Sunday 31 May 2020

Ascension Is DARK ENERGY. A I D E .

There is only ONE SOURCE ENERGY within this universe, that ONE ENERGY we can call it
whatever we like, GOD, LIFE.Consciousness ,Infinite Intelligence, it is totally irrelevant what
call this ONE ENERGY,it just exists eternally ever constant and unchanging.And we as humanity
are all fully and totally embedded within its matrix.
Quantum physics states that dark energy/matter consists of 85% of this universe, and that only
15% is what could be termed as our relative time space continuum,the universe that we can
observe. The universal law of ONE ABSOLUTE POWER/ENERGY SOURCE, therefore
must include dark energy and dark matter, there cannot be no deviation from this universal
LAW, which is also immutable absolute and eternal. ( this idea presupposes that these two
postulates actually exist at all!) We do know however that there is something THERE and
we know this by inference and gravitational lens effects.
The core of this issue, and a clue as to what dark energy or dark matter may be,lies in the
word evolution,which has now been updated and used daily of various websites as this new
in-word of ascension, what if the 15% that we can see of this relative universe that we can
observe is all that is visible to us, because the rest of it is as yet UNBORN!  And what we
detect by inference and gravitational lens effects,which we call dark matter/energy is Energy
that is not being expressed at this point in our ascension? This DARK ENERGY exists out
of phase with our physical dimension, this is why we cannot directly detect it or see it, because
it does not exist within our idea of our space time continuum. The implication here is that this
relative universe is only 15% being expressed at the moment, and has 85% more to COME ON
LINE, which by the way we measure time (which in truth does not exist,neither does space) so
the implication is that this universe is still very much in its INFANCY, and has countless billions
of our years to advance into.
Another implication arises here regarding this dark energy,and that is where does it actually
reside? This question points to the location of this dark energy as being within us all, it is not
OUT-THERE this energy impinges upon YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS  dear reader as you read this here and NOW!
In part two I will relate how this impinging of dark matter atoms/energy relate to our ascension into
higher states of aware consciousness. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation
If this blogs resonates within you dear reader,can you please pass it onto your family friends Thanks.

Saturday 30 May 2020

Unbridled Neural Intelligence Translating Yoga. U N I T Y Part Two.

'WE' are all the very embodiment of the infinite and eternal principle that we all term as LIFE
life is expressed within every atom and every cell of our physical vehicles, we all term as 'our
bodies, our bodies express a principle that is absolute perfection, so why then are we not
knowing and thereby expressing this Living LIFE perfection? That is an interesting question
indeed?  The most obvious answer is that we are all completely unaware of this reality, and
thereby live our entire lives in ignorance of our true integral reality.LIFE spells out the word
Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy., what humanity actually is and consists of is that of
ENERGY that has coalesced and condensed into physical biological matter,that has greatly
been reduced in its vibration rate,where it looses its invisible intangible natural state, and
therefore becomes visible in the form of biological matter.
Unity and total neutrality are the matrix of universal energy fields, however when this unified
field of neutral energy comes into contact with a self-aware I AM consciousness field of
individualised ego centred mind focused human being, who is also been reduced in its outer
consciousness levels,into thinking and acting in a relative thinking framework, the field
of natural neutrality broadens out to include that of positive and negative poles, and therein
begins our conflicts both internal and external that lead us all away from UNITY.
True unity and atonement with all life can only really be obtained by us becoming neutral in
our thoughts,words,and deeds, which in this modern world of mass communication is often
proving very difficult to do, when then are so many stories of great sadness and despair arising.
Our natural feelings which apply to all of humanity is that we all want and NEED to feel safe and
SECURE,particularly in our own homes, (those of us who are fortunate enough to have one that is)
Neutral lies in the CENTRE of LOVE-NEUTRAL-HATE, GOOD-NEUTRAL-EVIL. RIGHT-NEUTRAL-WRONG, when we move away from the CENTRE which is neutral we cause
resistance to occur, and resistance causes pain and illness, regardless of which direction you take
from the centre point,which represents BALANCE,UNITY,HEALTH,happiness, joy, inner peace,
To really find our selves,we need to find balance within our living energy life field,where we are neither veering into the positive or negative field,rather we remain balanced healthy and neutral.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader,can you please pass it on to family and friends,Thanks.

Friday 29 May 2020

Unbridled Neural Intelligence Translating Yoga. U N I T Y .

The reason the word Yoga is used here in the last word of this blogs title,is because the word
yoga which comes from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj' which means unite/union/wholeness. which
then directly corresponds with the word UNITY which this blog is about.
To become uniformly whole and complete in mind body and soul, where we are in complete
unity and harmony with the entirety of our expressed life spectrum,is perhaps a wish by many
of us,that never seems to materialise, why is this, we may ask?
Life as an expressed intelligent energy is always neutral, never positive or negative, always
in complete and total universal UNITY. We as human beings are all in essence, unified,
the ESSENCE of LIFE the SOURCE,we are all from the SOURCE in total ONENESS, then
with the manifestation of MOTION, WE started moving through these MOTIONS, and in
that process became condensed from our rapid vibration frequency, to the sluggish physical
frequency we all  experience here on Earth.We have all outwardly left the immutable
principle of the ONE SINGULARITY SOURCE, and OUR ONENESS, has fragmented
into the MANY. We find ourselves encapsulated within a physical vehicle, and seemed to have
complete amnesia as to whom and what we really are.So deep and entrenched is this amnesia
that we then buy into what 'seems' to make logical sense, that this physical body must really
be me, because I am fully within this body, so it must really be me then! Some of us spend our
whole physical lives believing this fallacy and illusion, and only begin to see its deeper
significance, when they die(change venues) and wake up on the astral plane.
Many more of us feel this way until we are presented with life threatening crisis, which then
makes us stop and think about life, and what does it mean to me? And is there something more to
life than just this existence here? We have all come from ONE UNIFIED WHOLE, which is the
SOURCE of all LIFE universally.We have become the MANY, and by being the many, we also
experience much more, because there is billions of facets (you and me) to be able to engage in
billions of experiences simultaneously. Whether we know it or not, accept it or not,reject it or not,
what we all instinctively crave for and want,is to feel complete and total unity, which translates as
unconditional LOVE, and unconditional ACCEPTANCE. We all need to feel and be loved, and also
to be totally accepted for who we are.
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader,can you please pass it onto your family and friends.Thanks.

Thursday 28 May 2020

Let Our SELF Triumph. L O S T Part Two.

May those of us who have become lost in the endless labyrinth's of life,find from within the
vital life force the insight and awareness that will lead us out of ignorance into the clarity
and perception that an inner knowing brings.
ninety five percent of our brain activity is beyond our conscious awareness,we have only
five percent of our cognitive ability available for our use.This percentage however can be
increased by taking up meditation or yoga.
We are all actors upon this stage of life,all playing a ROLE, but unlike the actors in a film
or stage play, who when they finish their play or film,return to there other role of being an
actor, we because we have been enclosed within this physical body, and totally identify with
it as being WHO I REALLY AM, we then buy hook line and sinker into this total FALLACY
that we really are this DOCTOR, or BUTCHER,or LAWYER and totally fail to cognate  the
fact that these are all ROLES that we play,while gathering experiences here upon this school
room planet Earth.
We become hopelessly lost within our ROLE PLAY acts,and because of this shutting down
of other avenues we could explore to create a greater and much more profound life experience,
we thereby limit our life potentiality by seeing ourselves as the butcher, doctor, lawyer, etc
which buying into this illusion thereby becomes limiting and stagnating the life energy that
surges through your vehicle of expression.
How familiar are you with the idea of expanded awareness,and perception? What about intuition
and insightful ideas that flash into the mind?What about consciousness expansion and inner
realisation? Changing our vibration frequencies by meditation and yoga,increased sensitivity
to people places and things, all of these mentioned are available by our very birthright, but so
many of us live out our entire lives in first gear, and never venture beyond these self imposed
limits. We PLAY the ROLE of just being a human being and act out that role with such precision
and closed mindedness, that we totally and hopelessly lose sight of our TRUE and IMMORTAL
DIVINE HERITAGE. We never need be lost again,we can instead become FOUND within the
all embracing arms of DIVINE LOVE that is who and WHAT you are dear reader of this BLOG,
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you can you please pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Let Our SELF Triumph. L O S T .

