know ourselves, we have to go within and take up the practice of meditation, through
solitary meditation we can learn how to rise above the influence of the ego mind, and penetrate
into deeper levels of consciousness, where our true self/soul awaits and dwells.There is a ancient
saying that says, "when the seeker is ready, the master appears-instantly"and this master that will
appear is the your SELF, your higher SELF. We have no need of gurus or masters or anybody else
for that matter,we each have vouchsafed within us our very own master/guru and that is your higher
self.We can all talk and share our experiences with each other, and ask questions of others, but in
the last analysis we find the reality of our true SELF, by going within alone in meditation.
The truth of our BEING that which we actually are, is within you right now, there is nothing for
you to learn or read about, you already are IT, its just that you do not realise who you really ARE.
What we do by going within ourselves is to uncover that which has always been there, no learning
studying, is necessary, you are the SELF you are the SOUL you are the master within you, you
do not have to go to India, China, or Timbuktu, to find a master or guru who will show you the way
YOU already are the way, It is just that your upbringing and what you were taught, and the influence of your mind/ego has kept this truth from impinging upon your consciousness.Because
we are only partially awake, we can see only shadows, and fail to see the full picture that exists
within the full light of what actually IS! We see what appears to be imperfection, this vision is
conjured up by the egoic mind which is centred solely upon the relative/temporal plane, whereas
our true and eternal nature is centred firmly in the absolute eternal field of allness. We see illusions
and imagine them as reality, this is the ego centred mind from which the personality arises from.
Our true self is not a personality, and is NOT a HUMAN BEING either! The human being is just
a vehicle to house the divine true occupier, which is the SELF/SOUL.
In part two will look further into this     Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17' any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Life Is Gathering Hidden Truth.=L I G H T Part Two.

We can all see the light,unless we are born blind, we are all familiar with its existence, every day
the sun shines, we go out and about under its bright and warm influence. We have electric light
so that when darkness falls, we can still see. We all seem to think, and take for granted that the
true source of light, lies outside of our being.What we do not realise though, is that we as human
beings are totally composed of light.All matter, all energy,is composed of compressed or congealed
light, in fact we are all self luminous but our normal vision cannot see it, those who are more
sensitive see this luminosity issuing out from us all and know is as out aura.
The hidden truth lies within us all, this inner truth when our consciousness penetrates through
its surface membrane, reveals the truth of who and what you really are, and this truth is
immutable and eternal. Our external world, and the universe we know is all relative and dual
by nature, so that aspects of truth are only ever revealed, and these truths change, as our
understanding changes. Absolute truth though never changes, and remains the same for all
eternity.We are all absolute truth at the core of our being, which is spirit, and therefore eternal.
When we leave our inner core of being, and become expressed as motional life, we are then
dressed into forms of expression, and therefore each of these forms of expression become relative
and remain that way until we journey back though those seven bodies of expression and therefore
become one again, and merge back into the infinite absolute ocean of unexpressed life.
Relative truth comes and goes, absolute truth never varies because it is absolute perfection.
We are all LIFE and life is eternal, that is an absolute immutable law of universal correspondence
we fear what we call death, and the reason we fear this,is because we do not know and fully understand exactly who and what we really are behind this facade of form, called the human body.
If we could all see that our physical bodies are only vehicles to enable higher life energy, which
is your soul,to encounter experience upon this plane of Earth. When we die we vacate the vehicle
change our vibration frequency and carry on living as before, the only difference is that you will
have shed your physical body, and now you function fully in your astral body. Each one of us has
done this many many times, its that when we are born on earth a veil comes down, and shuts out the
memories of past lives, so that you can be fully focused in this one.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Life Is Gathering Hidden Truth. =L I G H T .

