Tuesday 19 February 2019

Personally Recognising Inner Spiritual Manifestation. =P R I S M

All life is motion, manifesting energy which is also light refracted into many varying vibrations
which represent the frequency and vibration of each particular colour. Mankind is known to be
represented seven basic colours, the seven races of mankind, each race has its own vibrational
frequency. Life stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, and this energy which is also
consciousness, reveals itself in varying vibrational frequencies of light. We could all be called
the "children of the seven rays!". All expressed life is expressed within what could be termed
a "prismatic vibrational refraction sequence" each expression having its own colour vibrational
signature. mankind is no different, and expresses all seven colours of the physical solar sun
spectrum, and this further radiates into the inner spiritual central sun spectrum which radiates
from within our primary soul matrix.
We are all children of the inner primary ray, white is absolute purity represented by an
absolute WHITE RAY, this Absolute white Ray that emanates from the Absolute Infinite
Intelligent Spirit, this RAY cannot be fragmented into seven colours like that of the physical
sun, This white light is Absolute PURITY and CANNOT be broken down because it is the SOURCE
and absolute. Modern day science would say that this light would not be possible, and would hold
that all light can be refracted into other differing vibrations/colours. But because science has not
yet personally experienced this reality, they can only relate to the light from our solar sun, and
know absolutely nothing about the central SUN from which ALL life came from.
It is only when the absolute spirit is tarnished by the unveiling of the illusion of relativity and
further manifesting the other illusions of duality and motion, that the purity of SOURCE LIGHT
which is WHITE LIGHT comes into play and therefore appears to dilute its absolute purity
 which existed within a motionlessness state, and therefore start MOVING/motion, once motion
is born it expanded into an infinite expression of countless vibrations, each having its own signature
light tune frequency. Then prismatic refraction was born into a relative universe, and we are all the
refracted energy sequences congealed into a physical form, and called HUMANITY.
When we can go within ourselves we(the inner being) move away from the influence of the solar
sun, and begin heading inwards to where the central spiritual sun abodes, it lies deeply within us all
we have but to make the effort to refocus our gaze from forever looking outward, to instead taking
the initiative to look within and find out our true identity.
In part two will look further into this.         Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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