Thursday 7 February 2019

Realization Of Self Expressed. R O S E

The greatest and most fundamental question any human being can ask themselves is, who am "I"?
Sadly this is often the very last question we ask, usually only when we have encountered crisis
in our lives. Many of us will often ask what will happen to me when I die, not realising that we
are asking a question about what will happen to us when we die,when we do not even know who
or what we actually are while still alive!!
To really know ourselves, we have to go within and take up the practice of meditation, through
solitary meditation we can learn how to rise above the influence of the ego mind, and penetrate
into deeper levels of consciousness, where our true self/soul awaits and dwells.There is a ancient
saying that says, "when the seeker is ready, the master appears-instantly"and this master that will
appear is the your SELF, your higher SELF. We have no need of gurus or masters or anybody else
for that matter,we each have vouchsafed within us our very own master/guru and that is your higher
self.We can all talk and share our experiences with each other, and ask questions of others, but in
the last analysis we find the reality of our true SELF, by going within alone in meditation.
The truth of our BEING that which we actually are, is within you right now, there is nothing for
you to learn or read about, you already are IT, its just that you do not realise who you really ARE.
What we do by going within ourselves is to uncover that which has always been there, no learning
studying, is necessary, you are the SELF you are the SOUL you are the master within you, you
do not have to go to India, China, or Timbuktu, to find a master or guru who will show you the way
YOU already are the way, It is just that your upbringing and what you were taught, and the influence of your mind/ego has kept this truth from impinging upon your consciousness.Because
we are only partially awake, we can see only shadows, and fail to see the full picture that exists
within the full light of what actually IS! We see what appears to be imperfection, this vision is
conjured up by the egoic mind which is centred solely upon the relative/temporal plane, whereas
our true and eternal nature is centred firmly in the absolute eternal field of allness. We see illusions
and imagine them as reality, this is the ego centred mind from which the personality arises from.
Our true self is not a personality, and is NOT a HUMAN BEING either! The human being is just
a vehicle to house the divine true occupier, which is the SELF/SOUL.
In part two will look further into this     Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17' any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

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