Sunday 10 February 2019

Spirit Eternal Locally Focused.= S E L F Part Two.

We are absolute Being (spirit/God) having a relative experience here on the planet called Earth.
That is exactly what "we"all OUR =Omnipotent-Universal-Reality, we are SELF, and this self
is being expressed in "vehicles" called the soul, and further expressed within another vehicle
called the human body. There are over seven and a half billion souls on Earth, but there is only
ONE SELF! If we ponder deeply on this fact, we will begin to understand the real nature of
reality. Our physical relative dual natured universe is basically an "overlay" a veil/curtain that
hides the reality of the absolute.
Our world is basically an illusion a mirage cast over our bewildered gaze, when we wake, and
begin to see through the illusion as it really is, then our bewilderment is "TRANCE-ENDED"
Transcended and we see ourselves as we truly are.
By looking within ourselves we open the door way that will reveal the inner light of wisdom
and universal knowledge, we will see the lighted body which is SELF Luminous , this is who
YOU reading this now actually ARE!
We are ALL perfect eternal SPIRIT(GOD) (yet we know it NOT, having a relative experience
upon this planet Earth, cloaked down vastly in vibration, and further cloaked within a vehicle
which we call the physical body, and further cloaked within another body called the SOUL.
In absolute truth there is no such a thing as a HUMAN BEING it does not exist within REALITY
the "idea" exists solely within the illusion of our temporal relative false idea of what we think of
as reality.
As the Charles Dickens character Ebenezer Scrooge would say Bah HUMBUG =Human Being
We are "all" focused here upon this Earth, we are ALL connected to Source, because we ARE
Source,We all are fully CONNECTED to the ALL, because we are the ALL (and we know it
not) OUR thoughts do not have to TRAVEL ANYWHERE, our thoughts are ALREADY 
THERE! The whole idea of time/space and distance are all illusions, and cannot and DO NOT
exist in REALITY!!! If we think a thought, that thought is arising into your Extended reality
the one you are not aware of having! It does not travel anywhere, because thought is everywhere
and eternal, there is NOWHERE for it to go, because it is already HOME! We just need to realise
this fact, and open ourselves to expose the reality that lies beneath our DREAM WORLD thinking.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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