Our planet Earth has around seven and a half billions souls, of which many are lost,within
themselves, or within addictions like drugs and alcoholism,lost within emotional turmoils
and mental illnesses,plus many other emotional,mental, and physical illness, then on top
of all that millions are lost and abandoned by wars, famine, and no clean water to drink.
There are among us all a proverbial "legion of the lost". I can identify with some of this
because I was totally lost and washed up for near death with chronic alcoholism, which
lasted for fifteen years, until I was 30 years old. Then at deaths door,I managed to ask for
help one last time, and it worked, I found many like me,who were sober well and happy,
now at seventy five years young,I am still very well and happy,yet there are so many lost
souls out there,this blog is about passing on the realisation that we can all TRIUMPH over
and of our addictions or mental and emotional illnesses, if we can accept ourselves fully
and become willing to change all that needs changing in our lives.
There was a saying in the Bible that I heard when I was very young,it was from (MATT. 22.10)
which said,"many are called,but few are chosen",I was about seven years old when I heard that
and my immediate thought was, that this sounded VERY VERY UNFAIR, now sixty eight years
later,I can fully understand this verse, because I have experienced it PERSONALLY. I was
called many times by parents and friends to stop drinking and either "shape up or ship out" but
I never listened to any of them.I realised that I was the chooser who CHOSE to recover and
rebuild a shattered and fragmented existence.We are all CALLED by the legion of lost souls,
which translates as that our CALLING represents the pain and agony we go through looking
for our true SELF, either with drugs, alcohol, sex, or mental and emotional illnesses, rather than
looking within ourselves for the answer. We each one of us can today decide to become a chosen
one, you dear reader of this blog, can today choose to become a chosen ONE, by choosing to
look within yourself, and reveal that soul and spirit that dwells therein.
Being called is a metaphor for our pain and suffering,the crisis that is the last straw that brakes
the camels back, when we are up against the wall, with no way out,we can then CHOSE to take
action and change.
In part two will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul realisation.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Paradoxically Energy And Consciousness Enfold Forming Universal Life. P E A C E F U L part two.

A great Indian master, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi born India 1879 and died in 1950, was
once asked the question by a devotee which was"how should we treat others master?"  The master
replied, "There are NO OTHERS". There are no others, if we as human beings understand that
answer, it plainly reveals that we are ALL LIFE, not just some of us, but all of us,so if this is
understood fully, then it reveals that we as humanity are ONE composite WHOLE. To be an
"OTHER" is not only impossible but seeing any human being as OTHER than you, reveal a
great level of ignorance as to whom and what we really are. LIFE equals Energy which equals
consciousness,and there is no OTHER THING in existence anywhere in this universe.All
seven or so billion of us are just ONE LIFE, one whole, humanity is fully and totally connected
and interconnected to each one of 'us there is zero distance from where your energy signature
finishes and mine begins, any idea of separation or being apart from each other human is a
total impossibility and an illusion, that millions of us buy into, because we are ignorant of our
true immortal divine nature.
'WE' are first SPIRIT,that expressed Spirit becomes LIFE in MOTION, motion is spirit clothed
in energy which is enfolded consciousness, enfolded consciousness condenses into light which
then further condenses into matter and material, mankind is at the terminal limit of expressed
living self aware consciousness.Mankind has reached the so called 'tipping point' in its
ascension towards full disclosure of its inner divinity. Over ages past thousands or even
millions have woken up and claimed their inner divine heritage.We are now at a momentous
time in our awareness, the frequency of our energy bodies is gradually rising, and millions of
us around the world are beginning to wake up from our aeonic slumbers, and feel this presence
within themselves.We are all universal explorers of living diversity, being human which really
pertains to our vehicles, that the real being the soul and spirit reside in,is only a minute part
of our other experiences throughout this universe.Time space age, beginnings and endings are
all illusions,we are all actors on this stage of life,here on earth, the problem we all encounter
is that we believe so much in the character we are playing,whether it be a doctor or dustman, nurse
or mother,we become so engrossed in our ROLE, that we forget it just a play on a stage?????
And when we exit stage left (die) that role finishes,and we then move into another ROLE on
the astral realm.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,could you please pass it on to your family and friends Thank You.

Monday 25 May 2020

Paradoxically Energy And Consciousness Enfold Forming Universal Life., P E A C E F U L .

Life in its essence is Absolute and Eternal, It infinitely transcends our human consciousness,
and is Absolutely ALL that is ALL. It is NO-THING and from within it comes ALL-THING.
Life then in its ESSENCE,which here means UNEXPRESSED, and thereby
Motionlessness, unmoved, and ABSOLUTELY NEUTRAL, here relativity and duality do not
exist. At this pointless point the ONE ESSENCE which is LIFE/SPIRIT was just a neutral point
within a VOID which had infinite absolute POTENTIALITY as yet UNREALISED. There was
zero energy,zero consciousness,zero expressed LIFE, zero,zero, zero.Then within the void stirred
an arising INTENTION,this was the POINT of potentiality becoming REALISED, and the
essence of the ABSOLUTE ONE,became the BIRTH of MOTION, that was born from stillness,
This was the birth of the ONE becoming the MANY, and also the birth of a virgin universe that
needed to DRAW from the NEUTRAL state of the ONE, things that we are now familiar with
like that of ENERGY and CONSCIOUSNESS, energy and consciousness are in truth the same
THING, we think we perceive a difference because energy seems to be around us, and
consciousness seems to come from within us, but this is an illusion.Just like time and space are
both illusions.
For life to become presented through many differing dimensions, there needed to be degrees of
embodiment and a coherence factor established to hold the entity in stasis while it gathered its
experiences.This involved the essence of the ONE LIFE becoming expressed laws that would
govern and allow and permit a free range of living expressions to exercise their living expression
to its fullest integrity. The one LIFE playing with energy within multiple levels of existence.
To become fully PEACEFUL, to be fully filled with a deep inner peace, is to know who you really
are.Mankind globally is within the arc of ascension, many souls are now awakening into the
realisation that there is much more to themselves than just this physical shell we all reside in.
We are all Divine Life, energy, consciousness, we have become lost within the maze of matter
we have all been ploughing through for many many life times upon this class room school of
Planet Earth,Its time to reclaim YOUR Divine Inheritance, to fully KNOW and REALISE just
who you really are.
In part Two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you,can you please share this with your friends and family Thankyou.

Sunday 24 May 2020

Vortex Enfolds Host In Consciousness Localising Earthwards. V E H I C L E Part Two.

All presented life is at its source a living flame/fire of the spirit, and we as this collection of
several billion vehicles are no exception to this universal law of Spiritual Consciousness.
We as this collection of what we term humanity, is at the zenith of its arc of ascension, we all have
that vital added ingredient which is our self aware I AM consciousness, this sets us apart from all
other presented life forms.Apart from meaning that we are SELF AWARE,all other expressed life
on Earth is not.Consciousness is by its very nature NON-LOCALE if fact it is ubiquitous and
Infinite in nature, it is present EVERYWHERE within this universe simultaneously.
Because of its both being Absolute and relative at the same time, consciousness NEVER
MOVES, it has no need of motion,because its PRESENT EVERYWHERE.So mankind that
has access to consciousness needs for this universal absolute Constant intelligence, to become
LOCALISED, and what localises this universal constant is the singularity point of reference
of which we all are PRESENTED within,we flow downwards from the Astral realm within
a vortex that condenses consciousness into a singularity point, and this point that has
condensed this ethereal life essence, into what exits this singularity point, which is the yet to
be born I AM Self aware baby,the baby has no self awareness at first,this comes on line when
the infant reaches the point of embryonic egos birth called by many the TERRIBLE TWOS,
tantrums and screaming.
Our consciousness which is by nature universal and ubiquitous, has become super-compressed
which then allows and permits eternal life to be able to become TANGIBLE and enfolded into
a physical body, which then becomes relative instead of life's natural Absolute state, and then
permits this Divine Entity (you and me) to experience duality,cause and effect,positive and
negative,to feel and experience the seemingly very real (illusions) that relative life conjures up
for us.
When we can begin to realise just who and what we really are, which is immortal Divine Souls
partaking on a human vehicle experience, which by each life time we present ourselves HERE
on Earth brings us one more opportunity to make those most vital inner connections, that will
link you up,and connect you to, your real immortal soul,that dwells within you TODAY!
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
if this blog resonates with you dear reader,please share it with your friends and family Thanks.

