Saturday 23 February 2019

We Are Nothing Expunging Something.=W A N E S

"What is man that you are mindful of him?" This was the question raised by King David  in
the Psalms.That question was raised by King David many many centuries ago,are we any
closer to answering that question today? Do you dear reader of this blog, know exactly  who
you really are?
As the title of this blog says, We-Are-Nothing-Expunging-Something. What then is this
some-thing that needs expunging in order to reveal that which lies beneath the "facade
of form?"We need first to see that we are all"in-formed Beings" (informed=formed from within)
we have a physical shape(informed) that is called the human body, and we are called human
beings, do we ever ask what this term human beings actually means? We are all LIFE which
stands for,Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, and energy as science will tell us is formless
and invisible,much like we are, if we remove the facade of form that overlays the real occupier.
The word nothing really means (No-Thing present Anywhere) Rather, no-thing is present
everywhere  and is Absolute in reality. NO-Thing is not RELATIVE,only ever absolute, which
also is what "we" all our, when all the veils are lifted from our bewildered eyes, and then "all
merge back into ALL" There is not many , or even a few,there is in truth just ONE LIFE!
And "WE" are IT! When we can know that we are truly NO-THING, then we will become
ALL in ALL, we will then become Something from Nothing!  Some-Thing is the ALL THING
the only THING in EXISTENCE. All else is just an elaborate illusion conjured up by our
limited understanding of how it really IS. We see rainbows, when there is really just REIGN
bows, and that "REIGN" bow is supreme and Absolute.
When we bow our heads in respect, we are showing (unbeknown to us) recognition of our true
estate to each "other" as in absolute truth there is no such a thing as "OTHERS". the word BOW
can mean Blessed-OUR-WE, so when you nod or bow to another, subconsciously we are giving
a blessing to the DIVINITY that lies within the centre of all our selves.
We seem to be in an age, where we are all told that we need to become SOMETHING, make
something out of your life, we are all told.In truth the exact opposite is needed, to become no-thing
is then to become all. Unless we know ourselves, we in effect know SOMETHING, but that something is basically WORTHLESS, when opposed to knowing who you really are, and revealing
your true and eternal IDENTITY.
In part two will go more into this.          Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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