Saturday 2 May 2020

All Truth Occultly Manifests In Consciousness. A T O M I C Part Two,

Because humanity is presented within a relative outer physical vehicle (human body) our
concepts of truth also present as that of being relative,which means that all of our ideas of
what we think truth actually is,will always CHANGE as our inner perceptions expand and
become more inclusive and all embracing. Relative truth is NOT absolute truth, because
absolute truth is forever eternally TRUE and NEVER EVER CHANGES! We all embody this
reality,outwardly we are all relative beings, therefore we grow old and then exit our physical
vehicles (which we mistakenly call death) and move onto another dimension the astral realm
where we rest up,adjust ourselves as best we can, then after a while, which may be days here
on Earth, or years,or even centuries in some cases,we reincarnate back here on Earth,and look
again at who we think we really are?  Inwardly we are all eternal beings, we transcend this
relative universe,which in truth is just a veil a garment thrown over the absolute, and we are
ALL immortal BEING. There is NO plurality in BEING ultimately,and absolutely. there are
no BEINGS as in plural, just BEING as in singular. That truth is that ONE is ALL and that
ALL is ONE. And that ultimate absolute Truth has never changed and will never change.
We as human beings, are ALL that ONE, we are atomically presented in what appears to be
a physical being, but appearances can be very deceptive! We are all enclosed within an atomic
embrace that has condensed and coalesced into what we term are flesh and blood,a biological
machine in fact,with a biological computer called the brain.This physical body which is the
most dense and gross expression of our full expression signature,there are basically five
sheaths of expression within each one of us,each 'Body' getting finer and less gross as its ascends
the dimensional ladder to WHOLENESS. Embedded within each one of us is an ATOM unlike
any OTHER, this ATOM for want of a better word can be seen as a DIVINE ATOM, and
unlike the countless trillions of other 'ordinary atoms' and also different from the subatomic
particles as well,this Divine Atom is singular, there is but ONE!  And we as this thing called
humanity each have vouchsafed with the core of our being, ONE DIVINE ATOM, that will
act as a homing BEACON slowly pulsating and throbbing through your soul and higher self.
We are never left alone, or ever forsaken,we do indeed feel this at times, but if we look within
our hearts, and just feel that power that lies within you, the PRESENCE is within us all.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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