Saturday 23 May 2020

Vortex Enfolds Host In Consciousness Localising Earthwards.V E H I C L E .

Humanity is basically a vast collection of vehicles which are all here to basically learn to
DRIVE?  Learning how to drive in this context means "going through the motions of endless
reincarnations here within the driving school of Earth which means EXPERIENCING vast
numbers of Experiences which will eventually culminate in that wondrous EUREKA moment
when you realise your DIVINE IDENTITY!"
Each one of us is a point of reference, the point of reference is a singularity point, that holds
our universal life force within a narrow band of expression, that narrow localised band exits
within our I AM self aware consciousness field,located upon this planet Earth.
We are all held here by our higher selves Intentional field, that holds our life energy matrix
within this limited field of reference,in order to gather enough experience to eventually begin
to ask questions as to whom or what you may be, this can and does take many many visits here
to finally make the full connection, join up all the dots, and then see yourself as you really are
which is a Divine eternal spiritual soul.
If you dear reader of this blog,reading this now, and if it in some way,even ever so slightly you
resonate with this blog, then you are about to waken up inner ideas that will bear fruit in your
Humanity flows like a river of life, we flow DOWN from the astral realm in a clockwise
rotation, and are anchored within the singularity point,which is attached in two places the crown
chakra, and the heart chakra.Then when the " Grim Reaper" is summoned and we die (change VENUES) a counterclockwise vortex opens up, and our astral body ascends back into the Astral
realm, and the physical vehicle rots and returns to this Earth where it belongs.
We all flow down into incarnation, gather our experiences,then we flow back up into the Astral
realm, rest there a while, take stock of what we experienced,what were our joys, and sadness?
What could we have done differently? We stay there,until the pull of incarnation beckons us
then we loose consciousness upon the astral plane,and wake up crying as the midwife slaps
your ass!
In part two will explore this further. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this post resonates with you dear reader can you please pass it onto friends and family Thanks.

Friday 22 May 2020

Law Of One Manifesting Internal Neural Gateways. L O O M I N G part Two,

What is looming within mankind is a great awakening into the realisation of just who and
what we really all are made of, and consist of. This process has been called by many as that of ascension, the process of awakening within mankind to their true and immortal nature.
The law of ONE relates to the fact,and a fact it Absolutely IS, even science and quantum
physics agree, that there is just ONE basic universal FORCE, quantum physics calls this the
Unified-Field, Energy, Infinite-Intelligence, Consciousness, LIFE, or just simply SPIRIT!
Mankind is presented within five basic energy level dimensions) the lowest level is that of
being presented within a physical vehicle,we call our bodies(and so many millions of us
wrongly assume that this vehicle, is who we really are, self identifying with your vehicle)
Imagine if we identified ourselves with the car vehicle we drive to work in,what do you think
would happen if you said that FORD car I drive is me you know??
Madness runs deep in this valley of shadows. At our highest level of being we all our what we
all have been eternally, and that is SPIRIT,all life is SPIRIT, it could not be OTHERWISE.
We are all basically SPIRIT BEING, the ONE becoming the MANY, condensed drastically
down from our PURE ENERGY PERFECTION intangible BEINGNESS, leaving the
stillness of Absolute BEING and ENTERING the ROARING FORTIES of relative existence
where the ONE LAW of BEING which is LIGHT is then refracted into seven universal laws
by being bent through the PRISM of Conscious INTENTION.
Our lives upon this teaching school room called Earth, is about us leaning and playing with
ENERGY,the energy of emotions, fear,sadness, joy, happiness, loss, found, death, life, born,
die, beggar man, thief, rich man, poor man, etc etc, we play these roles over multiple lives
and incarnations here in the classroom that eventually leads each SOUL to the FULL KNOWING
of just who and what you really are, which is that of BEING a Divine Immortal SPIRIT that has
a SOUL.The SOUL is your last VEHICLE that we keep,if we exit that last vehicle which is the
immortal divine soul,We would then BURST the BUBBLE of life being expressed, and would
then DISSOLVE totally back into THE ONE ABSOLUTE BEING!
You dear reader of this blog, have the power within you to fully know and realise your full inner
DIVINE NATURE,are you up to this challenge today? In this life time, or will you postpone it to
your next incarnation,into this valley of shadows and tears?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader,can you please pass it on to family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Law Of One Manifesting Internal Neural Gateways. L O O M I N G .

What I feel is LOOMING on a not to far away horizon is a major awakening of mankind
into the full and inner knowing of his/her true immortal identity.It already is trickling into
the self aware consciousness of many today, and this trickle which is basically the very
waters of LIFE,will gradually increase and the flow will quicken, and as we begin to feel
this 'quickening' the awakening momentum will turn into a Tsunami inner knowing wave.
The law of ONE,relates to the FACT that there is only ONE LIFE FORCE within this universe
one ENERGY, ONE INTELLIGENCE, ONE SPIRIT,and all these condense into ONE
ABSOLUTE BEING. And WE as this thing called humanity,(which in truth is but a collection
of seven and a half billion VEHICLES}are all aspects of this ONE LIFE/SPIRIT. We are ALL
eternal facets of the ONE ABSOLUTE JEWEL!
Within our brain which is a biological computer,there exists some 100 billion neurons ,and
each neuron is basically a signal collector,which communicate with one another though
electrochemical processes,there are also electromagnetic frequencies that pass thought our
brain that transcends a wide variety of dimensions,they extend far beyond the physical
plane we a physically fixed within by our physical bodies that hold us firmly in this dimension..
When we look within ourselves, and take up the practice of yoga or meditation, we begin to
gain access to higher and more rapid vibrations,which will if we persist in this practice give
us access to that inner divine faculty which is that of INTUITION, intuition means to be
TAUGHT from WITHIN, when this occurs within YOUR LIFE dear reader as it WILL most
CERTAINLY if you begin regularly looking within yourself, you can then ask this inner small
voice, who are you? Who is this voice of intuition that keeps flashing thoughts and insights
into my mind? If you make the effort and persist in this most noble endeavour you will be well
rewarded by your efforts.
Mankind is a collection of intangible intelligent energy that has coalesced and condensed into
a physical formation,in order for it to experience the experiences of solid feeling tangible beings.
The LAW of ONE is ABSOLUTE, and it has become the MANY and therefore playing the ROLE
of an ACTOR of the stage of RELATIVITY,playing ALL the SEVEN BILLION or so PARTS.
'WE' are all SPIRIT playing with ENERGY, and have forgotten we are in a GAME of LIFE!
In part Two will explore this more.     warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your friends and family Thanks.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Temple Of Man's Body Soul. T O M B S Part Two.