If we never woke up from a dream, we would never know the difference, because while in that
dream state all "seems real".It is only by "waking up" do we then realise we were actually
dreaming. Our present day "waking"state is also a dream, where we all play roles exactly like
an actor on stage, except the actor on stage gets paid for his/her role, then "exits stage left" when
the play finishes, we though exit our stage left when we die!
We all have the ability to change our roles, if we so choose. If we are not satisfied with our life role
we can seek another one,why not become an explorer? Life is expressed within motion, without
motion, life as we know it cannot exist.It is through motion that we gather experience, and it is
these experiences that can and often do, bring us to a point where we ask the question, if this all
there is for me in this life? Surely there must be something better than what I am experiencing.
If we arrive at this point, we can choose to become an explorer, to explore what lies within us
to take up the practice of meditation or yoga,then if we do that our life will start gathering
truth that lies within us all, and by following that inner path you will find the light at the end
of the dark tunnel. That is what the title of this blog is about,gathering hidden truth that lies
within YOU, dear reader of this blog. The word life actually means Living-Intelligent-Focused
Energy, that is what we all our, we are all energy condensed and shaped into what we call a
physical body, and this physical body allows your higher spiritual self, which is your soul, access
to this dense dual relative place which we call Earth, in order to experience motion while contained
within a physical form which presents itself to the form as experiences. And these experiences
cannot be obtained anywhere else within our solar system except here on Earth. Our feelings of
being alone,being apart from actual life,being separate from the whole,falling ill, being angry,
green with envy, red with rage, blue with depression,all these feelings arise because we do not
have a conscious connection with a deeper unified field of consciousness, which reveals total
wholeness and perfection of being. In our waking dream state we all imagine we are disconnected
from the wholeness of fully inclusive life consciousness, and feel that we are alone, feel lost,empty
inside,hollow shells,unfulfilled dreams,all these feelings are because of our gross ignorance of our
true and eternal identity. By going within, you are heading for the place, where you will begin the
process of becoming AWAKE.
In part two, will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 4 February 2019

We Are Thoughts Expressing Reality. W A T E R Part two.

The primal thought wave was also the primal cause and the effect of that primal thought wave
INTENTION was the relative dual universe that we all now dwell within partially, I say
partially because our inner core being is rooted firmly within the absolute, and is not relative
only our vehicles of expression like the physical body, and the astral body, plus five more
expressions are anchored within the relative dual universe.The inner core which is spirit
forever remains within the absolute domain.
What is thought? To have the phenomenon of thought, we must have a being which we can
call "self-awareness", which is thinking-which is the thinker.But if we make an analysis, what
is self-awareness? Is it not simply a formation of Divine thought wrapped around a BEING?
We are all our that being, yet we all fail to recognise this truth.
In the last analysis motion is born out of stillness, the stillness which is absolute motionlessness
it is that way because there is zero INTENTION present. When INTENTION arises all motion
is born,motion is thought or intention flowing out from the absolute, which is motionless, into
flowing motion, whereby the INTENTION manifests within a virginal relative universe.
The river of life flows because of the primal intention, that intention is forever ongoing, that
original thought wave, is still being operated, and will last for billions of our idea of what we
call years, that primal thought is still arising from within.We are all "thoughtfully  flowing
motion"encapsulated within a physical body and experiencing life in relative terms, and through
those experiences that you will gather, sooner or later, you will begin to see, feel, and experience
the connections that link all phenomenal life to one absolute source. We will begin to feel and
finally see that indeed, "thoughts are things" as the ageless wisdom has long stated,and we are
all the embodiment of those things.
If we set the INTENTION within us, to look within and find out fully who we actually ARE
that set intention will act like a LIFE WAVE, that will carry you to the shore from whence you
came. Because of the shallowness of our thoughts, which carry with them the seeds of despair,
which bring the fruits of pain and suffering,we need to cast our nets deep into ourselves therein
lies our safety, treachery lies in the shallows of thoughts, egoism, greed, gossip, selfishness,
all breed pain and suffering.Let your life flow like a crystal clear mountain stream,and not like
a stagnant rancid pool.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 3 February 2019

We Are Thoughts Expressing Reality.=W A T E R

If we trace back all universal phenomena to its primal matrix. It reveals itself as arising from
an INTENTION, from the word intention flows all the other words we use to describe  what
flows from the SOURCE of all that IS. These words are consciousness,energy,light,force,
matter, positive/negative,life,motion, intelligence,etc, all these various names can be traced back
and will reveal  that the primal source of all these descriptions mentioned here amounts to the
source being INTENTION, willing motion to flow from intentive thought. Energy is in truth
just compressed thought nothing more. Black holes and the idea of a singularity explain clearly
what they are actually doing! What the black hole and the singularity is actually doing I feel
is a deconstructive phenomena designed by infinite intelligence to deconstruct energy back
into its primal matrix which is thought.
Where then do we we all fit into this arena? We are all the water that flows, we are thought
expressing phenomenal reality, this is what we actually ARE. Just like a liquid, life expressing
itself as a flowing moving entity, sometimes even called the river of life, this basically means
motion and all motion comes from the primal motioneer, which is infinite source.
An intention arises it causes a flow of thought, exactly the same as a flow of water! The only
difference is that water flow is visible to us, and intention is not.
If we look at our intentions and see where we are flowing to, what is our direction? Are we
thinking negatively, if we our, then our flow will become stagnated, instead of being in the full
flow of life's river, the negativity of our thinking has placed us into an eddy, where we then go
round in endless circles, getting nowhere fast,if however our thoughts are of a more positive
nature, then we harmonise with the flow of life,and encounter much less friction.
The primal intention is buried within every life form, within this universe,if we take the trouble
to look within us, to divert our gaze from forever looking "out there"and instead look within us
we will then be heading in a direction that flows steadily back to the SOURCE which is LIFE
absolute. As we think, then so we become,if we set our intention on finding our exactly who the
hell I really am, then we will become more fluid in our motions? Our life river will begin to expand
from a very narrow stream, into a vast AMAZON of expansive consciousness and inner joy.
in part two will go further into this.      Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 2 February 2019

Frequency Anchor Tones Expressing Divinity. =F A T E D Part Two.

