Wednesday 20 February 2019

Personally Recognising Inner Spiritual Manifestation.=P R I S M Part Two.

In truth we are all universal beings, having what could be called a localised experience here on
a planet called Earth. The word uni-verse actually means a reality turning around on ONE
THING! The wholeness of what we call the universe is turning around on ONE THING, this
one thing is basically what we would term as a SINGULARITY and this singularity is
absolutely motionlessness,and from that POINT we all live, MOVE/MOTION and have our
being.The uni means ONE, and the VERSE is the tune, the music of  all life expressed into
motion and this musical life tone is the OM which stands for( Omnipotent Motion).
From the absolute primary white light  of eternal stillness, is born into motion by the primary
thought wave INTENTION, and that then becomes relative, no longer absolute,and relativity
brings in its train what could be termed as spectral fragmentation, which results in the form of many colours representing energy and light vibrational frequencies.
We as souls embedded within a vehicle called the physical human body,are all belonging to a
ray of light-wave that is our race family signature colour.
Mankind is a child of the spectrum of light rays that have all passed through the prism of
spectral fragmentation, and have become the seven families or races of mankind.
We are all here to as souls, who have become lost within the physical matter congealed light
body, and need to personally recognise our inner spiritual reality, by going within ourselves
and finding the real BEING that LIVES within the shell/vehicle/ physical body.
Our prison or prism? Is the vehicle we need to gain a full understanding of our unified oneness
within LIFE, we need to observe the illusion of separation, realise the falseness of this mirage
see the unity within ALL APPARENT DIVERSITY, then when we have understood that truth
we will then see that we are all in truth one family, a universal wholeness of the many flowing
back into the ONE.Our incarnations here upon the Earth plane, are for each of us, to experience
the fullness of every kind of experience we can imagine, then as we journey through this field
of experiences, we begin to gain insight, and recognise patterns of behaviour, and begin embracing
those patterns that bring comfort and peace of mind, and let go of those that bring pain and despair.
dear reader of this blog, when you begin that self knowing journey.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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