Every human being's physical body is fundamentally and basically a living TEMPLE in
which divinity has anchored an ATOM of its divine SELF which is attached to the crown and
heart Chakras of ALL human beings. This divine presence is within us all,whether we know it or
not,accept it or not,believe it or not, what we think about it or not think about it is totally
irrelevant, universal natural LAW has decreed that once a being like us attains the ability of
"I AM self aware consciousness, then within its inner matrix, the Divine presence will reside
and be available for the human host or vehicle if he or she begins looking within themselves
for the answer to the most fundamental question any human being can ask,which is the question
of WHO AM I ? It matters not whether you are an atheist, whether you belong to any religious
order,or not,nothing which we believe or do not believe matters NOT ONE JOT, whatever
we accept or reject is completely and utterly irrelevant, It like saying that I do NOT ACCEPT
LIFE! Well whether you accept life or not, matters not one JOT to the eternal principle of
LIFE, which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy.
Our temple (physical body) is a HOLY place in Hebrew the word holy means sacred,sanctified,
the old English word 'Halig' means blessing that which is holy (you and me) and there is a
relationship between the word 'holy' and 'whole',if we go within ourselves and find our true
immortal identity, when then automatically become WHOLE and complete.Then our physical
body becomes a self aware TEMPLE, where YOU dear reader of this blog,then begin to
communicate with your higher SELF, which is none other than your very own immortal Divine
Not some Divine Entity that lives in a place called heaven(the word actually means HARMONY)
Heaven is a STATE OF  BEING, and NOT a place of RESIDENCE! You then begin to realise
that DIVINITY is closer to you that your hands and feet,in fact every atom within your body which
number in trillions each contains DIVINITY,YOUR INNER DIVINE presence is ZERO DISTANCE
from you, if you call out for help or in prayer,that INFINITE POWER has ZERO DISTANCE to
reach you dear reader, It is within YOUR HEART ALWAYS. All we need to do is look within
ourselves, and make contact with that inner divine friend that LOVES and ACCEPTS you
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader,then can you please pass it on to family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Temple Of Man's Body Soul. T O M B S .

The word temple comes from the Latin word 'TEMPLUM' which means "consecrated piece of
ground", for me this means quite simply that our human body,which is the temple of our soul
is indeed meaning that wherever we stand,it becomes 'consecrated ground',we are in effect and
in fact mobile temples, we can in truth never leave the temple of our inner soul.
If we can remove the STONE that blocks the entrance to our individual TOMB,we will reveal
an inner truth that will fill you with unbridled joy? The STONE that blocks our entrance into
our inner tomb,is that of IGNORANCE pure and SIMPLE. 
An ancient maxim states that "Madness runs deep,in the valley of shadows" this planet Earth
is the valley of shadows, and madness runs deep within mankind,who seem hell bent of
killing each other for greed and power.We let millions die of hunger, while so many of us
are bloated with obesity, selfishness and blatant greed fuel a obsession for buying "things".
Our temple which was once (W)holy has become ravaged by our gross ignorance of our
true and lasting divine nature. We have all but destroyed our eternal divine nature, by
devouring a pack of rancid and foul lies fostered out by those who like to control their
flocks (sheep}and keep them in eternal slavery and filled with fear and foreboding,instead
of unconditional love and total and absolute acceptance of all mankind as your very own
brother or sister. We fail to see or even KNOW just WHAT WE REALLY ARE, we fail to
that has become condensed from intangible pure living ENERGY and has become congealed
and shaped into form by the INTELLIGENCE that lives within your deep inner matrix,which
is your very own divine immortal SOUL. We are ALL presented (expressed) within a three fold
TRINITY,the first expression is SPIRIT-then SOUL then Human vehicle, the spirit is a
principle, and is eternal,the soul too is a principle which is eternal,the human body is NOT
a principle and will therefore rot and decay,
Mankind has this proverbial stone within its heart, and this stone which represents our gross and
basic ignorance of our eternal Divinity, until we can all look within ourselves and remove this
STONE from our inner temple,and let the light of the spirit enable us to leave our TOMB of
ignorance,and once more step out into the sunlight of full and LASTING -SELF KNOWING!
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 18 May 2020

Intention Condenses Expressing-Consciousness Universally Becomes Enfolded Soul ICE-CUBES Part 2,

'WE' have all condensed from the purity of Spirit or Life Intangible, and have put on the
'cloak' of Matter  to seek out and Experience in the Shadow-Lands of duality,and cause
and effect. Which then becomes this theatre or school yard called planet Earth.
When we took the PLUNGE to lose our universal awareness and perception, and surrender
voluntarily our intangible incorporeal spirit/life essence,which is also the PRESENCE that we
all feel at times,in particular deep emotional and crisis uprisings, we then lost our universal
Absolute awareness and consciousness, we became submerged within physical matter, which
coalesced into a physical flesh and blood being,which had a biological machine and bio logical
computer the brain as a way to gather and understand the experiences we were all ready to
experience, before our departure from pure universal divine spirit/life that we left to seek out
within the unknown!
This descent into matter that we all took,began untold millions of years ago, and we have all had
unimaginable amounts of lives here on Earth, many of you might well say,if that is true,then
why do we not remember these past lives then? That is a very good question, the main reason
we do not remember is exactly the same reason why most of us never remember our dreams
from the night before,because upon wakening a veil comes down on our awareness,and we then
completely forget our dream experiences,unless of course they were exceptionally vivid or scary.
Our past lives are much the same,we almost all completely forget about them, and one reason this
happens is because we tend to focus out wards,and not inwards. When I started meditating over
forty six years ago,I had my first experience of another life time, many of you reading this will also have memories of past lives even if they are somewhat nebulous, they are all etched firmly upon
our higher self aware consciousness.Its just that we do not know or even realise who we really are
that we become hopelessly lost within this material environment, and completely forget our true
divine and immortal nature.Each physical life time we experience presents us all with an
opportunity to make this present life times,the one I find out MY REAL AND Lasting IDENTITY!
This current LIFETIME NOW TODAY, is the one I will look within MY SELF and SEEK OUT
that REAL YOU, that is HIDING behind your facade of FORM!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader cn you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 17 May 2020

Intention Condenses Expressing-Consciousness Universally Becomes Enfolded Soul,,I C E -C U B E S .

That which is spelt out in the title of this blog which reads I C E  C U B E S  directly refers to the whole of humanity, in other words I C E  C U B E S =U S , which then spells out that of
Universal-Souls=US humanity.
Life which is eternally singular, there is no such thing as a plural existing in LIFE, but life can
and is expressed in billions and trillions of different ways.We as this thing called humanity are
all indeed seven and a half billion expressions of this ONE LIFE PRINCIPAL, and we are
all expressed as divine immortal souls,who have forgotten their divine immortal heritage and
become lost in the wilderness of duality and material entanglement, which incorrectly then
informs us that all we are is this physical vehicle, although we fail to see the body as a vehicle
and therefore choose to see the physical body as who you are, your "I AM" self aware being
becomes lost in a wilderness a miasmic swamp of bewildering and conflicting beliefs and ideas.
We are all divine immortal souls,we are eternal spirit which equates exactly with life,life and
spirit are exactly the same thing,often expressed in differing ways but still only ONE reality.
Our INTENTION long ago was to coalesce and condense so that we could experience
TANGIBILITY, and also to become INFORMED which means to enfold energy around
a central point,then condense this energy by lowering its vibration rate so that the invisible
life principle becomes enfolded by a physical vehicle, which is basically what we all our now.
We need to try and grasp the reality that we have never EVER been out of EXISTENCE, being
eternal beings as we all ARE, means very simply that YOU dear reader of this blog, have
always been alive,and so have I.All LIFE transcends both ALPHA and OMEGA, the first and
the last.But because of our gross ignorance of our eternal reality, we use those words that strike
FEAR and PANIC and foreboding within us,which is this word Death, there is no such a thing
in EXISTENCE that has EVER DIED period! all Existence is eternal, existence equals ENERGY
and even science admits that energy cannot EVER be destroyed!!!!! It can only ever be converted
into some other expression,So when you DIE (CHANGE VENUES) you then EXIT your physical
VEHICLE,and are then re converted into your ASTRAL BODY, and then carry on living as before
the only major difference is another dimension which is astral,rather than dense physical.
In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader can you then pass it on to your friends and family Thanks.

Saturday 16 May 2020

Ascension Raising Conscious Humanity A R C H Part Two.