Everything that exists in all dimensions is simply pure energy. This energy is a combination of
frequencies, and it is these energy frequencies combined which creates the acoustic vibrational
resonance we call as sound. Each with its own unique tonal experience and expression. Sound
is the fabric of our entire existence, each of us represents our own personal symphony of
acoustic resonance.What note are you playing dear reader of this blog?  If your informed note
(the note arising from deep within you) is harmonic then you will be healthy, if however your
informed note is discordant, then you will be unhealthy.
Look beyond what you see in the mirror, your physical body is NOT WHO YOU REALLY ARE
all your physical body actually is, in fact just a frequency anchor, a vehicle note/tone that is
vibrating very slowly, which allows pure energy to coalesce into a dense material body/matter
so that the real NOTE/soul can use its intelligence to gather experiences that will gradually build
into a great shift change upon this planet.
We are all conductors within a universal symphony of tonal harmonics, each conductor (us) is
personally responsible for the frequency tone and harmonics that issue out from our bass note
(anchor frequency). we are all here to make music, the universal great sound of the OM which
means ONE MOMENT, is our primary "motion life expression tone" from this core tone we
through our varied experiences create melodies or miasmas depending on our motivation and
degrees of self centred egotism.
Life is expressed in vibration, and vibration is sound, and sound is music, that is what we all really
are, we are eternal immortal souls, having a physical expression here on earth, and by having that
expression here, we each are producing a note that will eventually lead to a full and lasting blissful
melody of harmonic joy and resounding unified expressed love, which means unified harmonic
wholeness.The frequency anchor that holds us here in coherence is held in place by the souls intention, that intention keeps us here within a unified physical biological body and monitored by a
physical computer the brain, and the brain is acted on by electromagnetic impulses from the higher
self, which is in a higher dimension.When we die, it is literally like the old film title called Anchors
away! We cast the anchor, and return to our true abode, which is within the soul.
We are all here to bring about harmony from chaos, each of us contribute to the whole, what part are you playing in the game called life?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 1 February 2019

Frequency Anchor Tones Expressing Divinity..=F A T E D

What is mankind, and what is its nature? What lies beneath the physical expression? What mankind
actually is, is a frequency anchor for the indwelling soul, consciousness condensed into form
and shaped by intention into what we call mankind. We each are a distinct tonal frequency,
which expresses unique harmonic tones and sub tones,emanating from our personal experiences
and how we have dealt with them.All expressed life exhibits a tonal frequency, this is often referred
to as the music of the spheres,we are each a part of a universal orchestra of fluid flowing
harmonics, which will ultimately produce a perfect pitch of fully realised inclusive universal
"harmony which will become absolute bliss.
We did not incarnate on this planet for a "vacation"of avoidance, but rather,to actively participate
in the shift that is underway. Our participation is this "tipping point"involves our frequency
vibration,gifts,and talents and lessons we are here to learn for our own emancipation as we strive
to aid others in their own process.This means that we will be put into areas and in contact with
people where we are most needed according to our individual purpose-agendas. Which are themselves birthed from a higher-self self perspective, not  our ego's conditioned cravings.
(Bernhard Guenther 2016).
If  we can just look behind what we see, a physical body, that body is animated by energy and
energy is consciousness,life stands fore living-intelligent-focus-energy=LIFE that is the truth
and the nature of what we really are, intelligent life, energy/light/soul/embodied within the
anchor. the physical body is a low frequency anchor, that act as a template for another higher
frequency that of the soul,to be able to bring its consciousness down onto the planets surface
in order to engage in the act of experiencing, and uniting eventually all those manifold
experiences into one harmonic tone that will play a note of universal love and acceptance to
all expressions of the one LIFE.
That vast majority of us have no idea as to what part we are all playing in this game of acting
roles which suit out natures.We each is our small way are bringing about great change, the shift
that is taking place now,is about us all beginning to wake up from our long slumber and start
to take some responsibility  within our own neck of the woods, in other words doing the best you
can where you have surfaced on the planet, and also help your friends and neighbours as best you can.
Let our own points of anchorage make a difference in where we live.
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.