Monday 18 February 2019

Perfection Is Present Everywhere.=P I P E Part Two.

Perfection and Life are both co-joined, they are the very same thing, how could it possibly be
otherwise? We only see these two words as different, because that is the way we have all been
taught, and lead to believe. Life is perfection, and perfection is Life, that is how reality presents
itself to us all. Yet because of our seeing dimly through a darkened veil of ignorance, we see
only what we have all been taught to see, since our childhood.
If we really opened our eyes we would see the beauty and majesty of life and therefore see the
perfection radiating out from it.
There is an old occult saying which states that, "Truth and reality are hidden in plain sight, and
we see it not", we could add to that too, that perfection is also hidden in PLAIN SIGHT and we
SEE IT NOT! We could trip over it on a bright sunny day, and never make that most vital
connection, that we have just stumbled onto perfection.
Because we only ever see the outer projection of an invisible inner reality,  no man or woman
has ever seen the real BEING behind the outer form. We only EVER SEE the VEHICLE and
because the vehicle may "appear" damaged (aged/sick/ill/scared/deformed/obese/) etc we think
that this projection into physical relativity(the human vehicle) is somewhat far from being what we
would call a perfect man/woman, if he was built like the mythical Greek Adonis, and she was like
a fairy tale beautiful princess, we might then reflect that they indeed our perfect.
The fact of the matter though is far different than our opinions and jaded observations,all life is
perfect and that includes all of us, in the human race. It could not be otherwise, if it was, then this
entire universe would collapse within a microsecond, and all the universal laws which are immutable
would do the impossible and that is they too would fade into oblivion in a microsecond. And we
would have never existed. Thankfully though this is not the case, and we indeed do all exist, and will
continue existing for eternity. Behind our physical form (the vehicle) stands eternal life in the manner
of our immortal soul/spirit, this is the perfection which IS LIFE and comes from that Absolute SOURCE of ALL LIFE, that of the Infinite Mind of the Absolute, or GOD for short.
We are all the reflections of perfection and have no need of correction, just look into ourselves and
find the source within us, that will be our RESURRECTION!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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