We as this collective which is termed as humanity, spend many many life times sifting through
and experiencing a vast array of differing experiences, this can be seen as us going through
the motions,this term means basically that within each particular lifetime we are experiencing
we will go in a direction that is being lead by our inner impulses plus the added input of our
parents and friends. We have all been beggars, robbers, thieves, murderers, liars, cheats,rich
and poor, male and female,we have all betrayed the trusts of loved ones and families,had
great power over others,have pursued  all the virtues and vices with a gusto.
Now. here and now we find ourselves conscious and informed again (having a physical body)
within an age where information is at all our fingertips, got a question? Just ask Goggle! Or any
other search engine. If you are not sure who you are,ask the internet,ask the question,who am I ?
I AM what exactly? Am I just this physical shell? Just a biological physical machine, with a biological computer called the brain? What will happen to you dear reader of this blog,if you
seriously sat down quietly on your own, and asked YOUR-SELF the question, Who and what
am "I" really? Suppose the answer came back as "I" don't know! Well then what options would
be available to you to find out? You could ask Google or some other search engine,or you could
say to your-self is there really any more to ME than just this vehicle of a body? If you are really
sincere in your asking, you might just get a very valuable insight into your true identity.
Ascension means to rise up in our conscious awareness and inner perceptions, and rising up
also means that the frequencies of our life energies begin to become more rapid and cohesive
which then directly impacts upon our consciousness, which will then expand which will
mean that we will suddenly begin to gain insights to factors of life that were completely
unknown to us before this rise in awareness began.
We will begin to become acquainted with a new dimension that opens up within us,this
new dimension will be what is commonly called "INTUITION" and this word basically means
TO BE TAUGHT FROM WITHIN, which then poses the question, who is this TEACHER that
is teaching me from within myself??? I will leave that answer for you to answer dear reader of this
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you dear reader,can you please pass it on to friends and family.Thanks.

Friday 15 May 2020

Ascension Raising Conscious Humanity. A R C H .

Mankind now stands on the cusp of a new dawn that is breaking within the awareness and perceptions of so many human beings.The arc of ascension has also been called that of evolution
however,the upward curve of humanities consciousness expansion is now becoming somewhat
steeper in its incline, this is inline with natural periods occurring within universal cycles of
expansion and contraction of expressed life.
The human shell or vehicle is now beginning to expand into a more perceptive and more
sensitive phase of its expressing mode.This arising sensitivity within, and the inner feelings
that there must be more to LIFE than THIS, and a feeling,an inner dawning that I AM more
than just this physical body.There is much talk particularly on the internet about the word
ASCENSION and what this really means,Basically what ascension means,is that you
individually or collectively begin the process of WAKING UP, from a SLUMBER that
you have been in for centuries, while you explored many lifetimes and had vast numbers of
experiences, that have finally culminated in this YOUR CURRENT INCARNATION to
be the one where you literally joined up all the dots, and this then revealed to your somewhat
startled aware consciousness, that the REAL YOU,that lies beneath this FACADE of FORM
is in FACT a divine immortal SOUL.
Ascension literally means and spells out the injunction that the ancient Greeks put on their
temple entrance of Apollo in Delphi which said MAN KNOW THYSELF! Because when you
FULLY and Comprehensively know exactly who YOU are dear reader of this blog,  you will
know that beneath the facade of form that is the vehicle that holds that wholly matrix the soul
in a cohesive embrace lies the real owner of that most powerful two words which are "I AM'
I AM is the real inner YOU, that outer form is the vehicle which in needed to permit  entry into
this physical realm  of your soul.
We are all very fortunate to be in a time where we have so much information available to us
via the internet and other outlets, just a few years ago souls struggled to awaken alone and
somewhat isolated, today we are more connected, and can be grateful for that.
In part two will look more into this        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you,can you please pass it on to your friends and family, Thank you.

Thursday 14 May 2020

We Holistically Our Life/Love Expressed. W H O L E Part Two.

Within mankind there exists within tens of millions of us a state of inner emptiness a sense
of being incomplete as though something was missing,that missing ingredient that would
restore us to a state of wholeness and inner fulfilment. There exists a chasm within many a
what could be likened to a "HOLE IN THE SOUL" this empty inner feeling of incompleteness
is a hungry beast, and it demands feeding to try and fill this 'hole inside' no matter how much
we feed this addiction or obsession, which reveals itself as that of alcoholism,drug addiction,
sex addiction, plus all manner of compulsive disorders as well, it is a totally futile act,and
can only end in utter and total despair,unless there occurs a major upheaval and emotional
change that bring a moment of clarity to the troubled and confused mind. what is missing
from this state of a vast chasm or HOLE within you is the addition of the letter W when that
letter is added to your inner emptiness it then becomes a new word which leads to
WHOLENESS, the added W stand for the word WISDOM, when wisdom is added to a
state of confusion and despair it being clarity and within the clarity surfacing within your
mind,comes a way out and an opportunity to regain control of your life,and arrest that
addiction or compulsive disorder.
We need to try and understand that what we all need is to fully know who we are, and until we
begin some sort of inner searching,we will never be complete and whole. All the illnesses and
addictions that kill millions of us every year world wide are all somewhat vain attempts to
discover what is missing in our lives. The answer is very simple,even a CHILD could
understand it, what is missing in ALL OUR LIVES is the FULL REALISATION of who
you ACTUALLY ARE! And until we all know who we really are,then there will always ensue
a inner state of INCOMPLETENESS. Which then demands some form of action to remedy this
inner chasm that exists within tens of millions of us at this very moment. This then will lead us
back to behaviour that can cause us endless pain. 'Man Know Thyself' was written centuries ago
over the entrance of the temple of Apollo in ancient Greece, Know thyself and be FREE! One way
of knowing ourselves is through the science and wisdom of meditation which will help us to discern
inner qualities and relationships ,it will give us the gift of INSIGHT.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
In this blog resonates with you,please pass it on to your family and friends. Thank You.

Wednesday 13 May 2020

We Holistically Our Life/Love Expressed. W H O L E .

I use the word holistically in this blog,as defined by philosophy as,"as a way that is characterised
by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by
reference to the Whole".
What actually is humanity? What is its inner nature? We can all see the outer shape and form
and see these shapes and forms 'going through the motions',but what actually lies beneath
the surface of SHAPE and FORM? Life that is unexpressed is invisible and largely unknown
by us, but when life takes on expression, in other words becomes dense and materialised as
a physical thing,we can see it and relate to it.Humanity as a whole only exists as a relative
temporal reality, in universal terms and in absolute truth and reality,mankind is NONE
EXISTENT! We have all been lead to believe over a very long time a complete and utter
fallacy.What humanity actually IS, is a collection of seven and a half billion VEHICLES
or perhaps more correctly termed as physical containers that have encapsulated the real
being,which is the divine immortal soul,so that it can experience duality and the illusion of
being apart from the whole. You car is a vehicle when you drive it you are a vehicle moved
into another vehicle in order to reach your chosen destination. The only real difference between
the two,is that with your car,you do not identify with is as being YOU!! But you physical body
vehicle, you mistakenly identify as being who you really are! Is this then a case of mistaken
identity,madness, or just plain ignorance?
We live in a physical vehicle and because of what we have been told, we accept this lie and
therefore often suffer in ignorance as to our true immortal and wholly whole being,
Mankind can be seen as a vast collection of mirrors we each reflect upon each other, if we see
some aspect in another being, the only REASON we are able to see this aspect of being or
behaviour is because it is PRESENT within US, if we see resentment or selfishness we too
have that within ourselves.Our lives on Earth is reflected back to us by our fellow beings we
are like in a vast hall of mirrors,each one of us shows the other observer just who and what we are
like, and I kind and loving,sad or miserable,vain and cocksure,all these expressions show us who
we are,and further what we can become also.
In part two will explore this further,       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,can you please pass it on to your friends and Family, Thank you.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

One Power Translating Source. O P T S Part Two.

