Sunday 17 February 2019

Perfection Is Present Everywhere. P I P E .

The word perfection implies the singular mode of expression, we do not say perfection's as in
the plural meaning, rather we seem to regard the word perfection as singular so that just one
thing is thereby perfection. So suppose this one thing we call perfection, is really just another
word actually meaning LIFE?  After all we would hardly call a "dead" thing perfect would we?
The word LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is what we all consist of 
energy/spirit that is focused and intelligent. The word LIFE too is singular,there is no plural
to LIFE, there is NO SUCH THING as LIFE'S! Only life.So the  word life and perfection
are both singular words in their expression, could they not be really one of the same thing? Is
not life perfect, and perfection is life?
If we can accept that life and perfection are in fact one of the same thing,we can then perhaps get a clearer picture of our understandings of our human experiences. We all seem to think that no one
on this planet is perfect, except maybe Jesus and Buddha! If you told your friends or family that
you thought you were perfect, what do you think their response would be?  Would they call for some
men in white coats, to take you away to a place of safety?!
If we knew who and what we really were and are, this question would NEVER ARISE, but because
we are all appallingly ignorant as to our real and lasting identity, we therefore imagine all manner
of things that have absolutely NO BARING on reality. Are we not all alive? Are we not all made
of intelligent energy? And does not science tell us that energy is eternal and cannot ever be destroyed
only converted/changed? Therefore if we all our eternal immortal intelligent energy/spirit/
consciousness,being expressed here and now, as human beings,when will the time arrive for us to
become perfected? If life and perfection are in fact the very same thing, then that day is today, that
we are all perfect and expressing LIFE perfectly! We are completely surrounded by perfection/life
and we all fail to SEE IT! Because we wrongly imagine an IDEA of what we think perfection actually is, and that is more often the idea of a impossible goal which we create in our minds and
then shrink away from that IDEA as though that was something you could never become in a million
years! Perfection is simply what YOU ARE, YES YOU READING THIS BLOG RIGHT NOW
you are ALIVE are you NOT, and if you answer YES, then you are also PERFECT as well. In part
two will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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