Tuesday 26 February 2019

Seek Life Inward Consciousness Expands.=S L I C E Part Two.

Continuing from part one of this blog,we need to go within ourselves in order to receive a
"slice of the cake"the word cake can be seen as meaning, Conscious-Awakening-Knowledge
-Expanded=CAKE.It is sometimes difficult to accept that many of us, and this number runs
into hundreds of millions of us, are basically unaware as regards our inner self aware reality.
We are operating within just two dimensions, rather than the three dimensions that we are all
immersed within, yet fail to recognise this fundamental reality of our full expressional mode.
Instead we mostly all operate within two dimensions, that of physical and mental, the third
dimension in which we are all firmly anchored within, that of the spiritual dimension, is
mostly operating in a semi atrophied state within us.
We fail to recognise the most basic fundamental reality of our expression here on Earth,we
fail to understand that we ALL ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS, there is NO SUCH thing as
TRYING to become more spiritual, the fact is that we ALL ARE spiritual souls dressed in
a vehicle called the human body. That's the reality of our being here,to learn just who and what
we really are, and we learn that through the experiencing the up and downs of daily life, the
pains and the pleasures, when we have lots of hard times, and we experience a major crisis
then we will often shift our gaze inward,instead of forever outward. Then we we look within
we begin the process of waking up from a very long slumber.
Our inner true and immortal nature, is hidden from view hiding behind our facade of form
which is the physical body, unless we seek and look within ourselves, we will never reveal
and uncover or true hidden inner nature.We are covered in many layers of MAYA these
coverings throw a veil over our eyes and senses, and unless we make an effort to search within
ourselves, we will remain ignorant as to our true identity.Being expressed within motion called
life, The very MOTION or rather MOVING through LIFE brings about what we call
experiences, and there life-ful experiences will teach us what we need to eventually KNOW
and understand.We can all refuse to look within ourselves, we can do this for a thousand
incarnations if we so wish,but eventually LIFE will force you to look within, because the pain
of not doing that was just so horribly unbearable.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed. facebook Soul Realization.

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