Saturday 16 February 2019

Destination Earth Again To Harmonise Self. =D E A T H S part Two.

One of the biggest delusions and falsehoods that we have all often bought into, is this concept
called death.The lie and falsehood of these teachings about what death means, have been fostered
by religious heirarchies for thousands of years. We have all been indoctrinated into this idea of
Heaven and Hell. Where if you believe in this doctrine you will go to Heaven and therefore sing
Hallelujah praise God for eternity! Would you really want to do that? And does God really demand
that all his children sing his praises for countless billions of years? Or if you don't abide by this
doctrine, you will then go to HELL fire and Brimstone, where you will shovel hot coals for all
eternity, or even LONGER!!!!!
The word DEATH actually means Detaching-Earthly-Anchor-To Harmonise-SELF.The word DIED
actually means,Destination-INWARD-Exposing-DIVINITY=DIED.
We who call ourselves Humanity are ALL ETERNAL BEINGS that is a UNIVERSAL "FACT
of REALITY" all seven and a half billion souls on Earth are ALL eternal immortal souls, having
what is termed a human experience.This reality is an immutable fact, it matters not ONE JOT
whether you are a rampant atheist,a saintly worshipper, or are just an ordinary Joe or Jane, we are
ALL IMMORTAL beings, by Divine universal  LAW which is ABSOLUTE and IMMUTABLE
in its DIVINE INTENTION.What we think,feel, accept, or reject about this reality, does NOT AFFECT its ACTIONS, it actions will always occur, whatever we think, say, or do.
Nothing has EVER DIED in this universe EVER,that is if we take the word death to mean complete
annihilation and extinction of existence, this cannot and has NEVER occurred EVER. The more
correct and much more appropriate name for death is CHANGE, when we die (change) we  "EXIT
OUR VEHICLES" (the physical body) and move FULLY into our ASTRAL BODY, and then carry
on living as before, I used the word FULLY into our astral bodies, because each night when we sleep
we go of into adventures into the astral realm, then promptly forget about this when we wake up.
We visit this astral realm every night in our astral body, while the physical vehicle lies sleeping in
the bed,and are attached by what is commonly called the "silver cord". This cord SNAPS at the time
of our CHANGE(death) and we then no longer can animate the physical body, we then move on to
pastures different from here.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, email me if you have any questions
Facebook Soul Realization.

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