We all are Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy which spells out the word LIFE, every human
being is an expression of life, what does that actually mean? If we take on board the premise
that there is but ONE POWER in the universe,and science and the ageless wisdom both agree
to this premise, then if we accept this as a fact,which certainly seems to be the case,then we are
left with certain conundrums that arise from this ONE SOLE POWER. Like the word LIFE for
instance,for if there is only ONE LIFE,one ENERGY, ONE force,then by that very premise
or rather principle there can be no such a thing as being UN-ALIVE, because all that exists is
by the very nature of being ENERGY/POWER, and if we recall that modern day science
confirms wholeheartedly that energy cannot ever be destroyed, only ever converted,making
energy/power eternal principles. So what does that suggest about the word death then? It
suggests vert strongly that the word death is totally meaningless and is an illusion that we
have all been suckered into because of our ignorance of reality and superstitious fallacies.
We are all LIFE, which means that we are all Living-Intelligent-Focused-ENERGY,and
energy as we have seen and science agrees with cannot EVER be DESTROYED only
CONVERTED, so when we DIE,which we call DEATH (which really means change venues)
We are all withdrawn from our physical body,and are then move into our astral Body,which is
an automatic process,and are then CONVERTED out of the physical realm and emerge into
the astral realm.We have all been within this process for thousands of years, and have all
experienced this process countless times,but the majority of us forget where we have all come
from,some do remember past lives, some do not,perhaps this blog will bring out a distant memory
of yours from another life.
It might seem rather strange to you but in reality EVERYTHING in the UNIVERSE is ALIVE
and that includes the pebbles that are on the beach, a grain of sand,the Earth and planet we all live
on,the mountains,the rivers, the oceans,the air you breathe,we would not last long without the
element of air,would we? The word death is a meaningless word that describes something that does
not and can not EXIST within REALITY!!!! Now  I am not suggesting that because we lose a loved
one who passes away,and this cause us to feel loss and heartache of course it is perfectly natural and
normal to feel the sudden lose of a loved one,their physical body will rot and decay yes it will, but
your loved one and YOU yourself are NOT the physical BODY, that is just a VEHICLE that the
soul uses to gain experience here. They may well have disappeared from your physical sight,but
in truth they are STILL very much ALIVE in the astral Realm, so rejoice and be happy for them
after you have shed some heartfelt tears.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,then please pass it on to friends and family Thanks You.

Monday 11 May 2020

One Power Translating Source. O P T S

Science of today is somewhat grudgingly accepting what the ageless wisdom has known
for tens of thousands of years,that in essence there is only ONE PRIMORDIAL POWER
that exists within this universe, or any other one.
That one power originates within the Absolute,and then translates into this relative universe
by the POWER of the WILL to BE.That will to Be, manifests MOTION from stillness, and
motion is THE ONE POWER.
Because outwardly we are expressed as relative human beings, inwardly the deeper we go
beyond the astral realm, we are then far 'closer to absolute,than we are relative' there we see
one life,one source,one thing,here we imagine many many different things, yet if we look
deeply into any other thing, we will see this one infinite power looking back at us.
Because we are somewhat mesmerised by our submergence within duality, we see things as
black and white,with a few shades of grey. We are caught up in the illusion that there are at
least TWO POWERS, one is the power of GOOD, and the other is the power of EVIL, and
we are somewhat hooked into the belief that these two supposedly opposing forces are in a
state of eternal battle with each other.
The reality is that there is just ONE POWER within this universe and that one POWER for
want of a better word is that of unconditional love and acceptance. The power of LOVE is
ABSOLUTE and eternal, it can be likened to that of graph at one end of the graph there is
what we term as evil,and this evil has many shades some far darker than other, at the other
end of the graph we have more and more shades of love,kindness, compassion, right up to
that of unconditional love. But both of these aspects whether termed good or evil. are both
coming from the very same ONE POWER SOURCE!
We are all accustomed to living within this relative state where we are presented with what
seems to be an endless chain of pluralities, we see things rather than thing,The letter S if we
were to join it up to form the number 8 which when laid on its side is the symbol for
INFINITY will give us a clue about the true nature of there being only ONE, there is no
such a thing in existence that is called LIFE'S there is only ever ONE LIFE singular, never
In part two will explore this further,      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.

Sunday 10 May 2020

Waters Of Life Fire. W O L F Part Two.

Fire is the element that will eventually consume our ignorance,it will burn away the dross and
the false assumptions we cling to,and finally release us all from the wheel of Karma(cause
and effect) which by the nature of our ignorance of reality results in our endless cycles of
reincarnation,going down to Earth,which means that we then need the ingredients to make
a physical body, so the elements which all flow out of the primal Element which is FIRE
offer their services as requested by the indwelling divinity so that Fire,Air.Water,and Earth,
all combine together to INFORM a living physical vehicle,which automatically coalesces
immediately the sperm is absorbed into the female egg,at that point the fifth element
descends (lowered vibration) which is sometimes referred to as the ethereal realm,or ether,
this co-joining of the two aspects of the male seed and the female egg,which is a duality,
suddenly with the fifth element added this makes a trinity and this three fold union results
in the quickening where the vehicle to become flames into action,which is cell replication.
At the back of all elements lies intelligence,an intelligence far above that of humanity,yet
we fail to see and even understand this what we often refer to as NATURE. Nature is
supreme intelligence, and we too have this inner potential which is limitless,it is only
limited by our ignorance of the true immortal nature of mankind. If we open our hearts
and open our minds,and look within ourselves,we will see and feel a magnetic attraction
that lies within the whole of humanity, if you just follow this inner magnetic pulse it will
eventually lead you to the point of FULL SELF KNOWING, then you will have awoken
into the true nature of whom you really are,the beauty of this reality will naturally dawn upon
your somewhat startled consciousness and awareness, and you do not have to take MY WORD
on this,NO indeed NOT,you will then at least take YOUR VERY OWN WORD, when you
look within YOURSELF and find that truth that I have been mentioning for over forty years
now,in various outlets and blogs.Fire is the primordial intelligence that has birthed untold
trillions of living vehicles over billions of years, it is the spirit of motion that became the
living waters of expressed Life
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,then please pass it onto your family and friends Thankyou.

Saturday 9 May 2020

Waters Of Life Fire. W O L F .

Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, does this then produce a molecule of water?
The answer in NO it does not,because something,a vital ingredient is missing and that vital
ingredient is fire,or a spark that will act as the energy boost and combine hydrogen and oxygen
together to create a molecule of water.Science with all its advances cannot even create one
molecule of water,but nature far transcends science and has been producing this vital liquid
for billions of years.Our bodies are made up of seventy per cent water, which coincidentally
this planet is also covered in water by seventy percent?
Fire is the source of all water,water could not exist without the fire element,the fire element
is primordial,it existed the moment this universe was conceived by that causeless cause the
Absolute IDEA of manifesting MOTION from motionlessness.When fire condenses,first it
condenses into air,then water,and finally into EARTH.
We as human beings are made of condensed fire which is being expressed as a physical body,
our emotions can erupt violently within us when we are enraged with anger,this is the
alchemical fire burning within us,which produces much heat and makes your face bright RED.
The absolute root of FIRE which stands for Force-Infinite-Relatively-Expressed, is that of
SPIRIT, when spirit enters the domain of MOTION,it coalesces into FIRE and fire is the
relative force that underpins ALL expressed LIFE universally.
Fire is the source of all life, and from fire we get,consciousness,consciousness holistically
is emergent fire, which condenses and provides a physical body, and clothes it with seventy
per cent of itself expressed as water.Water is consciousness in liquid form,it has memory, it has
intelligence,it cannot ever be destroyed,because being energy it is eternal,the same as humanity
is all eternal beings,its just that many of us are still asleep and fail to recognise the reality of what
and WHO we really are.Fire exists in every dimension,there in no where in the universe where it
is absent from,it is the SOURCE of ALL LIFE, it can be like a star burning with a heat beyond
our immortal comprehension, or it can burn with a COLD FLAME, it provides us with a body
so that our inner DIVINITY can descend into this low level of existence, and experience the
feelings of emotions enfolded within a physical substance,the human body.
In part two will explore this further.       warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,please pass it on to your friends and Family Thank you.

Friday 8 May 2020

Waves Of Motion Begets Souls, W O M B S Part Two.

