Wednesday 27 February 2019

Mankind Is Actually Spirit Manifesting Soul.=M I A S M S.

The expression of what we commonly call Mankind is manifested as a miasms overlaid by a
miasma. The word miasms comes from the Greek word meaning "contagious power" "stain or
defilement"guilt, which translates into the modern age as impure=unwhole,pure =wholeness.
The miasms are the ancient diseases and illnesses that have been within man for thousands of
years, and are still within mankind today, and millions die every year due to those diseases.These
are the internal miasms of all illnesses that affect the human race.Miasms live in the space between
the two worlds of energy and matter, and their far reaching tendrils influence our thoughts, our
intentions,our life choices, and the physical way in which we tell the story of our lives.
Miasms are the internal forces that create discordant jarring's within our bodies and minds.
The miasma is the external effect that casts over our vision, like a veiled blanket, deflecting us
from seeing the reality, behind the veil of miasmic illusion.Its like a dense fog or mist that distorts
our vision and blind us from the truth.
What then is the truth that we are blinded from seeing?Well that's a good question,the answer lies
in the full title of this current blog,Mankind-Is Actually-Spirit-Manifesting-Soul. That is basically
the sequence that we all are expressed within. We are first expressed at the lowest vibration as a
thing called humanity, which really is the name for the much more accurate description that of
being a vehicle, we are all a collection of vehicles, housed in the garage called planet Earth.
Our second expression is that of our eternal immortal soul, which uses the vehicle called the human body in order to gain purchase on this dense dark low vibration plane of existence called Earth.
The third and final phase of our being, is that of spirit, which uses the soul as a vehicle to become
expressed within a relative dual based temporal reality.
Our vehicles have become totally blinded to the reality of the inner world, we see only the illusions
cast up by ghosts and spectres conjured up by lies and vain egotistic melodramas supposingly
portraying the real world.
OUT-THERE is an illusion, it does not EXIST, nor has it EVER EXISTED, yet we all buy into
this lie and utter bullshit. Because we are blinded by the miamas and the contagious power that casts
a veil over our eyes.All life is CONNECTED into ONE WHOLE, there are no GAPS nor any SPACES, all life is TOUCHING ALL LIFE always.Yet instead of seeing the connections and the
unity within all life, we because we are stuck firmly forever looking OUT WARD looking constantly
into ONE VAST ILLUSION of OUT THERE ISM! When we need to look within ourselves.
In part two, will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realisation.

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