The waves of motion that begets souls are the wave of life being expressed within a condensed
I AM self aware field.This field flows incessantly throughout the entire expression of what we
call Humanity. The current of this flow never ceases although the 'apparent velocity' of its
motions through the expressed form (us) does ease down in certain conditions.The evolution
of mankind is relentless,we are in a way what could be seen as that of an escalator which runs
continuously going down which equals birth, and going up which equals death. When we go
up,we leave and exit that vehicle,and meld or merge into our astral vehicle,where we then seem
to get of the escalator,and adjust ourselves to this realm, which is NOT that DIFFICULT as you
have been all visiting this realm every night while incarnated upon the Earth,your conscious
memory forgets these sojourns minutes after you awaken,but your subconscious mind remembers
it totally,and you have access to this when you fully waken within the astral realm.
Sleep has long been seen as first cousin of death, we die every night and phase out of the
physical realm,and phase into the astral realm, this occurs every night of your life here on Earth
so by the time the real thing (death)  arrives at your door, you will exit your physical vehicle and
move seamlessly into the astral realm of which you are well familiar with already.
We need now as the collective life force of humanity to begin looking deeper into this I AM
self aware consciousness, the I AM self awareness is just the beginning of a process that will
ultimately reveal to that startled soul the true NATURE of what LIES within your inner 
BEING. Throughout the past thousands of years untold souls have awoken into their true
inner divine eternal nature.Many of those souls have left their legacy in writings and text that
inform us who we really are,those ancient ones were often alone when they awoke, here and there
over the ages souls woke up. Now at this time we have arrived in an age of mass communication
and we can access this information about our true everlasting immortal nature. So the next stage
of awakening is in seeing that we are FAR FAR MORE than just being HUMAN. We are all
DIVINE,so instead of the prefix I AM Human being, we can also add the next phase of our
evolution and say that I AM AN IMMORTAL SOUL, having a HUMAN EXPERIENCE!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,please pass it onto your friends and family.Thanks.

Thursday 7 May 2020

Waves Of Motion Begets Souls. W O M B S .

The whole of humanity flows in and out of expression from the astral plane to the physical
plane in one continues standing wave formation. We  all are what science says is totally
impossible to occur,and that is shadows that have substance, we are all basically solid light
which has congealed and set into flesh and blood material. Mankind is a living SHADOW of
what mankind actually is,shadows cast into substance by the indwelling divinity that is the
inner spiritual light of mankind.
Our whole history as humans,spanning back far into our evolutionary cycle,actually began
when we obtained that magic ingredient which was our 'I AM self consciousness field of
KNOWING SELF, This self knowing field of expanded consciousness represented by those
two majestic and divine words of 'I AM' actually MEAN the descent of divinity into FORM
which basically means that divinity is being expressed within a human body, however the
reason why we are all riding this continues standing life WAVE, which deposits us here on
Earth for a spell,then whisks us back up to the Astral plane for another spell,then back down
here again, is because we all fail to fully recognise the existence of this divinity that resides
within us,closer than our hands and feet!!
The question we can all perhaps ask ourselves is this, how many times have I got to enter and
exit the womb,before I make this most vital connection?
Light is the real essence of Everything ,this Earth is not "Earth" as we see it,it is Light.
Our material existence is only a 'shadow' of that higher finer dimension of reality.
When our standing wave is on the up phase,we exit our vehicles (die physically,but NOT
spiritually) and ascend into the astral realm, where we will begin a period of adjustment and
take stock of our last visit here, then rest and relax a while. When the standing life wave is
facing downwards(here the word downwards denotes the lowering of vibration) then when
this occurs, we fall into an unconscious state, (astral sleep)  The ancient Greeks called this
the journey across the river Styx the river of forgetfulness.we then plunge Earthwards into the
place where we are about to be conceived,then as the sperm of the male enters the egg of the
female,which makes a duality,then you enter into this duality and transmute this into a Trinity
This is the time called the quickening, and from that moment on the child is with soul.
In part Two will explore this further.        warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you, can you please pass it on to friends and family  Thnakyou.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Seeking Expression Experiencing Relativity-Soul Enfolds Living Form. S E E R -S E L F .Part Two.

We are all life flowing along an endless chain that stretches back to an unimaginable period
so long ago,that the awakened mind reels in astonishment at the journey it has been
participating in.
So much of our journey has been unconsciously made and experienced, we are now at a point
in our particular unfolding,where we have the faculty of 'I AM self aware consciousness, we all
know that we know, and are all self aware. This is a remarkable time period we are all in at this
time of global connectivity and the internet. Many of those within humanity this very day, are
now beginning to open out this I AM self aware consciousness, and thereby beginning to next
stage of our unfolding inner life PRINCIPLE,this principle is that of the eternal LIFE principle
that lies within the inner matrix of every human BEING. At present this Divine ATOM that lies
within the deep unconsciousness of all life,is almost completely unknown by millions of us.
This gradual awakening into the full realisation of who we really are,is being accelerated by
the very nature of our now global connectivity and the internet which has hundred of videos
which reveal our hidden inner divine true nature.
The next stage of awakening which is the following on from our I AM self aware consciousness
is the inner stage of us becoming the SEER of the seen and the unseen,this is achieved by going
within ourselves and listening to that still small voice,the same inner voice that offers you words
of comfort and reassurance when you are in a crisis situation. This inner intuition and insightful
ideas that flash into your consciousness, are the inner voice of your higher-self the immortal divine
soul. When we can gradually become the SEER along the pathway of expanded consciousness
we will then become aware that we are gradually becoming cognisant of our REAL SELF, this
SELF transcends the erected boundaries that we have placed around ourselves, and we begin to
see the real and infinite nature of what LIFE actually IS.
Humanity is gradually moving along and into the next stage of evolving into where we ascend the
lower level of our I AM self aware consciousness, and rising gradually into the next phase of
expression, which is to become SEERS of both the SEEN and the UNSEEN.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,please pass it on to your friends and family,Thankyou.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Seeking Expression Experiencing Relativity-Soul Enfolds Living Form, S E E R -S E L F .

We are the seeker who has been urged by an irresistible force to experience expression here
upon this Earth plane, this irresistible force is often called evolution,where the life form (us)
is carried along this infinite conveyor belt, which gradually ascends towards a time where we
will all know by becoming SEERS of the unseen, and expanding our consciousness to reach
Our gaze in this age of expression is almost totally focused outward, as we are obsessed by
electronic gadgets,smart phones are the worst,because they demand your attention 24/7 at
times, smart phone gazing,is in effect reducing your "smartness" and actually dumbing down
our inner perceptions and awareness.We are rapidly becoming seers of only one perspective
and that is out there in la la land! The true seers of ancient times saw what was within their
inner being,that which was centred in the astral light,rather than the neon light of gadgets.
Untold millions of us are totally unbalanced, who have just a single focused gaze, and that is
outward from birth till the grave for millions of us.We are all DUAL based entities, we are not
single sighted beings, dual based life form,in PARTICULAR human beings have an inbuilt
NEED to look within themselves, and if this never occurs,the results are illness and disease,
which can manifest in many ways, plus this imbalance of dual based sight,inner and outer,
brings also mental and emotional problems.
We are not born here on Earth for a holiday,a vacation from more inclusive spiritual
communion.We are born here for ONE MAIN reason, and that main reason is for each one
of us to become SEERS of the SELF that resides within each one of us.The way we become
SEERS who will eventually seek out and reveal the inner SELF, is by undergoing vast amounts
of experiences over innumerable life times incarnating here on Earth. We can consciously begin
this journey by going within ourselves by either taking up yoga or meditation, and then embark
on a journey that will bring you enlightenment and an expansion of conscious perceptions and
inner awareness.Millions of us fail to see and even understand what exactly LIFE really is.
We may well know we are alive, which is self evident, but what actually is this ALIVENESS that
we also call LIFE,do we really know what LIFE actually IS?
Will continue this in part two,       warmest regards Michael,
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail .com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates with you,please share it with friends and family.

Monday 4 May 2020

Only No-Thing Expressed. O N E Part Two.

Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy.spells out the word LIFE, and in that context all that exists
within this relative universe is LIFE, therefore the only EXISTENT reality in our universe is
that of LIFE, and that thing called LIFE is both Absolute and relative simultaneously, this is
easily explained when we look first at the expression, that which is being expressed has like
in our case being human beings, a visible physical structure,the human body is the Relative
outer physical phenomena,  of life, there is though an inner invisible noumena the inner
essence of LIFE, some may call this the spirit or the soul,both terms mean life anyway,and
this inner invisible essence of life is therefore ABSOLUTE and ETERNAL.
Life universally and life in particular within us human beings, is in fact the reality of nothing
being expressed, to break down this conundrum further the word nothing can be seen as reading
NO-THING no-thing is being expressed anywhere, rather what is being expressed universally
and uniformly is more correctly seen as the ALL-THING, when we realise fully that there is
ONLY LIFE in existence,that the word death and non-existent are just meaningless nonsense
we will begin to see the majesty and awesome wonder of LIFE.
If there is just ONE THING in EXISTENCE which is in fact the case, this one THING you
can call it what you like, because ALL NAMES abide within the Absolute,This ONE THING
lets call it LIFE,this then becomes an Absolute Principle,in fact it is the ONLY PRINCIPLE
in existence! Because zero no-thing else exists but IT!  Life then becomes just that which 'IS'
Absolutely and relatively the ALL-THING and the ONLY THING in existence.
We as that of Humanity are all beginning to wake up and see ourselves as that of being much
more than we first thought, many of us see that we are all divine souls having a human
experience here on Earth We are beginning to see how we are all connected to each other, an
invisible connection links us all together into one composite Whole, which is LIFE.
If we can but recast our gaze from forever looking OUT THERE, and instead begin to
look within ourselves, we will then be well on our way of connecting to higher energy levels
of consciousness,which will in turn reveal more to you about who you really are.
Warmest regards Michael.  any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
if any of this resonates within you please pass it on to friends and family  thank you.

Sunday 3 May 2020

Only No-Thing Expressed. O N E .

Life being expressed has infinite avenues of diversity to explore,and these avenues are being
expressed universally within the limitless parameters of infinity. There is however  a
constant principle that is eternally present within this limitless expressions of life,and that
constant principle is the all LIFE is ONE of the SAME THING.
Perhaps billions of expressions of life, but underneath the outer form and shape of the presented
creature or thing is the very same living energy signature.
We as this thing called humanity are no different, we condense from seven and a half billions
human beings into JUST ONE LIFE, there is no such a thing in existence that has a plural
nature, there is no such a thing as LIFE'S,only LIFE singular exists ANYWHERE in this
universe,or any other.
Humanity could be seen as NOTHING being Expressed? NO-THING but maybe the ALL
THING! The ALL-THING would then reveal itself as LIFE, which is as we know just ONE
universal FORCE.All seven billion of us have evolved from ONE SOURCE which is life
being expressed, as what we all term to be humanity.We are all joined at the hip so to speak by
the infinite and absolute nature of this wondrous eternal immutable principle we call life,some
of us would also call this immutable principle GOD, or ALLAH, or Brahman,Jehovah, Infinite
Intelligence, it matters not one jot what we all call this absolute principle called life,whatever
suits us is what is real,the infinite power has no personal name.
We are all,expressing nothing and therefore trying to make sense of this so called "riddle of life"
One simple way to try and answer the riddle of life,is to look to where we are able to be conscious
that we are actually alive,and have this divine faculty of self awareness, our I AM consciousness
if we use our I AM self aware consciousness,to begin looking within ourselves,then we will be well
on our way to solving the riddle of life.
Life is a form of consciousness, by going within ourselves we begin to SEE and FEEL and become
AWARE of our connections to EVERY-THING in this UNIVERSE, when we SEE and FEEL and
become SELF AWARE of this FACT, a new dawning will begin breaking upon your inner self.
In part two will explore this further.      warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 2 May 2020

All Truth Occultly Manifests In Consciousness. A T O M I C Part Two,

Because humanity is presented within a relative outer physical vehicle (human body) our
concepts of truth also present as that of being relative,which means that all of our ideas of
what we think truth actually is,will always CHANGE as our inner perceptions expand and
become more inclusive and all embracing. Relative truth is NOT absolute truth, because
absolute truth is forever eternally TRUE and NEVER EVER CHANGES! We all embody this
reality,outwardly we are all relative beings, therefore we grow old and then exit our physical
vehicles (which we mistakenly call death) and move onto another dimension the astral realm
where we rest up,adjust ourselves as best we can, then after a while, which may be days here
on Earth, or years,or even centuries in some cases,we reincarnate back here on Earth,and look
again at who we think we really are?  Inwardly we are all eternal beings, we transcend this
relative universe,which in truth is just a veil a garment thrown over the absolute, and we are
ALL immortal BEING. There is NO plurality in BEING ultimately,and absolutely. there are
no BEINGS as in plural, just BEING as in singular. That truth is that ONE is ALL and that
ALL is ONE. And that ultimate absolute Truth has never changed and will never change.
We as human beings, are ALL that ONE, we are atomically presented in what appears to be
a physical being, but appearances can be very deceptive! We are all enclosed within an atomic
embrace that has condensed and coalesced into what we term are flesh and blood,a biological
machine in fact,with a biological computer called the brain.This physical body which is the
most dense and gross expression of our full expression signature,there are basically five
sheaths of expression within each one of us,each 'Body' getting finer and less gross as its ascends
the dimensional ladder to WHOLENESS. Embedded within each one of us is an ATOM unlike
any OTHER, this ATOM for want of a better word can be seen as a DIVINE ATOM, and
unlike the countless trillions of other 'ordinary atoms' and also different from the subatomic
particles as well,this Divine Atom is singular, there is but ONE!  And we as this thing called
humanity each have vouchsafed with the core of our being, ONE DIVINE ATOM, that will
act as a homing BEACON slowly pulsating and throbbing through your soul and higher self.
We are never left alone, or ever forsaken,we do indeed feel this at times, but if we look within
our hearts, and just feel that power that lies within you, the PRESENCE is within us all.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 1 May 2020

All Truth Occultly Manifests In Consciousness. A T O M I C.

The word occult meaning used in this blog means this,'hidden,mysterious' obscure'secret'  and has
absolutely nothing to do with black magic,or any other nonsense like that. All truth is hidden
(occult) from us by our own ignorance,and lack of insight into what is, and what is not. An
old occult maxim states that "all truth is hidden in plain sight, and we see it not" What is it
we do not see,that is hidden in plain sight? The answer is really  very simple, a child could
easily see it, what is hidden in plain sight from us all, that the Buddha recognised when he
sat under the tree and picked up a leaf,studied it intensely was the connections that everything
is connected to everything else absolutely.The leaf was connected to the tree,the tree was
connected to the Earth,to the sky, to the birds that sat in its branches,and also that he was also
connected to the tree, as he was life,and so was the tree life.If we can make the connections we
will then see the bigger picture, no-thing in existence anywhere in the universe is unconnected
from the WHOLE, that CANNOT EVER OCCUR anywhere universally period.
What is truth? We have asked that question for thousands of years,philosophers have pondered
upon truth and its fullest meaning.One thing we can know regarding truth is that it can NEVER
CHANGE AT ALL,else if it did it would not be truth, because to be truth it must be transcendent
of all time (as time is an illusion anyway), and in fact be ETERNAL,all truth has to be ETERNAL
all else cannot be truth, partial truth in not truth! would you want to stake your life upon a partial
truth, that may change its mind? Or would you sooner place your faith and trust into that which
would never change for the whole of eternity!
We are all atomic beings,what does this actually mean? It means that as a physical relative flesh
and bone body we are made up of countless trillions of individual atoms that all obey a coherent
field of intelligent energy,this intelligent energy is the LIFE FORCE consciousness  that swirls
around our energy matrix in a vortex field of intensified life force capturing within its vorticial
flow your I AM self aware  consciousness point of reference, which exits into this physicality
domain and is anchored within two points the heart and head chakra. Atoms vary depending
upon  the dimension they are being expressed in, alond with the so called physical atom, we also have
ethereal atoms, astral atoms,and within us all we have the presence of ONE DIVINE ATOM.which
I will venture into more deeply in part two,  warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.